Introductory Functional Analysis & Topology
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MSS415 |
Introductory Numerical Methods
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MAT382 |
Mathematical Software Laboratory
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MSS381 |
Pelaburan Sekuriti dan Pengurusan Portfolio
School of Management, Main Campus |
AFW369E |
Abnormal Psychology
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
STU 244/4 |
Abnormal Psychology
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTP212/2 |
Abnormal Psychology
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
STU 244/4 |
Abnormal Psychology
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
STU 244 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan |
Academic Exercise
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SAU498/6 |
Academic Exercise
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SBU498/6 |
Acoustics for Hearing and Speech
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTA 105/2 |
Acquisition and Measurement of Digital Data / Pemerolehan dan Pengukuran Data Digital
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBU301 |
Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours |
Additive Manufacturing
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EPE451 |
Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours |
Additives and Paper Properties
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IWK205/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings) |
Advance Analogue Circuit Design
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEC510 |
Master of Science |
Advanced Analog Integrated Circuit Design / Reka Bentuk Litar Bersepadu Analog Termaju
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE505 |
Master of Science |
Advanced Antenna and Propagation / Antena dan Perambatan Termaju
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE534 |
Master of Science |
Advanced Calculus
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIM 211/4 |
Bachelor of Science (Hons) Mathematics |
Advanced Calculus
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MAT201 |
Bachelor of Science (Mathematics) |
Advanced Control System for Industrial Processes / Sistem Kawalan Lanjutan untuk Proses Industri
School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EKC462 |
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours |
Advanced Digital Signal and Image Processing / Pemprosesan Isyarat Digit dan Imej Lanjutan
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE512 |
Master of Science |
Advanced Engineering Calculus / Kalkulus Kejuruteraan Lanjutan
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EUM114 |
Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours |
Advanced Manufacturing Process / Proses Pembuatan Termaju
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EPP351 |
Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours |
Advanced Manufacturing Technology / Teknologi Pembuatan Termaju
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EPP212 |
Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours |
Advanced Materials and Composites / Bahan Termaju dan Komposit
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBB337 |
Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours |
Advanced Paper Technology - Instrumental Analysis for Pulp and Paper
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IWK307/2 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings) |
Advanced Pharmaceutical Analysis
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Main Campus |
FAR 411 |
Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Farmasi |
Advanced Plant Pathology Laboratory
School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus |
BGT403/2 |
Bachelor of Applied Science (Hons) Applied Biology |
Advanced Polymer Composites / Komposit Polimer Termaju
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBP317 |
Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours |
Advanced Power Electronics / Elektronik Kuasa Lanjutan
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEK373 |
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering with Honours |
Advanced Process Safety Engineering / Kejuruteraan Keselamatan Proses Lanjutan
School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EKC463 |
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours |
Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology / Teknologi Pembuatan Semikonduktor Termaju
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EPE442 |
Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours |
Advanced Sociological and Anthropological Theory
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SAW301/3 |
Advanced Structural Analysis / Analisis Struktur Lanjutan
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAS456 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Advanced Structural Analysis / Analisis Struktur Lanjutan
Scenarist |
EAS456 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Advanced Structural Mechanics / Mekanik Struktur Lanjutan
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAS661 |
Master of Science (Structural Engineering) |
Advanced Structural Mechanics / Mekanik Struktur Lanjutan
Scenarist |
EAS661 |
Master of Science (Structural Engineering) |
Advanced Technology of Coatings
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IWK305/2 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings) |
Aerocomposite Engineering / Kejuruteraan Aerokomposit
School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus |
ESA304 |
Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours |
Aerodynamics / Aerodinamik
School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus |
ESA244 |
Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours |
Aerospace Manufacturing Technology / Teknologi Pembuatan Aeroangkasa
School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus |
ESA490 |
Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours |
Aerospace Policy and Management / Pengurusan dan Polisi Aeroangkasa
School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus |
ESA319 |
Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours |
Aerospace Structural Design / Rekabentuk Struktur Aeroangkasa
School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus |
ESA326 |
Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours |
Aerospace Structure / Struktur Aeroangkasa
School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus |
ESA321 |
Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours |
Agama dan Hubungan Sosial
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKA 321/4 |
Bachelor Of Social Science (Hons) Anthropology And Sociology |
Agama dan Hubungan Sosial
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SAU324 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan |
Agriculture and Development
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SBU349/3 |
Agriculture, Forest and Stored Product
School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus |
BGT400/3 |
Bachelor of Applied Science (Hons) Applied Biology |
Air and Noise Pollution Control / Kawalan Pencemaran Udara dan Hingar
Scenarist |
EAP583 |
Master of Science (Environmental Engineering) |
Air and Noise Pollution Control / Kawalan Pencemaran Udara dan Hingar
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAP583 |
Master of Science (Environmental Engineering) |
Air Pollution Control Technology
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IEK205/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental) |
Air Pollution in Civil Engineering / Pencemaran Udara dalam Kejuruteraan Awam
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAP316 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Air Pollution in Civil Engineering / Pencemaran Udara dalam Kejuruteraan Awam
Scenarist |
EAP316 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Aircraft Aerodynamics / Aerodinamik Pesawat
School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus |
ESA343 |
Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours |
Aircraft Design I / Rekabentuk Kapal Terbang I
School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus |
ESA471 |
Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours |
Aircraft Design II / Rekabentuk Kapal Terbang II
School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus |
ESA402 |
Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours |
Aircraft Subsystem Elements / Elemen Sub-sistem Kapal Terbang
School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus |
ESA272 |
Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours |
Algebra for Science Students
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MAA111 |
Bachelor of Science (Mathematics) |
Amalam Profesional/Professional Practice
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RQG 358 |
Ukur Bahan |
Amalam Termaju Dalam Pembinaan Pengurusan Projek Binaan
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RMK 358 |
Pengurusan Projek Binaan |
Amalan Digital Dalam Pembinaan
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RMG 131 |
Pengurusan Projek Binaan |
Amalan Matematik Di Dalam Bilik Darjah (Mathematics Classroom Practices)
School of Educational Studies, Main Campus |
PMC563 |
Sarjana Sastera Pendidikan |
Amalan Profesional Dalam Perancangan Bandar
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RPK 439 |
Perancangan Bandar |
Amalan Profesional Seni Bina Dalaman
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RDG 336 |
Rekabentuk Dalam |
Amalan Profesional untuk Teknologis Kejuruteraan/Professional Practice for Engineering Technologist
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
REG 462 |
Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan |
Analisis Ekonomi Islam
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKE 413/4 |
Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Economics |
Analisis Farmaseutik
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Main Campus |
FAR 313 |
Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian ) Farmasi |
Analisis Politik Semasa
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKP421/2 |
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) Political Science |
Analisis Struktur/Structure Analysis
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
REG 266 |
Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan |
Analog Electronic II / Elektronik Analog II
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE270 |
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours |
Analogue Electronics I / Elektronik Analog I
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE241 |
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours |
Analogue Electronics Laboratory / Makmal Elektronik Analog
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE243 |
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours |
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MGM501 |
Analysis and Development of Accounting Information System
School of Management, Main Campus |
ACW482/3 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perakaunan (Kepujian) |
Analysis of Financial Statements
School of Management, Main Campus |
AFW364/3 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) |
Analytical Chemistry / Kimia Analitis
School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EKC114 |
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours |
Analytical Chemistry I
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTF 113 |
Analytical Chemistry I / Kimia Analitis I
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIK326 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Kimia / Bachelor of Science (Honours) Chemistry |
Analytical Chemistry II
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTF212/4 |
Analytical Chemistry II / Kimia Analitis II
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIK421 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Kimia / Bachelor of Science (Honours) Chemistry |
Analytical Chemistry Practical
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTF207/2 |
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTA106 |
School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus |
GMT518 |
Anggaran Kos dan Kadar Harga Bangunan
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RMK 234 |
Pengurusan Projek Binaan |
Animal Diversity
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIB 116/4 |
Bachelor of Science (Hons) Biology |
Animal Physiology
School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus |
BZT307/3 |
Bachelor of Science (Hons) Biology |
Animal Physiology
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIB 225/4 |
Bachelor of Science (Hons) Biology |
Antennas and Propagation / Antena dan Perambatan
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE432 |
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours |
Anthropology and Sociology Seminar 2
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SAW402/3 |
Anthropology and the Environment
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SAU 323/4 |
Antropologi Perubatan
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SAU324 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan |
Aplikasi Teori Dalam Amalan Kaunseling (Application of Theory in Counselling Practice)
School of Educational Studies, Main Campus |
PLK555 |
Sarjana Kaunseling |
Application of Environmental Science
Centre for Global Sustainability Studies (CGSS) |
NDP 544 |
Master In Sustainable Development Practice |
Applied Exercise Physiology
Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI) |
TCE504 |
Master of Science (Clinical Exercise Science) |
Applied Finite Element Analysis / Analisis Unsur Terhingga Gunaan
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EME412 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
Applied Finite Element Analysis / Analisis Unsur Terhingga Gunaan
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EME401 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
Applied Psychology
Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI) |
TCE503 |
Master of Science (Clinical Exercise Science) |
Applied Statistical Methods
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MSG162 |
Bachelor of Science (Mathematics) |
Applied Thermodynamics / Termodinamik Gunaan
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EMH341 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
Appreciation Of Ethics And Civilisations / Penghayatan Etika Dan Peradaban
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JUR102 |
Aquatic parasites
School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus |
BET404/3 |
Bachelor of Applied Science (Hons) Applied Biology |
Arabic Language I
School of Languages, Literacies and Translation, Main Campus |
LAA100 |
Arkeologi Asia Tenggara
Pusat Penyelidikan Arkeologi Global |
UAW 303/4 |
Master of Arts (MA) |
Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining / Kecerdasan Buatan dan Pelombongan Data
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EPE472 |
Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours |
Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing / Kecerdikan Rekaan dalam Pembuatan
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EPE401 |
Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours |
School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus |
GMT301 |
School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus |
GMT302 |
Asas Pengajian Penterjemahan
School of Humanities, Main Campus |
HBT106 |
Bachelor of Arts in Translation and Interpretation |
Asas Perniagaan Pembinaan dan Perakaunan
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RMK 262 |
Pengurusan Projek Binaan |
Asas Undang-Undang Binaan
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RMK 155 |
Pengurusan Projek Binaan |
Asas-Asas Penyelidikan Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKA 217/3 |
Bachelor Of Social Science (Hons) Anthropology And Sociology |
Asian Thought: Indian, Chinese and Japanese
School of Humanities, Main Campus |
HFP 303E |
Aspek Sosial Dalam Perancangan
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RPK 343 |
Perancangan Bandar |
Atmospheric Science And Air Quality / Sains Atmosfera Dan Kualiti Udara
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IEA501/3 |
Master in Environmental Science |
Atomic Physics / Ilmu Fizik Atom
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIF423 |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Physics |
Audiological Instrumentation
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTA 201/2 |
Audiology Clinic III
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTA 309/4 |
Audiology Seminar
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTA 409/2 |
Automatic Control / Kawalan Automatik
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EMC322 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
Autonomi Pelajar Dalam TESOL (Learner Autonomy in TESOL)
School of Educational Studies, Main Campus |
PET423 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan (Pendidikan TESOL) |
Avionic Systems / Sistem Avionik
School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus |
ESA302 |
Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours |
Bahan Binaan/Construction Materials
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
REG 161 |
Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan |
Bahasa dan Berbahasa
School of Humanities, Main Campus |
HBT 113 |
Bachelor of Arts in Translation and Interpretation |
Bahasa Malaysia III / Bahasa Malaysia III
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JUL301 |
Bahasa, Undang-undang dan Penterjemahan
School of Humanities, Main Campus |
HBT 230 |
Bachelor of Arts in Translation and Interpretation |
Basic Bioresource Science and Technology
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IWK102/4 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings) |
Basic Chemistry
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTF 101/3 |
Basic Circuit Laboratory / Makmal Asas Litar
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE125 |
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours |
Basic Coatings Technology
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IWK101/4 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings) |
Basic Educational Measurement and Evaluation (Asas Pengukuran & Penilaian Pendidikan)
School of Educational Studies, Main Campus |
PGT202E |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan |
Basic Haematology
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTB221/3 |
Basic Linguistics
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTP100/3 |
Basic Mathematics
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIM 105/4 |
Bachelor of Science (Hons) Mathematics |
Basic of Psychology
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
STU 231/4 |
Basic Physiology
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Main Campus |
FAR 131 |
Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Farmasi |
Basic Programming and Engineering Design / Pengaturcaraan Asas dan Rekabentuk Kejuruteraan
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBB251 |
Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours |
Basics Mechanical Behaviour of Materials / Asas-Asas Kelakuan Mekanik Bahan
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBB123 |
Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours |
Basics of Psychology
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
STU 231 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan |
Bengkel Reka Bentuk
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RDG 313 |
Rekabentuk Dalam |
School of Chemical Sciences, Main Campus |
KAE 448 |
Bioanalysis I
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IBG112/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess) |
Bioanalysis II
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IBG211/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess) |
Biochemical Engineering / Kejuruteraan Biokimia
School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EKC351 |
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours |
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IMK105/2 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food) |
Biochemistry / Biokimia
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIB321 |
Biochemistry and Basic Genetics
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTU106/3 |
Institut Penyelidikan Perubatan Molekul |
TFM 504 |
Master of Science (Molecular Medicine) |
School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus |
GMT102 |
Biological Evidence
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTF315/3 |
Biological Safety
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIB 438/3 |
Biology for Technologists
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IBG102/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess) |
Biomechanics / Biomekanik
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EME442 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
Biometerials / Bahan Bio
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBB334 |
Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours |
Bioprocess Instrumentation and Control
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IBK313/2 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess) |
Bioprocess Optimization and Simulation
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IBG307/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess) |
Bioprocess Technology Research Project
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IBA404/8 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess) |
Bioproduct Development
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IBK402/4 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess) |
Bioreactor Operation
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IBG213/4 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess) |
Biorefinery Engineering / Kejuruteraan Biopenapisan
School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EKC464 |
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours |
Bioresource as Industrial Raw Materials
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IWK100/2 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings) |
Bioresource Based Products
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IWK105/4 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings) |
Bioresource Technology Laboratory I
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IWA282/2 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings) |
Bioresource Technology Laboratory II
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IWA382/2 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings) |
Bioresource, Paper and Coatings Product Development
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IWK204/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings) |
Biosistematik dan Taxonomi
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIB451 |
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIB 323/4 |
Bachelor Of Science (Hons) Biology |
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIB323 |
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIB 431/4 |
Biotechnology For Engineers / Bioteknologi Untuk Jurutera
School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EKC271 |
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours |
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIB439 |
Brand Marketing
School of Management, Main Campus |
AMP353/4 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) |
Bridge Engineering / Kejuruteraan Jambatan
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAS665 |
Master of Science (Structural Engineering) |
Bridge Engineering / Kejuruteraan Jambatan
Scenarist |
EAS665 |
Master of Science (Structural Engineering) |
Budaya dan Komuniti Ruang Siber
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKA 519/3 |
Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Anthropology and Sociology |
Building and Construction Technology / Pembinaan Bangunan dan Teknologi
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAA484 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Building and Construction Technology / Pembinaan Bangunan dan Teknologi
Scenarist |
EAA484 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Business Communication
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JTW 105E/2 |
Bachelor of Management (Hons) |
Business Communication
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JTW 106E/4 |
Bachelor of Management (Hons) |
Business Communication
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JTW106E |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) |
Business Communication / Komunikasi Perniagaan
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JUW106E |
Business Communication I
School of Management, Main Campus |
AEW112E/2 & ATW112E/2 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) & Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perakaunan (Kepujian) |
Business Ethics
School of Management, Main Campus |
ATW394/3 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) & Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perakaunan (Kepujian) |
Business Statistics
School of Management, Main Campus |
AEW125/4 & ATW123/3 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) & Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perakaunan (Kepujian) |
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MAT101 |
Bachelor of Science (Mathematics) |
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIM 101/4 |
Bachelor of Science (Hons) Mathematics |
Calculus for Science Students I
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MAA101 |
Bachelor of Science (Mathematics) |
Calculus for Science Students II
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MAA102 |
Bachelor of Science (Mathematics) |
Categorical Data Analysis
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MST567 |
Cell, Tissue And Basic Pharmacology
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNT 103 |
Ceramic Materials and Processing / Bahan Seramik dan Pemprosesan
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBB222 |
Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours |
Characterization of Engineering Materials / Pencirian Bahan Kejuruteraan
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBB343 |
Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours |
Chemical Engineering Drawing / Lukisan Kejuruteraan Kimia
School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EKC157 |
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours |
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics / Termodinamik Kejuruteraan Kimia
School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EKC222 |
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours |
Chemical Food Analysis
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IMG203/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food) |
Chemical Process Calculations
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IEK101/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental) |
Chemical Reaction Engineering / Kejuruteraan Tindak Balas Kimia
School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EKC336 |
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours |
Chemical Spectroscopy / Spektroskopi Kimia
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIK327 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Kimia / Bachelor of Science (Honours) Chemistry |
Chemistry And Environmental Pollution / Kimia Dan Pencemaran Alam Sekitar
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIK414 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Kimia / Bachelor of Science (Honours) Chemistry |
Chemistry for Technologist
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IUK107/4 |
General Course |
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IEK409/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental) |
Children And Adolescent Literature / Kesusasteraan Kanak-Kanak Dan Remaja
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JMK422 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Keusahawanan / Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Entrepreneurship |
Cinical and Laboratory Haematology
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTB 317/3 |
Circuit Theory I / Teori Litar I
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE105 |
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours |
Circuit Theory II / Teori Litar II
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE208 |
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours |
Civil Engineering Drawing / Lukisan Kejuruteraan Awam
Scenarist |
EAA110 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Civil Engineering Drawing / Lukisan Kejuruteraan Awam
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAA110 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Civil Engineering Materials / Bahan Kejuruteraan Awam
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAS153 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Civil Engineering Materials / Bahan Kejuruteraan Awam
Scenarist |
EAS153 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Civil Engineering Practice / Amalan Kejuruteraan Awam
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAA273 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Civil Engineering Practice / Amalan Kejuruteraan Awam
Scenarist |
EAA273 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Clearkship (Clinical Toxicology)
Integrative Medicine Cluster, AMDI |
TMT 511 |
Master of Science |
Clerkship (Poison Control)
Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI) |
TMT510 |
Master of Science (Health Toxicology) |
Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Management
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTB 321/3 |
Clinical Exercise Physiology
Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI) |
TCE507 |
Master of Science (Clinical Exercise Science) |
Clinical Linguistics
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTP210/2 |
Clinical Pharmacokinetics
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Main Campus |
FCP 560 |
Ijazah Sarjana Farmasi (Farmasi Klinikal) |
Clinical Pharmacology
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNT 209 |
Clinical Tools in Medical Research
Oncological & Radiological Sciences Cluster, AMDI |
TMR 505 |
Master of Science (Medical Research) |
Clinical Toxicology
Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI) |
TMT505 |
Master of Science (Health Toxicology) |
Coatings Process and Equipment
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IWK301/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings) |
Coatings Technology Laboratory I
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IWA281/2 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings) |
Coatings Technology Laboratory II
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IWA381/2 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings) |
Coding Theory
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MSS417 |
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MGM503 |
Communication and Presentation Skills
School of Humanities, Main Campus |
HXE 111 |
Communications / Perhubungan
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE332 |
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours |
Community & Family Case Study I
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNT 204 |
Community & Family Case Study II
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNT 304 |
Community & Family Case Study III
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNT 504 |
Community Development and Organisation
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SSE 375/3 |
Community Nutrition and Dietetics Services Practicum
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTN315/4 |
Community Pharmacy Practice
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Main Campus |
FAR 462 |
Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Farmasi |
Complex Analysis
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MSS401 |
Complex Analysis / Analisis Kompleks
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE232 |
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours |
Complex Variables
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIM 419/3 |
Bachelor of Science (Hons) Mathematics |
Computational Engineering / Kejuruteraan Pengkomputeran
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EMT212 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
Computational Fluid Dynamics / Pengkomputeran Dinamik Bendalir
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EME451 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
Computational Linear Algebra
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MAT517 |
Computational Mathematics
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MAT515 |
Computational Physics / Fizik Pengkomputeran
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIF319 |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Physics |
Computer Aided Conceptual Design / Reka Bentuk Konseptual Berbantukan Komputer
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EPD112 |
Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours |
Computer and Data Communications Networks / Rangkaian Komputer dan Perhubungan Data
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE521 |
Master of Science |
Computer Applications in Industry
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IEA216/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental) |
Computer Integrated Manufacturing / Pembuatan Bersepadu Komputer
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EPM352 |
Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours |
Computer Integrated Manufacturing / Pembuatan Tersepadu Komputer
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EPM451 |
Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours |
Computer Networks / Rangkaian Komputer
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE449 |
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours |
Computer Programming and Applications / Pengaturcaraan dan Aplikasi Komputer
School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EKC246 |
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours |
Computer Programming for Engineers / Pengaturcaraan Komputer untuk Jurutera
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE123 |
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours |
Computer System and Multimedia / Sistem Komputer dan Multimedia
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE379 |
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours |
Computer-Aided Engineering Design / Rekabentuk Kejuruteraan Berbantukan Komputer
School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus |
ESA112 |
Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours |
Computer-aided Translation
School of Humanities, Main Campus |
HBT 412E |
Concepts in the Management of Hazmat Incidences
Integrative Medicine Cluster, AMDI |
TMT 506 |
Master of Science |
Conceptual Design and CAD
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EMD112 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
Conflict Transformation and Peace Building
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SPU 324/3 |
Conservative Dentistry I
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNT 305 |
Conservative Dentistry II
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNT 405 |
Conservative Dentistry III
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNT 505 |
Construction Management / Pengurusan Bahan
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAA483 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Construction Management / Pengurusan Bahan
Scenarist |
EAA483 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Contemporary English Grammar
School of Humanities, Main Campus |
HEK 215 |
Contemporary Issues in Sports Science Practices
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTS410/3 |
Control System Design / Reka Bentuk Sistem Kawalan
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE453 |
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours |
Control System Theory / Teori Sistem Kawalan
School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus |
ESA256 |
Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours |
Control Systems / Sistem Kawalan
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE350 |
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours |
Core Entrepreneurship / Teras Keusahawanan
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JUS101 |
Corporate Finance
School of Management, Main Campus |
AFW360/3 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) & Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perakaunan (Kepujian) |
Corpus-based Language Studies
School of Humanities, Main Campus |
HET 429 |
Corrosion Engineering / Kejuruteraan Kakisan
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBB366 |
Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours |
Counseling for Communication Disorders
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTP311/3 |
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
STU 338/4 |
Craniofacial Biology I
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNT111 |
Craniofacial Biology II
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNT 106 |
Critical Thinking / Pemikiran Kritis
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JUH102 |
Crystallography and Bonding in Solids / Kristalografi dan Ikatan dalam Pepejal
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBB202 |
Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours |
Cultural Environment of International Business
School of Management, Main Campus |
AIW311/4 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) |
Current Literary Theory: Comparative Perspective / Teori Kesusasteraan Mutakhir: Perspektif Perbandingan
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JMK312 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Keusahawanan / Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Entrepreneurship |
Current Trends in Molecular Medicine Research I
Institut Penyelidikan Perubatan Molekul |
TFM 509 |
Master of Science (Molecular Medicine) |
Dasar Awam
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKP412E / JKP512E |
Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan dengan Kepujian (Sains Politik) |
Demografi Dan Perancangan Tenaga Manusia
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SBU230 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan |
Demography and Human Resources Planning
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SBU230/3 |
Dental Materials
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNT 207 |
Dental Public Health I
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNT 203 |
Dental Public Health II
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNT 303 |
Dental Public Health III
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNT 403 |
Derivatif Kewangan
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JFW 470/4 |
Bachelor of Management (Hons) |
Design and Analysis of Experiments
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MSG265 |
Bachelor Of Applied Science (Mathematics And Economics) |
Design for Manufacturing / Rekabentuk untuk Pembuatan
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EPD321 |
Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours |
Design for Manufacturing and Tooling / Reka Bentuk untuk Pembuatan dan Perkakasan
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EPD342 |
Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours |
Design of Experiments / Reka Bentuk Uji kaji
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEM424 |
Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours |
Design of Integrated Analogue Circuits / Reka Bentuk Litar Analog Bersepadu
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE445 |
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours |
Design of Machine Elements / Reka Bentuk Elemen Mesin
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EMD231 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
Development in Islam
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SBU350/3 |
Development Management
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SBW209/4 |
Development Psychology
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
STU 243/4 |
Development Theories and Issues
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SBW205/3 |
Diagnostic Radiology Imaging
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTX324/4 |
Diagnostic Technologies and Biological Markers Discovery
Institut Penyelidikan Perubatan Molekul |
TFM 502 |
Master of Science (Molecular Medicine) |
Differential Equations I
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MAT223 |
Bachelor of Science (Mathematics) |
Differential Equations I
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIM 213/4 |
Bachelor of Science (Hons) Mathematics |
Differential Equations II
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MAT323 |
Digital Communications / Perhubungan Digit
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE377 |
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours |
Digital Control Systems / Sistem Kawalan Digit
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE354 |
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours |
Digital Electronic I / Elektronik Digit I
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE130 |
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours |
Digital Electronics II / Elektronik Digit II
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE378 |
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours |
Digital Electronics Laboratory / Makmal Elektronik Digit
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE231 |
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours |
Digital Signal Processing / Pemprosesan Isyarat Digit
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE443 |
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours |
Disaster Management / Pengurusan Bencana
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAA485 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Disaster Management / Pengurusan Bencana
Scenarist |
EAA485 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Discrete Mathematics
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MSS418 |
Disertasi Sains Politik
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKP 516/4 |
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) Political Science |
Disertation / Disertasi
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAF555 |
Master of Science (Fire Safety Engineering) |
Disertation / Disertasi
Scenarist |
EAF555 |
Master of Science (Fire Safety Engineering) |
Pusat Kajian Pengurusan Pembangunan Islam |
SVW500/28 |
Master of Islamic Development Management |
DNA and Metabolite Technology
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IBG205/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess) |
Downstream Process Technology
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IBK314/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess) |
Downstream Processing for Bioproducts / Proses Hiliran untuk Bioproduk
School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EKC379 |
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours |
Dynamics / Dinamik
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EMM242 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
Dynamics and Mechanism
School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus |
ESA226 |
Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours |
Dynamics and Stability of Structures / Dinamik dan Kestabilan Struktur
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAS663 |
Master of Science (Structural Engineering) |
Dynamics and Stability of Structures / Dinamik dan Kestabilan Struktur
Scenarist |
EAS663 |
Master of Science (Structural Engineering) |
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIB 222/4 |
Bachelor of Science (Hons) Biology |
Economic and Development Policies of Malaysia
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SBW206/3 |
Economic for Development
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SBW207/3 |
Economy and Management / Ekonomi dan Pengurusan Sistem Kuasaof Power System
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEK475 |
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering with Honours |
Education, Training & Human Resource
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SBU233E |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan |
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIB222 |
Ekonomi Bandar & Wilayah
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RPK 351 |
Perancangan Bandar |
Ekonomi Binaan
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RMK 363 |
Pengurusan Projek Binaan |
Ekonomi Kewangan
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKE 415/4 |
Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Economics |
Ekonomi Politik Malaysia
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKP 514/4 |
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) Political Science |
Ekonomi untuk Pengurusan I
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JTW 109/3 |
Bachelor of Management (Hons) |
Ekonomi untuk Pengurusan I
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JTW109 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) |
Ekskavasi Arkeologi
Pusat Penyelidikan Arkeologi Global |
UAW 304/4 |
Master of Arts (MA) |
Elastomeric Materials / Bahan Elastomer
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBP204 |
Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours |
Elective Research Project
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNE 410 |
Electric Power Distribution System / Sistem Pengagihan Kuasa Elektrik
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEK470 |
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering with Honours |
Electrical Engineering Design / Reka Bentuk Kejuruteraan Elektrik
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEK425 |
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering with Honours |
Electrical Instrumentations and Measurement / Instrumentasi Elektrik dan Pengukuran
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEK374 |
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering with Honours |
Electrical Laboratory / Makmal Kuasa
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEK360 |
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering with Honours |
Electrical Machine / Mesin Elektrik
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEK260 |
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering with Honours |
Electrical Machine Design / Reka Bentuk Mesin Elektrik
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEK474 |
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering with Honours |
Electrical Machines and Drives / Mesin dan Pacuan Elektrik
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEK468 |
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering with Honours |
Electrical Power Technology / Teknologi Kuasa Elektrik
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEK241 |
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering with Honours |
Electrical Technology / Teknologi Elektrik
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEU104 |
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering with Honours |
Electricity and Magnetism
School of Physics, Main Campus |
JIF 320/4 |
Electricity And Magnetism / Keelektrikan Dan Kemagnetan
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIF320 |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Physics |
Electromagnetic Theory / Teori Elektromagnet
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE276 |
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours |
Electronic Devices and Circuits / Peranti dan Litar Elektronik
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE133 |
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours |
Electronic Engineering Design / Reka Bentuk Kejuruteraan Elektronik
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE424 |
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours |
Electronic Packaging / Pembungkusan Elektronik
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBB324 |
Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours |
Electronics I / Elektronik I
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIF216 |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Physics |
Electronics II
School of Physics, Main Campus |
JIF 316/3 |
Electronics II / Elektronik II
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIF316 |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Physics |
Elementary Statistics
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MAT161 |
Bachelor of Science (Mathematics) |
Elementary Statistics
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIM 106/4 |
Bachelor of Science (Hons) Mathematics |
Embedded System Architecture and Design / Seni Bina dan Reka Bentuk Sistem Terbenam
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE524 |
Master of Science |
Endocrine System & Metabolism
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Main Campus |
FAR 242 |
Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Farmasi |
Energy Conversion System / Sistem Penukaran Tenaga
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EME422 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
Engineer in Society / Jurutera dalam Masyarakat
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EUP222 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Engineer in Society / Jurutera dalam Masyarakat
Scenarist |
EUP222 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Engineering Calculus / Kalkulus Kejuruteraan
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EUM113 |
Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours |
Engineering Drawing
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EMD101 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
Engineering Drawing / Lukisan Kejuruteraan
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBS110 |
Bachelor of Mineral Resources with Honours |
Engineering Drawing and Computer Aided Design / Lukisan Kejuruteraan dan Reka Bentuk Berbantukan Komputer
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EMD111 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
Engineering Dynamics / Dinamik Kejuruteraan
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EMM252 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
Engineering Economics / Ekonomi Kejuruteraan
School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EKC457 |
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours |
Engineering Economy / Ekonomi Kejuruteraan
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EPM201 |
Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours |
Engineering Economy / Ekonomi Kejuruteraan
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EPM102 |
Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours |
Engineering Economy and Management / Ekonomi dan Pengurusan Kejuruteraan
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBB201 |
Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours |
Engineering Geophysics / Geofizik Kejuruteraan
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBS329 |
Bachelor of Mineral Resources with Honours |
Engineering Hydrology / Hidrologi Kejuruteraan
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAH325 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Engineering Hydrology / Hidrologi Kejuruteraan
Scenarist |
EAH325 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Engineering Laboratory I / Makmal Kejuruteraan I
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EML351 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
Engineering Laboratory II / Makmal Kejuruteraan II
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EML352 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
Engineering Management / Pengurusan Kejuruteraan
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EUP501 |
Master of Science (Structural Engineering) |
Engineering Management / Pengurusan Kejuruteraan
Scenarist |
EUP501 |
Master of Science (Structural Engineering) |
Engineering Materials / Bahan Kejuruteraan
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBB113 |
Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours |
Engineering Materials Introduction Laboratory / Makmal Pengenalan Bahan Kejuruteraan
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBB155 |
Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours |
Engineering Mathematics for Civil Engineers / Matematik Kejuruteraan untuk Jurutera Awam
Scenarist |
EAA211 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Engineering Mathematics for Civil Engineers / Matematik Kejuruteraan untuk Jurutera Awam
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAA211 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Engineering Polymers / Polimer Kejuruteraan
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBB220 |
Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours |
Engineering Practice / Amalan Kejuruteraan
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEL102 |
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering with Honours |
Engineering Practice / Amalan Kejuruteraan
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EML101 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
Engineering Probability and Statistics / Kebarangkalian dan Statistik Kejuruteraan
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EMT211 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
Engineering Statistics / Statistik Kejuruteraan
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBB300 |
Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours |
English II / Bahasa Inggeris II
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JUE300 |
Entrepreneurial Finance and Venture Capital
School of Management, Main Campus |
AFP312/4 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) |
Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) / Penilaian Kesan Alam Sekitar (PKAS)
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAP584 |
Master of Science (Environmental Engineering) |
Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) / Penilaian Kesan Alam Sekitar (PKAS)
Scenarist |
EAP584 |
Master of Science (Environmental Engineering) |
Environmental & Conservation Biology / Biologi Persekitaran & Pemuliharaan
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIB432 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Biologi / Bachelor of Science (Honours) Biology |
Environmental And Occupational Health From Engineering Perspective
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTK302/3 |
Environmental and Occupational Toxicology
Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI) |
TMT501 |
Master of Science (Health Toxicology) |
Environmental Bioindicators
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IEA202/2 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental) |
Environmental Bioprocess Technology
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IBK412/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess) |
Environmental Chemistry for Engineering Practice / Kimia Alam Sekitar untuk Amalan Kejuruteraan
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBS432 |
Bachelor of Mineral Resources with Honours |
Environmental Engineering and Management / Kejuruteraan Persekitaran dan Pengurusan
School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EKC278 |
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours |
Environmental Forensics
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IEG301/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental) |
Environmental Management
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IEK217/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental) |
Environmental Modelling
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MSG427 |
Environmental Technology Laboratory
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IEA300/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental) |
Environmental, Safety and Health Legislations
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IEK115/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental) |
Enzyme Technology
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IBG214/4 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess) |
Equipment Design for Water Treatment
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IEK211/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental) |
Ergonomics and Industrial Safety / Ergonomik dan Keselamatan Industri
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EPE421 |
Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours |
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RDG 235 |
Rekabentuk Dalam |
Ethnic Relations and Racism
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SAU325/3 |
School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus |
BBT307/3 |
Bachelor of Science (Hons) Biology |
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SAU404/3 |
Etika dan Masyarakat Lestari
School of Humanities, Main Campus |
HPA 104 |
Etika Perniagaan
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JTP 501/3 |
Bachelor of Management (Hons) |
Euclidean Geometry
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MGM531 |
Exercise Physiology
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTS201/3 |
Exercise Programming for Special Population Module
Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI) |
TCE508 |
Master of Science (Clinical Exercise Science) |
Experimental Design with Computer Applications
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IUK208/3 |
General Course |
Failure Analysis and Non-Destructive Testing / Analisis Kegagalan dan Ujian Tidak Musnah
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBB307 |
Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours |
Falsafah Penyiasatan Sosial
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKA 317/4 |
Bachelor Of Political Science (Hons) Anthropology and Sociology |
Falsafah Politik
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKP 213/4 |
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) Political Science |
Falsafah Sains Sosial
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKJ 203/4 |
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) Political Science |
Falsafah Sains Sosial
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKJ 203/4 |
Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Economics |
Falsafah Sains Sosial
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKJ 203/4 |
Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Anthropology and Sociology |
Falsafah, Nilai Dan Etika Kerja Sosial
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SSW111 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Kerja Sosial |
Family Therapy
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SSE 463/3 |
Family Therapy
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SSE 463/3 |
Farmakoepidemiologi dan Farmakoekonomi dalam Negara Membangun
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Main Campus |
FAR 391 |
Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Farmasi |
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Main Campus |
FAR 459 |
Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Farmasi |
Farmakognosi Asas dan Fitokimia
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Main Campus |
FAR 244 |
Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Farmasi |
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Main Campus |
FAR 251 |
Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Farmasi |
Farmasi Industri
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Main Campus |
FAR 424 |
Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Farmasi |
Fibre and Lignocellulosic Composite
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IWK306/2 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings) |
Final Year Project / Projek Ilmiah Tahun Akhir
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBS430 |
Bachelor of Mineral Resources with Honours |
Final Year Research Project / Projek Ilmiah Tahun Akhir
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBB407 |
Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours |
Final Year Research Project / Projek Ilmiah Tahun Akhir
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBP401 |
Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours |
Financial Accounting and Reporting I
School of Management, Main Campus |
ACW163/3 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perakaunan (Kepujian) |
Financial Derivatives
School of Management, Main Campus |
AFW368/4 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) & Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perakaunan (Kepujian) |
Finite Element Methods
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MSG485 |
Fiqh Muamalat
School of Management, Main Campus |
ASW380/3 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) |
Fire Behaviour / Kelakuan Api
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAF526 |
Master of Science (Fire Safety Engineering) |
Fire Behaviour / Kelakuan Api
Scenarist |
EAF526 |
Master of Science (Fire Safety Engineering) |
Fire Disaster Management / Pengurusan Bencana Kebakaran
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAF524 |
Master of Science (Fire Safety Engineering) |
Fire Disaster Management / Pengurusan Bencana Kebakaran
Scenarist |
EAF524 |
Master of Science (Fire Safety Engineering) |
Fire Investigation
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTF306/3 |
Fire Protection Technology / Teknologi Perlindungan Kebakaran
Scenarist |
EAF523 |
Master of Science (Fire Safety Engineering) |
Fire Protection Technology / Teknologi Perlindungan Kebakaran
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAF523 |
Master of Science (Fire Safety Engineering) |
First Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTS202/2 |
First Aid and Medical Ethics
School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus |
GMT103 |
Fisiologi Haiwan
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIB225 |
Fitness Testing and Exercise Prescription
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTS401/3 |
Flight Performance / Prestasi Penerbangan
School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus |
ESA355 |
Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours |
Flight Stability and Control / Kestabilan dan Kawalan Penerbangan
School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus |
ESA374 |
Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours |
Fluency Disorders
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTP408/2 |
Fluid Mechanics
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MSG422 |
Fluid Dynamics and Transport Phenomena in Polymer / Dinamik Bendalir dan Fenomena Pengangkutan dalam Polimer
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBP207 |
Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours |
Fluid Flow for Chemical Engineering / Aliran Bendalir Kejuruteraan Kimia
School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EKC218 |
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours |
Fluid Mechanics / Mekanik Bendalir
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EMH102 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
Fluid Mechanics / Mekanik Bendalir
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBS238 |
Bachelor of Mineral Resources with Honours |
Fluid Mechanics for Civil Engineers / Mekanik Bendalir untuk Jurutera Awam
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAH221 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Fluid Mechanics for Civil Engineers / Mekanik Bendalir untuk Jurutera Awam
Scenarist |
EAH221 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Fluids Dynamics / Dinamik Bendalir
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EMH222 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
Folk Literature : Theory, Methodology And Analysis / Sastera Rakyat : Teori, Metodologi Dan Analisis
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JMK316 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Keusahawanan / Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Entrepreneurship |
Food and Nutritional Toxicology
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTN316/3 |
Food Bioprocess Technology
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IBK316/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess) |
Food Borne Pathogens
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IMK410/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food) |
Food Chemistry
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IMG103/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food) |
Food Chemistry
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTF313/3 |
Food Ingredients
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IMK221/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food) |
Food Microbiology I
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IMG111/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food) |
Food Microbiology II
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IMG222/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food) |
Food Product Development
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IMK404/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food) |
Food Quality Management and Food Regulations
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IMK316/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food) |
Food Safety
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IMK407/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food) |
Food Science
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTN102/4 |
Food Sensory Evaluation
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IMG322/2 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food) |
Forensic Digital Evidence
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTF410 |
Forensic Medicine
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTF400 |
Forensic Psychology
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTF204/3 |
Forensic Social Work
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SSE 396/3 |
Functional Foods
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IMK320/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food) |
Fundamentals of Bioprocess Technology
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IBK104/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess) |
Fundamentals of Dynamics and Mechanisms / Asas Dinamik dan Mekanisma
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEM222 |
Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours |
Fundamentals of Health Informatics
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTU103/3 |
Fundamentals of Public Policy
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SPU 208E/3 |
Fundamentals of Public Policy
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SPU 208E/3 |
Fundamentals of Stem Cell Technology
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IBG215/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess) |
Furniture Manufacturing
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IWK304/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings) |
Further Linear Algebra
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MSS212 |
Bachelor of Science (Mathematics) |
Game Theory
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MSG455 |
Gaya dan Tatabahasa Perbandingan
School of Humanities, Main Campus |
HBT 220 |
Bachelor of Arts in Translation and Interpretation |
Gender Dan Pembangunan
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SBU307 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan |
Gender, Ideology and Power
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SAU220E/3 |
General Chemistry I / Kimia Am I
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIK101 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Kimia / Bachelor of Science (Honours) Chemistry |
General Chemistry II / Kimia Am II
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIK102 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Kimia / Bachelor of Science (Honours) Chemistry |
General Dental Practice
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNT 503 |
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIB 226/4 |
Bachelor Of Science (Hons) Biology |
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIB226 |
Geografi Fizikal
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JMG 212/4 |
Bachelor Of Arts (Hons) Geography |
Geographic Information System / Sistem Maklumat Geografi
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAK382 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Geographic Information System / Sistem Maklumat Geografi
Scenarist |
EAK382 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Geology for Civil Engineers / Geologi untuk Jurutera Awam
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAG141 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Geology for Civil Engineers / Geologi untuk Jurutera Awam
Scenarist |
EAG141 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Geomatic Engineering / Kejuruteraan Geomatik
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAK163 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Geomatic Engineering / Kejuruteraan Geomatik
Scenarist |
EAK163 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Geomechanics / Geomekanik
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBS417 |
Bachelor of Mineral Resources with Honours |
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MSS419 |
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JMG 314/4 |
Bachelor Of Arts (Hons) Geography |
Geotechnical Analysis / Analisis Geoteknik
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAG345 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Geotechnical Analysis / Analisis Geoteknik
Scenarist |
EAG345 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Geotechnical Design / Reka Bentuk Geoteknik
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAG346 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Geotechnical Design / Reka Bentuk Geoteknik
Scenarist |
EAG346 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Geotechnical, Highway and Traffic Engineering Laboratory / Makmal Kejuruteraan Geoteknik, Lebuh Raya dan Lulu Lintas
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAA304 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Geotechnical, Highway and Traffic Engineering Laboratory / Makmal Kejuruteraan Geoteknik, Lebuh Raya dan Lulu Lintas
Scenarist |
EAA304 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Global Classroom: Integrated Approaches To Sustainable Development
Centre for Global Sustainability Studies (CGSS) |
NDP 501 |
Master In Sustainable Development Practice |
Global Supply Chain Management
School of Management, Main Campus |
APW382/3 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) |
Government and Politics in Malaysia
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SPU 205/3 |
Graphing Technology in Mathematics and Science
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MSS482 |
Health Management System
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SBU346/3 |
Health Psychology
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
STU 241/4 |
Health Psychology
Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI) |
TCE509 |
Master of Science (Clinical Exercise Science) |
Health Psychology
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
STU 241/4 |
Heat Transfer / Pemindahan Haba
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EMH342 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
Heat Transfer / Pemindahan Haba
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EMH441 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
High Speed Aerodynamics / Aerodinamik Berkelajuan Tinggi
School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus |
ESA303 |
Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours |
High Voltage System / Sistem Voltan Tinggi
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEK369 |
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering with Honours |
Highway and Traffic Engineering / Kejuruteraan Lebuh Raya dan Lalu Lintas
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAL235 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Highway and Traffic Engineering / Kejuruteraan Lebuh Raya dan Lalu Lintas
Scenarist |
EAL235 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Highway Design / Reka Bentuk Lebuh Raya
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAL431 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Highway Design / Reka Bentuk Lebuh Raya
Scenarist |
EAL431 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
History of the United States of America
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JMS 415E/4 (JMS 515E/4) |
Hubungan Antarabangsa
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKP 212/4 |
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) Political Science |
Hubungan Etnik dan Rasisme
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKA 512/4 |
Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Anthropology and Sociology |
Hubungan Etnik dan Rasisme
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SAU325 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan |
Human Behavior and Social Environment
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SSW 113/3 |
Human Biology
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNT112 |
Human Biology II
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNT 202 |
Human Development
Pusat Kajian Pengurusan Pembangunan Islam |
SVW502/3 |
Master of Islamic Development Management |
Human Service Organisation and Administration
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SSW 411E/3 |
Human Sexuality and Social Work Intervention
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SSE 394/3 |
Hydraulic Structure / Struktur Hidraulik
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAH316 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Hydraulic Structure / Struktur Hidraulik
Scenarist |
EAH316 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Hydraulics / Hidraulik
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAH225 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Hydraulics / Hidraulik
Scenarist |
EAH225 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Hydraulics, Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering Laboratory / Makmal Kejuruteraan Hidraulik, Geoteknik dan Persekitaran
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAA305 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Hydraulics, Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering Laboratory / Makmal Kejuruteraan Hidraulik, Geoteknik dan Persekitaran
Scenarist |
EAA305 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Hydrometallurgy / Hidrometalurgi
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBS315 |
Bachelor of Mineral Resources with Honours |
Ideologi Dunia Ketiga
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKP 317/4 |
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) Political Science |
Ideologi, Sosiobudaya dan Penterjemahan
School of Humanities, Main Campus |
HBT 320 |
Bachelor of Arts in Translation and Interpretation |
Indigenous Ethnography of Malaysia
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKA 414E/4 |
Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Anthropology and Sociology |
Indoor Environment
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IEK315/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental) |
Industrial Ceramics / Seramik Perindustrian
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBB444 |
Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours |
Industrial Engineering / Kejuruteraan Industri
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EPM322 |
Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours |
Industrial Ergonomics / Ergonomik Industri
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EPE481 |
Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours |
Industrial Machine Vision / Penglihatan Mesin Industri
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EPE462 |
Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours |
Industrial Machine Vision / Penglihatan Mesin Industri
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EPE461 |
Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours |
Industrial Microbiology
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IBG111/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess) |
Industrial Minerals / Mineral Perindustrian
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBS425 |
Bachelor of Mineral Resources with Honours |
Industrial Power Electronics / Elektronik Kuasa Industri
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE542 |
Master of Science |
Industrial Quality Management
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IUK304/3 |
General Course |
Industrial Relations
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SAU217/4 |
Industrial Relations
School of Management, Main Campus |
AOW355/3 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) |
Industrial Training / Latihan Industri
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAA371 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Industrial Training / Latihan Industri
Scenarist |
EAA371 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Industrial Waste Management
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IUK303/3 |
General Course |
Industrial Waste Management / Pengurusan Sisa Industri
Scenarist |
EAP414 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Industrial Waste Management / Pengurusan Sisa Industri
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAP414 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant Design
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IEK308/3 |
Industrialisasi dan Perubahan Sosial
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKA 513/4 |
Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Anthropology and Sociology |
Industrialization and International Development
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SBU326E/3 |
Injuries and Rehabilitation
Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI) |
TCE510 |
Master of Science (Clinical Exercise Science) |
Inorganic Chemistry I / Kimia Takorganik I
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIK225 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Kimia / Bachelor of Science (Honours) Chemistry |
Inorganic Chemistry II / Kimia Takorganik II
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIK423 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Kimia / Bachelor of Science (Honours) Chemistry |
Inorganic Chemistry III / Kimia Takorganik III
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIK510 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Kimia / Bachelor of Science (Honours) Chemistry |
Insect Ecology
School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus |
BET306/3 |
Bachelor of Applied Science (Hons) Applied Biology |
Insects and Sistematic Biology
School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus |
BET305/4 |
Bachelor of Applied Science (Hons) Applied Biology |
Institusi Demokratik
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKP 319/4 |
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) Political Science |
Instrumental Food Analysis
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IMG204/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food) |
Instrumentation and Control Laboratory / Makmal Peralatan dan Kawalan
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEM441 |
Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours |
Instrumentation and Measurement Systems / Sistem Peralatan dan Pengukuran
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEM323 |
Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours |
Integrated Pest Management
School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus |
BET406/3 |
Bachelor of Applied Science (Hons) Applied Biology |
Intelligent Systems / Sistem-Sistem Pintar
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE551 |
Master of Science |
Internal Combustion Engine / Enjin Pembakaran Dalam
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EME432 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
International and Cross Cultural Social Work
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SSW 410/4 |
International Business
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JTP 393E/3 |
Bachelor of Management (Hons) |
International Business Strategy
School of Management, Main Campus |
AIP359/4 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) |
International Finance
School of Management, Main Campus |
AFW365E/3 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) |
International Management
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JOW 465E/3 |
Bachelor of Management (Hons) |
International Organizations
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKP 511E/4 |
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) Political Science |
International Politics and Regional Coorperation
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SPU 314E/4 |
International Politics and Regional Coorperation
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SPU 314E/4 |
International Relations
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SPW 202/4 |
International Trade Law
School of Management, Main Campus |
AIW303/3 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) |
Internet of Things Technology / Teknologi Internet Benda
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE525 |
Master of Science |
Introduction to Aerospace Engineering
School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus |
ESA227 |
Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours |
Introduction to Analysis
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MAT202 |
Bachelor of Science (Mathematics) |
Introduction To Anthropology/Sociology / Pengantar Antropologi/Sosiologi
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKA101 |
Introduction to Environmental and Occupational Health
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTK101/3 |
Introduction to Environmental Engineering / Pengenalan kepada Kejuruteraan Alam Sekitar
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAP216 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Introduction to Environmental Engineering / Pengenalan kepada Kejuruteraan Alam Sekitar
Scenarist |
EAP216 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Introduction to Environmental Science
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IEG101/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental) |
Introduction to Environmental Technology
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IEG104/4 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental) |
Introduction to Exercise and Sports Science
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTS101/2 |
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics / Pengenalan Mekanik Bendalir
School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus |
ESA122 |
Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours |
Introduction to Food Engineering
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IMK106/2 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food) |
Introduction to Food Science and Technology
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IMK103/2 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food) |
Introduction to Geometric Modelling
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MSG384 |
Introduction to Integrated Circuit Design / Pengantar Reka Bentuk Litar Bersepadu
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE348 |
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours |
Introduction To Literature / Pengantar Kesusasteraan
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JMK101 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Keusahawanan / Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Entrepreneurship |
Introduction to Management
School of Management, Main Campus |
ATW104/4 & ATW101/3 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) & Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perakaunan (Kepujian) |
Introduction to Medical Radiation
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTX104/4 |
Introduction to Modelling
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MSG328 |
Introduction to Operations Research
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MAT251 |
Introduction to Parasitology
School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus |
BET304/4 |
Bachelor of Applied Science (Hons) Applied Biology |
Introduction to Radiation Dosimetry
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTX323/3 |
Introduction to Speech and Language Disorders
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTP202/3 |
Introduction to Statics and Dynamics / Pengenalan kepada Statistik dan Dinamik
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBP105 |
Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours |
Inventory Control
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MSG355 |
Islamic Accounting
School of Management, Main Campus |
ACE464/3 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perakaunan (Kepujian) |
Islamic Banking
School of Management, Main Campus |
ASW384/3 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) |
Islamic Epistemology and Worldview
Pusat Kajian Pengurusan Pembangunan Islam |
SIW505/3 |
Master of Islamic Development Management |
Islamic Finance
School of Management, Main Campus |
AFP367/4 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) |
Islamic Malay Classic Literature / Sastera Melayu Klasik Bercorak Islam
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JMK423 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Keusahawanan / Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Entrepreneurship |
Islamic Research Methodology
Pusat Kajian Pengurusan Pembangunan Islam |
SIW506/3 |
Master of Islamic Development Management |
Issues and Theories of Accounting
School of Management, Main Campus |
ACW367/3 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perakaunan (Kepujian) |
Issues in Bioprocess Technology
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IBK312/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess) |
Issues of Urbanisation
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SBU211E/3 |
Issues Of Urbanisation
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SBU211E |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan |
Isu-isu Perbandaran di Negara Membangun
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKA 315/4 |
Bachelor Of Social Science (Hons) Anthropology And Sociology |
Isu-Isu Terpilih Pentadbiran Awam
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKP320 |
Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan dengan Kepujian (Sains Politik) |
Jalan & Pengangkutan / Road & Transportation
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
REG 468 |
Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan |
Kaedah Analisis Perancangan
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RPK 233 |
Perancangan Bandar |
Kaedah Analisis Perancangan
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RPK 133 |
Perancangan Bandar |
Kaedah Binaan/Methods of Construction
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
REG 361 |
Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan |
Kaedah Kerja Komuniti
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SSW312 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Kerja Sosial |
Kaedah Kerja Komuniti
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SSE375 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Kerja Sosial |
Kaedah Mengajar Bahasa Inggeris II (English Language Teaching Methods II)
School of Educational Studies, Main Campus |
PPG315 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan (Pendidikan TESOL) |
Kaedah Mengajar Bahasa Malaysia II (Malay Language Teaching Methods II)
School of Educational Studies, Main Campus |
PPG314 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sastera Dengan Pendidikan |
Kaedah Mengajar Geografi I (Geography Teaching Methods I)
School of Educational Studies, Main Campus |
PGT223 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sastera Dengan Pendidikan |
Kaedah Penyelidikan
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKJ 104/3 |
Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Economics |
Kaedah Penyelidikan Ekonomi
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKE 217/3 |
Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Economics |
Kaedah Penyelidikan Komunikasi
School of Communication, Main Campus |
YKT306 |
Bachelor of Communication (Hons) |
Kaedah Penyelidikan Komunikasi
Compiler |
YKT306 |
Bachelor of Communication (Hons) |
Kaedah Penyelidikan Pembangunan
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SBW208 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan |
Kaedah Penyelidikan Sains Politik
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKP 204/3 |
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) Political Science |
Kajian kes dalam sektor awam
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SPA 512 |
School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus |
GMT307 |
School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus |
GMT407 |
Kajian Perumahan
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RAK 345 |
Senibina |
Kajian Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan 2 / Building Engineering Technology Studies 2
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
REL 471 |
Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan |
Kajian Topikal Seni Bina Dalaman
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RDL 470 |
Rekabentuk Dalam |
Kaunseling Perkahwinan & Kekeluargaan (Marriage & Family Counselling)
School of Educational Studies, Main Campus |
PLK565 |
Sarjana Kaunseling |
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTA406 |
Kemahiran Kepemimpinan Guru (Teachers’ Leadership Skills)
School of Educational Studies, Main Campus |
PGT342 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan |
Kemahiran Komunikasi Dan Interpersonal Untuk Guru (Communication and Interpersonal Skills for Teachers)
School of Educational Studies, Main Campus |
PGT203 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan |
Kemiskinan Dan Pembangunan
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SBU310 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan |
Kepelbagaian Haiwan
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIB116 |
Kepelbagaian Tumbuhan
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIB115 |
Kependudukan, Pembangunan Dan Sumber
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SBU305 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan |
Kerajaan Tempatan Dan Undang-Undang Perbandaran
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SBU313 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan |
Keselamatan Biologi
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIB438 |
Kesihatan Awam
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIB447 |
Kesihatan dan Penyakit
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIB347 |
Ketaksamaan Sosial
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKA 219/4 |
Bachelor Of Social Science (Hons) Anthropology And Sociology |
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JOW 457/3 |
Bachelor of Management (Hons) |
Kewangan Antarabangsa
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKE 518/3 |
Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Economics |
Kewangan Keusahawanan dan Modal Teroka
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JFP 312/4 |
Bachelor of Management (Hons) |
Kewangan Korporat
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JFW 460/3 |
Bachelor of Management (Hons) |
Kimia Fizik 11
School of Chemical Sciences, Main Campus |
KFT 332 |
Kimia Organik
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Main Campus |
FAR 113 |
Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Farmasi |
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTA307 |
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTA407 |
Komunikasi Antarabangsa
School of Communication, Main Campus |
YWP402 |
Bachelor of Communication (Hons) |
Komunikasi Antarabangsa
Compiler |
YWP402 |
Bachelor of Communication (Hons) |
Komunikasi dan Masyarakat
School of Communication, Main Campus |
YKT216 |
Bachelor of Communication (Hons) |
Komunikasi dan Masyarakat
Compiler |
YKT216 |
Bachelor of Communication (Hons) |
Komunikasi Pemasaran Bersepadu
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JRP 445/4 |
Bachelor of Management (Hons) |
Komunikasi Pemasaran Bersepadu
School of Communication, Main Campus |
YBP300 |
Bachelor of Communication (Hons) |
Komunikasi Pemasaran Bersepadu
Compiler |
YBP300 |
Bachelor of Communication (Hons) |
Land Development and Administration
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SBU347/3 |
Language Development
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTP107/3 |
Language Learning Theories
School of Humanities, Main Campus |
HXE 229 |
Latex Processing / Pemprosesan Lateks
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBP212 |
Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours |
Law for Social Workers
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SSW 223/3 |
Lean Six Sigma Manufacturing and Management / Pembuatan dan Pengurusan Kejat Enam Sigma
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EPE432 |
Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours |
Linear Algebra
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MGM511 |
Linear Algebra
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MAT111 |
Bachelor of Science (Mathematics) |
Linear Algebra
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIM 201/4 |
Bachelor of Science (Hons) Mathematics |
Linear and Integer Programming
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MSG352 |
Linear Models
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MST565 |
Literature Research Methods / Kaedah Kajian Kesusasteraan
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JMK319 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Keusahawanan / Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Entrepreneurship |
Local Goverment and Municipal Laws
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SBU313/4 |
Lukisan Kerja dan Dokumentasi Seni Bina
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RAG 232 |
Senibina |
Lukisan Terukur
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RAL 371 |
Senibina |
Machine Component Design
School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus |
ESA228 |
Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours |
Machine Component Design / Rekabentuk Komponen Mesin
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EMD223 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
Machine Design / Reka Bentuk Mesin
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EMD342 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
Machine Design / Rekabentuk Mesin
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EMD332 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
Machine Vision / Penglihatan Mesin
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEM422 |
Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours |
School of Management, Main Campus |
ATW108/3 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) & Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perakaunan (Kepujian) |
Makna dan Penterjemahan
School of Humanities, Main Campus |
HBT 223 |
Bachelor of Arts in Translation and Interpretation |
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKE 216/4 |
Bachelor Of Social Science (Hons) Economics |
Makroekonomi Pertengahan
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKE 320/4 |
Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Economics |
Makroekonomi (Major Students)
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SEW103 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Ekonomi |
Management Accounting
School of Management, Main Campus |
ATW211/3 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) |
Management in Engineering / Pengurusan dalam Kejuruteraan
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EPM331 |
Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours |
Management of Halal Food
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IMK213 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food) |
Management of Islamic Asset Development
Pusat Kajian Pengurusan Pembangunan Islam |
SZW501/3 |
Master of Islamic Development Management |
Management of Tropical Diseases
School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus |
BGT402/4 |
Bachelor of Applied Science (Hons) Applied Biology |
Managing A Biomedical-Based Business
Institut Penyelidikan Perubatan Molekul |
TFM 505 |
Master of Science (Molecular Medicine) |
Manufacturing Engineering Integrated Design / Rekabentuk Bersepadu Kejuruteraan Pembuatan
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EPD442 |
Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours |
Manufacturing Laboratory I / Makmal Pembuatan I
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EPL322 |
Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours |
Manufacturing Laboratory I / Makmal Pembuatan I
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EPL212 |
Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours |
Manufacturing Laboratory II / Makmal Pembuatan II
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EPL431 |
Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours |
Manufacturing Laboratory II / Makmal Pembuatan II
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EPL331 |
Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours |
Manufacturing Management and Technology / Pengurusan dan Teknologi Pembuatan
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEM354 |
Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours |
Manufacturing System / Sistem Pembuatan
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EPM321 |
Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours |
Manufacturing Technology I / Teknologi Pembuatan I
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EPP201 |
Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours |
Manufacturing Technology II / Teknologi Pembuatan II
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EPP331 |
Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours |
Manusia dan Persekitaran
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKA 214/4 |
Bachelor Of Social Science (Hons) Anthropology And Sociology |
Marketing Research
School of Management, Main Campus |
AMW345/4 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) |
Mass and Energy Balance / Imbangan Jisim dan Tenaga
School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EKC122 |
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours |
Mass Transfer / Pemindahan Jisim
School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EKC217 |
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours |
Mass Transfer and Separation Processes
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IEK213/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental) |
Masyarakat Maklumat
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SAU326 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan |
Matematik Perniagaan
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JTW 201/4 |
Bachelor of Management (Hons) |
Matematik untuk Teknologi Kejuruteraan/Mathematic for Engineering Technology
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
REG 131 |
Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan |
Material Science / Sains Bahan
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIF517 |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Physics |
Material Science for Chemical Engineering / Sains Bahan untuk Kejuruteraan Kimia
School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EKC124 |
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours |
Materials Behaviour in Fire / Kelakuan Bahan dalam Kebakaran
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAF522 |
Master of Science (Fire Safety Engineering) |
Materials Behaviour in Fire / Kelakuan Bahan dalam Kebakaran
Scenarist |
EAF522 |
Master of Science (Fire Safety Engineering) |
Materials Processing Laboratory / Makmal Pemprosesan Bahan
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBB317 |
Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours |
Materials Product Design / Rekabentuk Produk Bahan
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBB410 |
Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours |
Materials Properties Laboratory / Makmal Sifat-Sifat Bahan
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBB204 |
Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours |
Materials Selection and Design Analysis / Analisa Reka Bentuk dan Pemilihan Bahan
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBB308 |
Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours |
Materials Thermodynamic / Termodinamik Bahan
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBB236 |
Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours |
Materials Transport Engineering / Kejuruteraan Pengangkutan Bahan
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBS308 |
Bachelor of Mineral Resources with Honours |
Mathematical Algorithms for Computer Graphics
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MSG488 |
Mathematical Methods
School of Physics, Main Campus |
JIF 315/3 |
Mathematical Methods / Kaedah Matematik
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIF315 |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Physics |
Mathematical Methods For Chemical Engineering / Kaedah Matematik Kejuruteraan Kimia
School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EKC245 |
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours |
Mathematical Modelling
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MAT514 |
Mathematical Modelling in Engineering / Pemodelan Matematik di dalam Kejuruteraan
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EMT302 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
Mathematical Programming
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MSG456 |
Mathematics and Technology
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MGM581 |
Mathematics I
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IUK191/4 |
General Course |
Mathematics II
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IUK291/4 |
General Course |
Mathematics of Finance
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MSG370 |
Measurement and Instrumentation / Pengukuran dan Peralatan
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EMC201 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
Measurement and Instrumentation / Pengukuran dan Peralatan
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EMC301 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
Measurement and Monitoring of Contaminants
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTK310/4 |
Mechanical Behaviour of Materials / Kelakuan Mekanik Bahan
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBB346 |
Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours |
Mechanical Engineering Design / Reka Bentuk Kejuruteraan Mekanik
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEM353 |
Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours |
Mechanical Engineering Integrated Design / Rekabentuk Bersepadu Kejuruteraan Mekanik
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EMD431 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
Mechanical Product Design / Reka Bentuk Produk Mekanikal
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EME462 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
School of Physics, Main Campus |
JIF 211/4 |
Mechanics / Mekanik
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIF211 |
Mechanics of Solids / Mekanik Pepejal
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EMM331 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
Mechanics of Structural Materials
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IWK308/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings) |
Mechatronic / Mekatronik
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EMC311 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
Mechatronic Design I / Reka Bentuk Mekatronik I
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEM253 |
Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours |
Mechatronic Engineering Practice / Amalan Kejuruteraan Mekatronik
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEM102 |
Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours |
Mechatronic Laboratory I / Makmal Mekatronik I
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEM242 |
Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours |
Mechatronic System Design / Reka Bentuk Sistem Mekatronik
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEM425 |
Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours |
Mechatronic Systems / Sistem Mekatronik
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEM355 |
Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours |
School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus |
ESA313 |
Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours |
Mechatronics Lab II / Makmal Mekatronik II
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEM344 |
Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours |
Media dan Penterjemahan
School of Humanities, Main Campus |
HBT 321 |
Medical and urban entomology
School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus |
BET402/4 |
Bachelor of Applied Science (Hons) Applied Biology |
Medical and Veterinary Helminthology
School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus |
BET405/3 |
Bachelor of Applied Science (Hons) Applied Biology |
Medical and Veterinary Protozoology
School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus |
BET403/3 |
Bachelor of Applied Science (Hons) Applied Biology |
Medical Anthropology
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SAU322/3 |
Medical Bacteriology
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTB 322/3 |
Medical Nursing Practicum
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTJ405/5 |
Medical Posting
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNT 302 |
Medical Social Work
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SSE 373/3 |
Medical-Surgical Nursing III (Endocrine and Musculoskeletal)
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTJ320/3 |
Medical-Surgical Nursing IV (Neurology, Otorhinolaryngology and Opthalmology)
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTJ321/3 |
Mekanik Struktur/Structural Mechanics
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
REG 132 |
Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan |
Membrane Science and Technology / Sains dan Teknologi Membran
School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EKC461 |
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours |
Mendengar dan Bertutur
School of Humanities, Main Campus |
HBT 111 |
Bachelor of Arts in Translation and Interpretation |
Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTJ322/3 |
Metal Processing and Surface Engineering / Pemprosesan Logam dan Kejuruteraan Permukaan
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBB440 |
Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours |
Methods in Community Work
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SSW 312/4 |
Methods in Group Work
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SSW 221/4 |
Metodologi & Teknik Penyelidikan
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RPK 333 |
Perancangan Bandar |
Metrology and Quality Control / Metrologi dan Kawalan Kualiti
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EPM212 |
Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours |
Micro and Nano-Manufacturing Engineering / Kejuruteraan Pembuatan Mikro dan Nano
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EPE441 |
Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours |
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIB 221/4 |
Bachelor Of Science (Hons) Biology |
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIB 221/4 |
Bachelor of Science (Hons) Biology |
Microprocessor I / Mikropemproses I
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE226 |
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours |
Microprocessor II / Mikropemproses II
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE320 |
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours |
Microscopy Laboratory / Makmal Mikroskopi
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBB325 |
Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours |
Microwave Circuit Design / Reka Bentuk Litar Mikrogelombang
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE532 |
Master of Science |
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIB221 |
School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus |
GMT104 |
Mine and Plant Design / Rekabentuk Lombong dan Loji
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBS423 |
Bachelor of Mineral Resources with Honours |
Mineral Chemistry Laboratory / Makmal Kimia Mineral
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBS325 |
Bachelor of Mineral Resources with Honours |
Mineral Deposits / Mendapan Mineral
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBS201 |
Bachelor of Mineral Resources with Honours |
Mineral Processing Laboratory / Makmal Kejuruteraan Pemprosesan Mineral
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBS341 |
Bachelor of Mineral Resources with Honours |
Mineralogy / Mineralogi
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBS209 |
Bachelor of Mineral Resources with Honours |
Mining Engineering Laboratory / Makmal Kejuruteraan Perlombongan
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBS210 |
Bachelor of Mineral Resources with Honours |
Modelling Laboratory I
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MSG381 |
Modelling Laboratory II
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MSG382 |
Modern Algebra
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MSS311 |
Bachelor of Science (Mathematics) |
Modern Algebra
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIM 421/3 |
Bachelor of Science (Hons) Mathematics |
Modern Algebra
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIM 503/4 |
Bachelor of Science (Hons) Mathematics |
Modern Communication Systems / Sistem Perhubungan Moden
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE440 |
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours |
Modern Control for Autopilot / Kawalan Moden untuk Autopilot
School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus |
ESA305 |
Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours |
Modern Indonesian Fiction / Fiksyen Indonesia Moden
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JMK222 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Keusahawanan / Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Entrepreneurship |
Modern Malay Fiction / Fiksyen Melayu Moden
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JMK221 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Keusahawanan / Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Entrepreneurship |
Molecular Basis of Diseases
Institut Penyelidikan Perubatan Molekul |
TFM 501 |
Master of Science (Molecular Medicine) |
Molecular Biology / Biologi Molekul
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIB322 |
Molecular Spectroscopy
Pusat Penyelidikan Biokimia Analisis |
KAA503/4 |
Morphology and Syntax
School of Humanities, Main Campus |
HET 227 |
Mould and Die Design / Rekabentuk Acuan dan Dai
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBP302 |
Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours |
Multivariate Analysis
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MSG466 |
Nanomaterials / Bahan Nano
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBB339 |
Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours |
Nanomaterials in Chemical Engineering / Bahan-Nano dalam Kejuruteraan Kimia
School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EKC354 |
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours |
Network Flows
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MSG354 |
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTA205 |
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTP303/2 |
School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus |
GMT415 |
New Literatures In English From The Asia Pacific / Kesusasteraan Baru Bahasa Inggeris Dari Asia Pasifik
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JMK517E/JMK418E |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Keusahawanan / Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Entrepreneurship |
Noise and Vibration / Hingar dan Getaran
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EMM352 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
Noise and Vibration Control Technology
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IEK307/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental) |
Noise and Vibrations / Hingar dan Getaran
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EMM342 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
Noise Pollution Control / Kawalan Pencemaran Bunyi
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAP318 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Noise Pollution Control / Kawalan Pencemaran Bunyi
Scenarist |
EAP318 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Non-parametric Statistics
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MAT264 |
Bachelor of Applied Science (Mathematics) |
Nuclear And Radiation Physics / Ilmu Fizik Nuklear Dan Sinaran
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIF460 |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Physics |
Nuclear Medicine
Oncological & Radiological Sciences Cluster, AMDI |
NM |
Master of Medicine (Nuclear Medicine) |
Nuclear Medicine Imaging
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTX325/4 |
Nuclear Medicine Imaging Techniques
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTX412/3 |
Number Theory
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MGM502 |
Numerical Computing / Pengkomputeran Berangka
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EMT101 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
Numerical Methods For Differential Equation
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MAT518 |
Numerical Methods for Differential Equations
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MSG489 |
Bachelor of Science (Hons) Mathematics |
Numerical Methods for Engineers / Kaedah Berangka untuk Jurutera
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EME411 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
Nursing Foundation 1
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTJ101/4 |
Nursing Foundation III
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTJ205/4 |
Nursing Foundation Practicum I
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTJ213/3 |
Nursing Foundation Practicum II
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTJ319/3 |
Nursing Foundation Practicum III
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTJ409/3 |
Nusantara Poetry / Puisi Nusantara
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JMK323 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Keusahawanan / Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Entrepreneurship |
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IMK319/2 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food) |
Nutrition and Diseases
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTN309/3 |
Nutrition for Health and Fitness
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTN215/3 |
Nutrition in a Life Cycle
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTN214/4 |
Nutrition in Health and Diseases
Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI) |
TCE502 |
Master of Science (Clinical Exercise Science) |
Nutritional Biochemistry
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTN208/3 |
School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus |
GMT306 |
School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus |
GMT506 |
Occupational Health And Safety In Industry / Keselamatan Dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Dalam Industri
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIK503 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Kimia / Bachelor of Science (Honours) Chemistry |
Occupational Safety
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTK201/3 |
Occupational Safety and Health / Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBB348 |
Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours |
School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus |
BAT306/3 |
Bachelor of Applied Science (Hons) Applied Biology |
School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus |
GMT411 |
Oleochemical Processing / Pemprosesan Oleokimia
School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EKC358 |
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours |
Operasi Unit
School of Chemical Sciences, Main Campus |
KIT 258 |
Operations Research
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MGM551 |
Operations Research Laboratory
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MSG386 |
Optical and Surface Metrology / Metrologi Optik dan Permukaan
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EPE482 |
Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours |
Oral & Maxillofacial Radiology
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNT 208 |
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNT 206 |
Oral Biology
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNT 104 |
Oral Maxillofacial Surgery & Radiology I
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNT 308 |
Oral Maxillofacial Surgery And Oral Radiology II
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNT 408 |
Oral Maxillofacial Surgery And Oral Radiology III
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNT 508 |
Oral Medicine And Oral Pathology (OM/OP) II
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNT 509 |
Oral Medicine And Oral Pathology I
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNT 409 |
Orbital Mechanics / Mekanik Orbit
School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus |
ESA389 |
Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours |
Organic Chemistry / Kimia Organik
School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EKC107 |
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours |
Organic Chemistry I / Kimia Organik I
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIK224 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Kimia / Bachelor of Science (Honours) Chemistry |
Organic Chemistry II
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTF217 |
Organic Chemistry II / Kimia Organik II
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIK322 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Kimia / Bachelor of Science (Honours) Chemistry |
Organic Chemistry III
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTF312/3 |
Organic Chemistry III / Kimia Organik III
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIK422 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Kimia / Bachelor of Science (Honours) Chemistry |
Organisational Behaviour
School of Management, Main Campus |
ATW251/3 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) & Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perakaunan (Kepujian) |
Orthodontics I
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNT 402 |
Orthodontics II
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNT 502 |
School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus |
GMT408 |
School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus |
GMT508 |
School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus |
GMT412 |
Outpatient Dietetic Practicum II
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTD406/3 |
Paediatric Dentistry I
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNT 201 |
Paediatric Dentistry II
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNT 301 |
Paediatric Dentistry III
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNT 401 |
Paediatric Dentistry IV
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNT 501 |
Paper Technology Laboratory I
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IWA283/2 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings) |
Paper Technology Laboratory II
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IWA383/2 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings) |
Paradigma dan Teori Sosial
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKA 320/4 |
Bachelor Of Social Science (Hons) Anthropology And Sociology |
Patalogi Bangunan 2
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RBG 332 |
Ukur Bangunan |
Patalogi Bangunan I
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RBG 231 |
Ukur Bangunan |
Pathophysiology of Non-communicable Diseases
Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI) |
TCE501 |
Master of Science (Clinical Exercise Science) |
Pavement Engineering / Kejuruteraan Turapan
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAL337 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Pavement Engineering / Kejuruteraan Turapan
Scenarist |
EAL337 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Pediatrics for Hearing and Speech
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTP211/3 |
School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus |
GMT303 |
School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus |
GMT503 |
Pemasaran Perkhidmatan
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JRW 441/4 |
Bachelor of Management (Hons) |
Pembangunan Bandar
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SBU210 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan |
Pembangunan dan Pentadbiran Tanah
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SBU347 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan |
Pembangunan Politik Malaysia
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKP 413/4 |
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) Political Science |
Pembinaan Bangunan 1
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RAG 161 |
Senibina |
Pembinaan Bangunan 2
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RAG 265 |
Senibina |
Pembungkusan Makanan
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IMG405 |
Pemerincian Dan Kemasan Seni Bina Dalaman
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RDB 263 |
Rekabentuk Dalam |
Pemikiran dan Tamadun Melayu
School of Humanities, Main Campus |
HFM 203 |
Pemikiran Geografi
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JMG 215/2 |
Bachelor Of Arts (Hons) Geography |
Pemikiran Kritis
School of Humanities, Main Campus |
HPW 102 |
Pencahayaan Seni Bina Dalaman
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RDG 262 |
Rekabentuk Dalam |
Pendidikan Literasi Bahasa Malaysia (Literacy Education in Bahasa Malaysia)
School of Educational Studies, Main Campus |
PMC571 |
Sarjana Sastera Pendidikan |
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTA408 |
Penerbitan Video Digital
School of Communication, Main Campus |
YKT217 |
Bachelor of Communication (Hons) |
Penerbitan Video Digital
Compiler |
YKT217 |
Bachelor of Communication (Hons) |
Pengantar Alam Bina
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RAS 132 |
Senibina |
Pengantar Arkeologi
Pusat Penyelidikan Arkeologi Global |
UAW 101/4 |
Master of Arts (MA) |
Pengantar Ekonomi
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKE 101/4 |
Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Economics |
Pengantar Geografi
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JMG 101/4 |
Bachelor Of Arts (Hons) Geography |
Pengantar Pengajian Islam
School of Humanities, Main Campus |
HIA 101 |
Pengantar Pengurusan
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JTW 101/3 |
Bachelor of Management (Hons) |
Pengantar Pengurusan
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JTW 104/4 |
Bachelor of Management (Hons) |
Pengantar Perancangan Dan Pengurusan Pembangunan
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SKW101 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan |
Pengantar Sains Politik
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKP 101/4 |
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) Political Science |
Pengenalan Kepada Psikologi Pengurusan
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
JTW224 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) |
School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus |
GMM416 |
Penghantar Pengurusan Projek
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RMK 252 |
Pengurusan Projek Binaan |
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JRW 344/4 |
Bachelor of Management (Hons) |
Pengukuran 1/Measurement 1
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RQG 236 |
Ukur Bahan |
Pengukuran 2/Measurement 2
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RQG 237 |
Ukur Bahan |
Pengukuran Kerja-Kerja Bangunan
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RMK 233 |
Pengurusan Projek Binaan |
Pengukuran Kuantiti/Computerised Quantity Measurement Berkomputer
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RQB 261 |
Ukur Bahan |
Pengukuran Pendidikan (Educational Measurement)
School of Educational Studies, Main Campus |
PMC531 |
Sarjana Sastera Pendidikan |
Pengurusan Binaan dan Kewangan
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RMK 264 |
Pengurusan Projek Binaan |
Pengurusan Institusi Kewangan & Pasaran
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JFW 462/3 |
Bachelor of Management (Hons) |
Pengurusan Kesihatan, Keselamatan dan Alam Sekitar
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RMK 156 |
Pengurusan Projek Binaan |
Pengurusan Kos/Cost Management
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RQG 356 |
Ukur Bahan |
Pengurusan Operasi
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JTW 223/3 |
Bachelor of Management (Hons) |
Pengurusan Reka Bentuk
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RDB 314 |
Rekabentuk Dalam |
Pengurusan Sumber Manusia
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JOP 452/4 |
Bachelor of Management (Hons) |
Pengurusan, Kelestarian & Pengantarabangsaan/Management, Sustainability & Internationalisation
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RQG 355 |
Ukur Bahan |
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RMK 336 |
Pengurusan Projek Binaan |
Penilaian Individu (Individual Appraisal)
School of Educational Studies, Main Campus |
PLK562 |
Sarjana Kaunseling |
School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus |
GTA308 |
Pensejarahan Barat dan Timur
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JMS 417/4 |
Pentadbiran Tanah
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RMK 357 |
Pengurusan Projek Binaan |
Penulisan dan TESOL : Teori, Penyelidikan dan Amalan (Writing and TESOL: Theory, Research and Practice)
School of Educational Studies, Main Campus |
PLG746 |
EDD dan M.A. (Pendidikan TESOL) |
Penulisan Saintific dan Topik Khas Dalam Biologi
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIB380 |
School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus |
GMT205 |
Penyuntingan dan Penilaian Terjemahan
School of Humanities, Main Campus |
HBT 410 |
Bachelor of Arts in Translation and Interpretation |
Perakaunan Pengurusan
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JTW 212/4 |
Bachelor of Management (Hons) |
Perancangan & Pembangunan Pelancongan
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RPK 323 |
Perancangan Bandar |
Perancangan & Pembangunan Pelancongan
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RPK 223 |
Perancangan Bandar |
Perancangan & Pemuliharaan Alam Sekitar
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RPK 123 |
Perancangan Bandar |
Perancangan dan Penilaian Kempen Komunikasi
School of Communication, Main Campus |
YBP221E |
Bachelor of Communication (Hons) |
Perancangan dan Penilaian Kempen Komunikasi
Compiler |
YBP221E |
Bachelor of Communication (Hons) |
Perancangan Lalu Lintas
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RPK 334 |
Perancangan Bandar |
Perancangan Landskap
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RPK 321 |
Perancangan Bandar |
Perancangan Landskap
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RPK 221 |
Perancangan Bandar |
Perancangan Wilayah & Luar Bandar
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RPK 435 |
Perancangan Bandar |
Periodontics I
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNT 307 |
Periodontics II
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNT 407 |
Periodontics III
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNT 507 |
School of Humanities, Main Campus |
HBT 222 |
Perkembangan Manusia Dan Tamadun
Pusat Penyelidikan Arkeologi Global |
UAW 201/4 |
Master of Arts (MA) |
Perkembangan Organisasi
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JOW 459/4 |
Bachelor of Management (Hons) |
Perkhidmatan Bangunan/Building Services
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
REG 261 |
Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan |
Perlakuan Organisasi
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JTW253 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) |
Perlakuan Pengguna
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JRP 443/4 |
Bachelor of Management (Hons) |
Persediaan Interpretasi
School of Humanities, Main Campus |
HBT 303 |
Bachelor of Arts in Translation and Interpretation |
Personal Finance
School of Management, Main Campus |
AFP313/4 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) |
Perspectives and Practice in Health Promotion
Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI) |
TCE506 |
Master of Science (Clinical Exercise Science) |
School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus |
GMT517 |
School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus |
GMT410 |
School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus |
GMT206 |
School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus |
GMT305 |
School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus |
GMT505 |
School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus |
GMT414 |
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JRW 348/4 |
Bachelor of Management (Hons) |
Pesticide Science
School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus |
BEE305/3 |
Bachelor of Applied Science (Hons) Applied Biology |
Petrography and Ore Microscopy / Petrografi dan Mikroskopi Bijih
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBS242 |
Bachelor of Mineral Resources with Honours |
Petroleum and Gas Processing Engineering / Kejuruteraan Pemprosesan Petroleum dan Gas
School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EKC483 |
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours |
Petroleum Engineering / Kejuruteraan Petroleum
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBS418 |
Bachelor of Mineral Resources with Honours |
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Main Campus |
FAR 114 |
Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Farmasi |
Pharmacology II
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTB 318/3 |
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Main Campus |
FAR 412 |
Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Farmasi |
Philosophy And Current Issues / Falsafah Dan Isu Semasa
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JUF101 |
Phonetics and Phonology
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTP209/2 |
Physical Chemistry
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTF 110/4 |
Physical Chemistry / Kimia Fizik
School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EKC113 |
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours |
Physical Chemistry I / Kimia Fizik I
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIK223 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Kimia / Bachelor of Science (Honours) Chemistry |
Physical Chemistry II / Kimia Fizik II
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIK310 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Kimia / Bachelor of Science (Honours) Chemistry |
Physical Chemistry III / Kimia Fizikal III
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIK520 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Kimia / Bachelor of Science (Honours) Chemistry |
Physical Chemistry of Engineering Materials / Kimia Fizikal Bahan Kejuruteraan
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBB160 |
Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours |
Physical Evidence
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTF301/3 |
Physical Metallurgy and Heat Treatment / Metalurgi Fizikal dan Rawatan Haba
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBB226 |
Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours |
Physical Mineral Processing / Pemprosesan Fizikal Mineral
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBS322 |
Bachelor of Mineral Resources with Honours |
Physical Properties of Food
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IMK209 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food) |
Physics I/Practical 1a
School of Physics, Main Campus |
JIF 103/4 |
Physics I/Practical Ia / Fizik I/Amali Ia
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIF103 |
Physics II/Practical 1b
School of Physics, Main Campus |
JIF 104/4 |
Physics II/Practical Ib / Fizik II/Amali Ib
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIF104 |
Physiology and Insect Biochemistry
School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus |
BET307/3 |
Bachelor of Applied Science (Hons) Applied Biology |
Plant Design and Operations / Rekabentuk Loji dan Operasi
School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EKC455 |
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours |
Plant Development Biology
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIB 324/4 |
Plant Diversity
School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus |
JIB 115/4 |
Bachelor of Science (HONS) Biology |
Plant Diversity
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIB 115/4 |
Bachelor of Science (Hons) Biology |
Plant Molecular Biology
School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus |
BBT403/3 |
Bachelor of Science (Hons) Biology |
Plant Patalogy
School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus |
BGT301/3 |
Bachelor of Applied Science (Hons) Applied Biology |
Plant Physiology and Development
School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus |
BBT305/4 |
Bachelor of Science (HONS) Biology |
Plant Physiology And Development / Fisiologi Dan Perkembangan Tumbuhan
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIB326 |
Plant Safety / Keselamatan Loji
School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EKC367 |
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours |
Plastic Laboratory / Makmal Plastik
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBP318 |
Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours |
Plastics Compounding and Processing / Penyebatian dan Pemprosesan Plastik
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBP210 |
Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours |
Political Sociology
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SAU327/3 |
Politik Masyarakat Majmuk
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKP 315/4 |
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) Political Science |
Politik Perbandingan
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKP 318/4 |
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) Political Science |
Pollution And Health
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTK202/3 |
Polymer Degradation and Environment / Degradasi Polimer dan Alam Sekitar
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBP324 |
Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours |
Polymer Engineering Laboratory / Makmal Kejuruteraan Polimer
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBP116 |
Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours |
Polymer in Electronics / Polimer dalam Elektronik
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBP215 |
Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours |
Polymer Organic Chemistry / Kimia Organik Polimer
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBP103 |
Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours |
Polymer Product Design and Development / Rekabentuk dan Pembangunan Produk Polimer
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBP400 |
Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours |
Polymer Rheology / Reologi Polimer
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBP307 |
Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours |
Polymer Structure / Struktur Polimer
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBP202 |
Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours |
Polymer Synthesis and Reaction Engineering / Sintesis Polimer dan Kejuruteraan Tindakbalas
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBP201 |
Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours |
Population, Development and Natural Resources
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SBU305/3 |
Positive Psychology
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
STU 245/4 |
Positive Psychology
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
STU 245/4 |
Post-Harvest Technology of Fruits and Vegetables
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IMK226 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food) |
Poverty and Development
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SBU310/3 |
Power Electronics / Elektronik Kuasa
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEK361 |
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering with Honours |
Power System Analysis / Analisis Sistem Kuasa
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEK372 |
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering with Honours |
Practical in Bioreactor System
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IBA417/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess) |
Practical in Cell and Tissue Culture Technology
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IBA206/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess) |
Practical in Downstream Processing Practical in Downstream Processing
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IBA405/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess) |
Practical Pathology of Basic Plants
School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus |
BGT302/2 |
Bachelor of Applied Science (Hons) Applied Biology |
Practicum III
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SSW 412/6 |
Praktikum (Practicum)
School of Educational Studies, Main Campus |
PLK564 |
Sarjana Kaunseling |
Praktikum II
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SSW313/6 |
Pre-Stressed Concrete Design / Reka Bentuk Konrit Pra-Tegasan
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAS458 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Pre-Stressed Concrete Design / Reka Bentuk Konrit Pra-Tegasan
Scenarist |
EAS458 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Preparatory English / Bahasa Inggeris Persediaan
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JUE100 |
Primary Health Care, Family and Community
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTJ210/3 |
Primary Products Technology
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IMK421/2 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food) |
Principle of Structural Design / Prinsip Reka Bentuk Struktur
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAS664 |
Master of Science (Structural Engineering) |
Principle of Structural Design / Prinsip Reka Bentuk Struktur
Scenarist |
EAS664 |
Master of Science (Structural Engineering) |
Principle of Transfusion and Transplantation Science
Regenerative Medicine Cluster, AMDI |
TTS 502 |
Master of Medicine (Transfusion Medicine) |
Principles and Mechanics of Materials . Prinsip dan Mekanik Bahan
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEM101 |
Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours |
Principles of Exercise Testing and Prescription
Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI) |
TCE505 |
Master of Science (Clinical Exercise Science) |
Principles of Food Preparation
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTN202/3 |
Principles of Intelligent Systems / Prinsip Sistem Pintar
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEM348 |
Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours |
Principles of Marketing
School of Management, Main Campus |
ATW241/3 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) & Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perakaunan (Kepujian) |
Principles of Medical Nutrition Therapy I
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTD311/3 |
Prinsip Kewangan
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JTW 302/4 |
Bachelor of Management (Hons) |
Prinsip Kewangan
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JTW302 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) |
Prinsip Pemasaran
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JTW 241/3 |
Bachelor of Management (Hons) |
Prinsip Perakaunan Kewangan
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JTW 114/4 |
Bachelor of Management (Hons) |
Prinsip-Prinsip Ekonomi Binaan
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RMK 153 |
Pengurusan Projek Binaan |
Prinsip-Prinsip Perancangan
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RPK 231 |
Perancangan Bandar |
Prinsip-Prinsip Perancangan
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RPK 131 |
Perancangan Bandar |
Prinsip-Prinsip Rekaan Senibina
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RAK 232 |
Senibina |
Prinsip-Prinsip Ukur Bahan/Principles of Quality Surveying
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RQG 131 |
Ukur Bahan |
Probability and Engineering Statistic / Kebarangkalian dan Statistik Kejuruteraan
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE382 |
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours |
Probability Theory
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MGM562 |
Probability Theory
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MAT263 |
Bachelor of Science (Mathematics) |
Process Control / Kawalan Proses
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBB438 |
Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours |
Process Design and Analysis / Rekabentuk Proses dan Analisis
School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EKC451 |
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours |
Process Dynamics and Control / Kawalan Proses dan Dinamik
School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EKC361 |
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours |
Process Fluid Mechanics
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IEK108/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental) |
Process Heat Transfer
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IEK212/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental) |
Process Heat Transfer / Proses Pemindahan Haba
School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EKC216 |
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours |
Process Intensification in Chemical Processes / Intensifikasi Proses dalam Proses-proses Kimia
School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EKC352 |
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours |
Processing Technology of Animal Based-Food Products
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IMG223/4 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food) |
Processing Technology of Plant Based-Food Products
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IMG224 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food) |
Product Design and Development / Rekabentuk dan Pembangunan Produk
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EPD212 |
Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours |
Production Management / Pengurusan Pengeluaran
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EPM342 |
Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours |
Professional and Research Skills
Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI) |
TMR504 |
Master of Science (Health Toxicology) |
Professional Development
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNT 105 |
Professional Ethics / Etika Profesional
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JUR101 |
Professional Training
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTX416/4 |
Programming for Civil Engineering / Pengaturcaraan untuk Kejuruteraan Awam
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAA111 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Programming for Civil Engineering / Pengaturcaraan untuk Kejuruteraan Awam
Scenarist |
EAA111 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Programming for Scientific Applications
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MAT100 |
Bachelor of Applied Science (Mathematics and Economics) |
Programming for Scientific Applications
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MAT181 |
Bachelor of Science (Mathematics) |
Project Management / Pengurusan Projek
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EPM432 |
Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours |
Project Management / Pengurusan Projek
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAA486 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Project Management / Pengurusan Projek
Scenarist |
EAA486 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Project Management / Pengurusan Projek
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EPE431 |
Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours |
Project Management / Pengurusan Projek
School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EKC309 |
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours |
Project Management in Research
Institut Penyelidikan Perubatan Molekul |
TFM 508 |
Master of Science (Molecular Medicine) |
Project Planning and Management
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SBW300/3 |
Project: Selected Social Issues
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKA 515E/4 |
Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Anthropology and Sociology |
Projek (Project)
School of Educational Studies, Main Campus |
PLK599 |
Sarjana Kaunseling |
Projek Pengurusan
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JTW580 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) |
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTA401 |
Projek Penyelidikan Pengurusan Projek Binaan
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RML 470 |
Pengurusan Projek Binaan |
Projek Penyelidikan Perancangan Bandar & Wilayah
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RPK 472 |
Perancangan Bandar |
Projek Tahun Akhir Ukur Bahan/Quantity Surveying Final Year Project
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RQL 371 |
Ukur Bahan |
Projek Tahun Akhir Ukur Bangunan
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RBL 370 |
Ukur Bangunan |
Projek Tahun Akhir Ukur Bangunan 2
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RBL 372 |
Ukur Bangunan |
Projek Terjemahan 1
School of Humanities, Main Campus |
HBT 305 |
Bachelor of Arts in Translation and Interpretation |
Projek Terjemahan 2
School of Humanities, Main Campus |
HBT 411 |
Bachelor of Arts in Translation and Interpretation |
Properties of Polymer Materials Engineering / Sifat-sifat Kejuruteraan Bahan Polimer
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBP306 |
Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours |
Propulsion System / Sistem Dorongan
School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus |
ESA344 |
Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours |
Proses, Strategi & Teknik Kaunseling Individu (Individual Counselling, Processes, Strategies & Techniques)
School of Educational Studies, Main Campus |
PLK556 |
Sarjana Kaunseling |
Prospecting Geochemistry / Geokimia Carigali
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBS328 |
Bachelor of Mineral Resources with Honours |
Prosthodontics I
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNT 306 |
Prosthodontics II
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNT 406 |
Prosthodontics III
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNT 506 |
School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus |
GMT409 |
School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus |
GMT509 |
Psikologi Grief (Psychology of Grief)
School of Educational Studies, Main Campus |
PLK569 |
Sarjana Kaunseling |
Psikologi Pengurusan
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JOW 460/3 |
Bachelor of Management (Hons) |
Psychology and Behavioural Science
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTU105/3 |
Psychology and Sociology of Language
School of Humanities, Main Campus |
HET 524 |
Public Sector Economics
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKE 512E/4 |
Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Economics |
Public Sector Management
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SPU 323E/3 |
Pulp Production and Paper Recycling
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IWK103/4 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings) |
Pyrometallurgy / Pirometalurgi
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBS323 |
Bachelor of Mineral Resources with Honours |
Quality Assurance and Safety of Bioprocess Products
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IBK411/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess) |
Quality Assurance in Medical Radiation I
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTX414/3 |
Quality Control
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MSG362 |
Quality Control and Management / Kawalan dan Pengurusan Mutu
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBB442 |
Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours |
Quality Management System
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EPE411 |
Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours |
Quality Techniques / Kaedah-Kaedah Kualiti
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEM421 |
Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours |
Quantitative Economics
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKE 316E/4 |
Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Economics |
Quantum Mechanics / Mekanik Kuantum
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIF424 |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Physics |
Queueing System and Simulation
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MSG453 |
Radiation Protection and Safety I
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTX322/3 |
Raw Materials and Coatings Chemistry
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IWK201/4 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings) |
Raw Materials and Structural Ceramics / Bahan Mentah dan Seramik Struktur
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBB212 |
Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours |
Reactor Design and Analysis / Rekabentuk dan Analisis Reaktor
School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EKC338 |
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours |
Real Analysis
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MSS402 |
Bachelor of Science (HONS) Mathematics |
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning / Penyejukan dan Penyamanan Udara
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EME431 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
Regression Analysis
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MSG469 |
Regulations and Quality Management Systems for the Biomedical Industry
Institut Penyelidikan Perubatan Molekul |
TFM 507 |
Master of Science (Molecular Medicine) |
Reinforced Concrete Structural Design I / Reka Bentuk Struktur Konkrit Bertetulang I
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAS353 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Reinforced Concrete Structural Design I / Reka Bentuk Struktur Konkrit Bertetulang I
Scenarist |
EAS353 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Reinforced Concrete Structural Design II / Reka Bentuk Struktur Konkrit Bertetulang II
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAS356 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Reinforced Concrete Structural Design II / Reka Bentuk Struktur Konkrit Bertetulang II
Scenarist |
EAS356 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Reka Bentuk Bantuan Komputer untuk Seni Bina
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RAG 234 |
Senibina |
Reka Bentuk Perabot
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RDG 366 |
Rekabentuk Dalam |
Rekabentuk Struktur Konkrit/Design of Concrete Structure
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
REG 371 |
Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan |
Reliability Engineering / Kejuruteraan Kebolehpercayaan
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEM423 |
Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours |
Religion and Social Relations
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SAU324/3 |
Renewable and Alternative Energies / Tenaga-tenaga Alternatif dan Boleh Diperbaharui
School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EKC377 |
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours |
Renewable Biomass
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IBK212/2 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess) |
Renewable Energy / Tenaga Diperbaharui
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEK477 |
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering with Honours |
Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI) |
TMT520 |
Master of Science (Health Toxicology) |
Research Method For Sustainable Development
Centre for Global Sustainability Studies (CGSS) |
NDP 502 |
Master In Sustainable Development Practice |
Research Methods for Development
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SBW208/3 |
Research Methods In Chemistry And Seminar / Kaedah Penyelidikan Kimia Dan Seminar
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIK401 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Kimia / Bachelor of Science (Honours) Chemistry |
Research Project
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTS409/10 |
Research Project
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTB 411/8 |
Research Project
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTP402/6 |
Research Project
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTK402/8 |
Research Project in Nutrition
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTN409/12 |
Research Projects in Dietetics
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTD410/6 |
Research Proposal and Report Planning Methods
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKA 421E/2 |
Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Anthropology and Sociology |
Resin Manufacturing / Penghasilan Resin
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBP314 |
Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours |
School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus |
GNT 205 |
Revolusi Industri Pengalaman Britain
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JMS 517/4 |
RF and Microwave Engineering / Kejuruteraan Gelombang Mikro and RF
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE322 |
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours |
Rings and Fields
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MSS416 |
River Conservation and Rehabilitation / Pengekalan dan Pemulihan Sungai
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAH416 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
River Conservation and Rehabilitation / Pengekalan dan Pemulihan Sungai
Scenarist |
EAH416 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Robotic and Automation / Robotik dan Automasi
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EPC431 |
Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours |
Robotic and Automation / Robotik dan Pengautomatan
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE355 |
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours |
Robotic and Smart Factory / Robotik dan Kilang Pintar
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EPC451 |
Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours |
Robotics / Robotik
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEM343 |
Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours |
Robotik Termaju
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE526 |
Master of Science |
Rock Engineering and Tunneling Technology / Kejuruteraan Batuan dan Teknologi Terowongan
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAG443 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Rock Engineering and Tunneling Technology / Kejuruteraan Batuan dan Teknologi Terowongan
Scenarist |
EAG443 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Rubber Engineering / Kejuruteraan Getah
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBP420 |
Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours |
Rubber Laboratory / Makmal Getah
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBP220 |
Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours |
Rubber: Processing and Products / Getah: Pemprosesan dan Produk
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBP308 |
Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours |
Rural and Regional Development
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SBU201/3 |
Sains Dalam Arkeologi
Pusat Penyelidikan Arkeologi Global |
UAW 302/4 |
Master of Arts (MA) |
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTB106 |
Sains Persekitaran 1
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RAG 121 |
Senibina |
Sains Persekitaran 2
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RAG 322 |
Senibina |
Sains, Teknologi, Masyarakat dan Pembangunan Lestari (Science, Technology, Society and Sustainable Development)
School of Educational Studies, Main Campus |
PMC512 |
Sample Survey and Sampling Technique
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MSG368 |
Satellite Communications Systems / Sistem Komunikasi Satelit
School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus |
ESA401 |
Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours |
Sejarah Asia Timur
School of Humanities, Main Campus |
HSC 324 |
Sejarah China Moden
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JMS 319/3 (JMS 414/3) |
Sejarah dan Teori Seni Bina 1
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RAK 344 |
Senibina |
Sejarah dan Teori Seni Bina 2
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RAK 346 |
Senibina |
Sejarah dan Teori Seni Reka
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RDG 334 |
Rekabentuk Dalam |
Sejarah India Moden
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JMS 320/3 (JMS 413/3) |
Sejarah Kajian Tempatan
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JMS 418/4 |
Sejarah Sosio-Politik Malaysia: Gerakan protes
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JMS 416/4 |
Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Literature |
School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus |
GMT101 |
Selected Studies Of Malay Classical Texts / Kajian Teks Melayu Klasik Terpilih
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JMK214 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Keusahawanan / Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Entrepreneurship |
Semiconductor And Devices / Semikonduktor Dan Peranti
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIF418 |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Physics |
Semiconductor Device Test and Measurement / Ujian dan Pengukuran Peranti Semikonduktor
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE301 |
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours |
Semiconductor Devices and Optoelectronics / Peranti Semikonduktor dan Optoelektronik
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBB424 |
Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours |
Semiconductor Fabrication Technology / Teknologi Fabrikasi Semikonduktor
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBB323 |
Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours |
Semiconductor Materials / Bahan Semikonduktor
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBB215 |
Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours |
Seminar of Public Administration
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SPU 406/3 |
Seminar Pengurusan
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JTW501 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) |
Senggaraan Bangunan
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RBG 351 |
Ukur Bangunan |
Separation Process / Proses Pemisahan
School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EKC316 |
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours |
Service Operations Management
School of Management, Main Campus |
APP381/4 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) |
Signal and System / Isyarat dan Sistem
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE228 |
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours |
Signal Integrity for High-Speed Digital Design / Integriti Isyarat bagi Reka Bentuk Digital Hala Laju Tinggi
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE552 |
Master of Science |
Sistem Bangunan Berindustri (IBS) / Industrialised Building Sustem (IBS)
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
REG 460 |
Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan |
School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus |
GMT202 |
School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus |
GMT108 |
School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus |
GMT109 |
School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus |
GMT106 |
School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus |
GMT107 |
Sistem Kawalan Termaju
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE550 |
Master of Science |
Sistem Maklumat Geografi (GIS) & Rekabentuk Bantuan Komputer (CAD) Untuk Perancangan
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RPG 235 |
Perancangan Bandar |
School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus |
GMT204 |
School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus |
GMT203 |
School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus |
GMT105 |
School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus |
GMT201 |
Social and Environmental Accounting
School of Management, Main Campus |
ACE465/3 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perakaunan (Kepujian) |
Social and Environmental Impact Assessment
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SBU348/4 |
Social Planning and Policy
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SSW 322E/3 |
Social Psychology
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
STU 242/4 |
Social Work Philosophy, Values and Ethics
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SSW 111/3 |
Social Work Philosophy, Values and Ethics
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SSW 111/3 |
Social Work Practice in Schools
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SSW 310/3 |
Social Work Research
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SSW 352/4 |
Social Work Seminar
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SSW 413E/4 |
Society and Environment Project
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IEA112/4 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental) |
School of Humanities, Main Campus |
HET 325 |
Sociology of Everyday Life
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SAU407/3 |
Software Engineering / Kejuruteraan Perisian
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE430 |
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours |
Soil Mechanics / Mekanik Tanah
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAG245 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Soil Mechanics / Mekanik Tanah
Scenarist |
EAG245 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Soil Stabilization and Ground Improvement / Penstabilan Tanah dan Pembaikan Tapak /
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAG444 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Soil Stabilization and Ground Improvement / Penstabilan Tanah dan Pembaikan Tapak /
Scenarist |
EAG444 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Solid and Hazardous Waste Management / Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal dan Berbahaya
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAP585 |
Master of Science (Environmental Engineering) |
Solid and Hazardous Waste Management / Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal dan Berbahaya
Scenarist |
EAP585 |
Master of Science (Environmental Engineering) |
Solid State Physics / Fizik Keadaan Pepejal
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIF516 |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Physics |
Solid Waste Management / Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAP415 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Solid Waste Management / Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal
Scenarist |
EAP415 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Sosiologi Keluarga
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SAU200 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan |
South East Asian Politics
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKP 417E/4 |
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) Political Science |
Southeast Asian Politics
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SPU 325/3 |
Space Environment / Persekitaran Angkasa
School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus |
ESA404 |
Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours |
Spacecraft Sub-system Design / Rekabentuk Subsistem Kapal Angkasa
School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus |
ESA382 |
Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours |
Spacecraft System Design / Rekabentuk Sistem Kapal Angkasa
School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus |
ESA481 |
Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours |
Special Topics In Organic And Inorganic Chemistry / Tajuk Khas Dalam Kimia Organik Dan Kimia Takorganik
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIK502 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Kimia / Bachelor of Science (Honours) Chemistry |
Special Topics In Physical And Analytical Chemistry / Tajuk-Tajuk Khas Dalam Kimia Fizik Dan Kimia Analitis
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIK501 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Kimia / Bachelor of Science (Honours) Chemistry |
Specialty Engineering Polymer / Polimer Kejuruteraan Khusus
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBP412 |
Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours |
Speech Pathology Clinic I
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTP203/2 |
Speech Pathology Clinic III
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTP304/3 |
Speech Pathology Clinic V
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTP403/6 |
Speech Pathology Clinic VI
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTP406/6 |
Speech Pathology Clinical Placement
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTP409/6 |
Sports Biomechanics and Kinesiology
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTS313/3 |
Sports Injuries and Rehabilitation
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTS312/3 |
Sports Nutrition
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTS311/3 |
Sports Psychology
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTS205/3 |
Statics / Statik
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EMM102 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
Statics and Dynamics / Statik dan Dinamik
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAS151 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Statics and Dynamics / Statik dan Dinamik
Scenarist |
EAS151 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Statistical Inference
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MAT363 |
Statistical Inference
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MST561 |
Statistical Inference
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MGM563 |
Statistical Laboratory
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MSG287 |
Bachelor Of Applied Science (Mathematics And Economics) |
Statistical Mechanics / Mekanik Statistik
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIF415 |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Physics |
Statistical Methods
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIM 212/4 |
Bachelor of Science (Hons) Mathematics |
Statistical Methods for Research
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MGM561 |
Statistical Reliability
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MST564 |
Statistics for Forensic Science
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTF409 |
Statistics for Science Students
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MAA161 |
Bachelor of Science (Mathematics) |
Statistics with Computer Applications
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IUK108/4 |
General Course |
Statistik Perniagaan
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JTW 125/4 |
Bachelor of Management (Hons) |
Stochastic Processes
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MST562 |
Stock Preparation and Paper Making
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IWK203/4 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings) |
Strategi Interpretasi
School of Humanities, Main Campus |
HBT 432 |
Bachelor of Arts in Translation and Interpretation |
Strategic Management
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JTW503E |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) |
Strategic Marketing
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JRP 447E/4 |
Bachelor of Management (Hons) |
Strength of Materials / Kekuatan Bahan
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAS152 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Strength of Materials / Kekuatan Bahan
Scenarist |
EAS152 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Strength of Materials / Kekuatan Bahan
School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus |
ESA225 |
Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours |
Strength of Materials / Kekuatan Bahan
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EMM213 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
Structural Analysis / Analisis Struktur
Scenarist |
EAS254 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Structural Analysis / Analisis Struktur
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAS254 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Structural Design for Fire Safety / Reka Bentuk untuk Keselamatan Kebakaran
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAF525 |
Master of Science (Fire Safety Engineering) |
Structural Design for Fire Safety / Reka Bentuk untuk Keselamatan Kebakaran
Scenarist |
EAF525 |
Master of Science (Fire Safety Engineering) |
Structural Dynamics / Dinamik Struktur
School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus |
ESA322 |
Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours |
Structural Retrofitting Technology / Teknologi Pemulihan Struktur
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAS662 |
Master of Science (Structural Engineering) |
Structural Retrofitting Technology / Teknologi Pemulihan Struktur
Scenarist |
EAS662 |
Master of Science (Structural Engineering) |
Structural Steel Design / Reka Bentuk Struktur Keluli
Scenarist |
EAS457 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Structural Steel Design / Reka Bentuk Struktur Keluli
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAS457 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Structure and Evolution Plants
School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus |
BBT309/4 |
Bachelor of Science (HONS) Biology |
Structure and Function of Humans I
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTU101/3 |
Structures and Strength of Materials Laboratory / Makmal Struktur dan Kekuatan Bahan
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAA204 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Structures and Strength of Materials Laboratory / Makmal Struktur dan Kekuatan Bahan
Scenarist |
EAA204 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Structures, Concrete and Fluid Mechanics Laboratory / Makmal Struktur, Konkrit dan Mekanik Bendalir
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAA206 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Structures, Concrete and Fluid Mechanics Laboratory / Makmal Struktur, Konkrit dan Mekanik Bendalir
Scenarist |
EAA206 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Studio Asas Pengurusan Projek Binaan
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RMS 101 |
Pengurusan Projek Binaan |
Studio Asas Ukur Bangunan
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RBS 101 |
Ukur Bangunan |
Studio Audit Bangunan dan Keselamatan
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RBS 205 |
Ukur Bangunan |
Studio Bahan & Sistem Struktur / Material & Structural System Studio
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RES 203 |
Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan |
Studio Bersepadu (Perancangan)
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RPS 104 |
Perancangan Bandar |
Studio Infrastruktur, Tenaga & Pengangkutan / Infrastructure, Energy & Transportation Studio
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
REG 301 |
Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan |
Studio Isu Kontemporari Dalam Pengurusan Projek Binaan
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RMS 306 |
Pengurusan Projek Binaan |
Studio Kawalan Bangunan
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RBS 102 |
Ukur Bangunan |
Studio Kejuruteraan Perkhidmatan & Teknologi Alam Sekitar / Engineering Services & Environmental Technology Studio
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RES 204 |
Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan |
Studio Kompetensi Pengurusan Projek Binaan
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RMS 102 |
Pengurusan Projek Binaan |
Studio Operasi Fasiliti dan Pengurusan Senggaraan
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RMS 305 |
Pengurusan Projek Binaan |
Studio Pembinaan
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RMS 204 |
Pengurusan Projek Binaan |
Studio Pengurusan Fasiliti dan Aset Menyeluruh
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RBS 307 |
Ukur Bangunan |
Studio Pengurusan Penyenggaraan Bangunan
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RBS 304 |
Ukur Bangunan |
Studio Perancangan 1
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RPS 205 |
Perancangan Bandar |
Studio Perancangan 2
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RPS 206 |
Perancangan Bandar |
Studio Perancangan 3
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RPS 307 |
Perancangan Bandar |
Studio Perancangan 4
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RPS 308 |
Perancangan Bandar |
Studio Perancangan 5
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RPS 409 |
Perancangan Bandar |
Studio Perancangan Bandar & Wilayah 3
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RPS 303 |
Perancangan Bandar |
Studio Perancangan Bandar & Wilayah 4
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RPS 304 |
Perancangan Bandar |
Studio Pra-Pembinaan
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RMS 203 |
Pengurusan Projek Binaan |
Studio Reka Bentuk (Perancangan)
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RPS 106 |
Perancangan Bandar |
Studio Rekabentuk 1
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RAS 101 |
Senibina |
Studio Rekabentuk Berbantuan Komputer & Pemodelan Informasi / Computer Aided Design & Information Modelling Studio
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RES 401 |
Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan |
Studio Seni Bina 1
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RAS 203 |
Senibina |
Studio Seni Bina 3
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RAS 305 |
Senibina |
Studio Seni Bina 4
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RAS 306 |
Senibina |
Studio Seni Bina Dalaman
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RDS 201 |
Rekabentuk Dalam |
Studio Seni Bina Dalaman 2
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RDS 202 |
Rekabentuk Dalam |
Studio Seni Bina Dalaman 3
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RDS 301 |
Rekabentuk Dalam |
Studio Seni Bina Dalaman 4
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RDS 302 |
Rekabentuk Dalam |
Studio Seni Bina Dalaman 5
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RDS 401 |
Rekabentuk Dalam |
Studio Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan 2 / Building Engineering Technology Studio 2
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RES 104 |
Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan |
Studio Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunann 1 / Building Engineering Technology 1
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RES 103 |
Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan |
Studio Teknologi Konservasi Bangunan
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RBS 206 |
Ukur Bangunan |
Studio Ukur Bahan 1/Quantity Surveying Studio 1
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RQS 201 |
Ukur Bahan |
Studio Ukur Bahan 1/Quantity Surveying Studio 1
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RQS 101 |
Ukur Bahan |
Studio Ukur Bahan 2/Quantity Surveying Studio 2
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RQS 102 |
Ukur Bahan |
Studio Ukur Bahan 2/Quantity Surveying Studio 2
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RQS 202 |
Ukur Bahan |
Studio Ukur Bahan 3/Quantity Surveying Studio 3
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RQS 303 |
Ukur Bahan |
Studio Ukur Bahan 4/Quantity Surveying Studio 4
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RQS 304 |
Ukur Bahan |
School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus |
GMT304 |
School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus |
GMT504 |
Surgical Nursing Practicum
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTJ406/4 |
Survival Analysis
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MSG460 |
Sustainable Concrete Materials and Practices / Bahan dan Amalan Konkrit Lestari
Scenarist |
EAS357 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Sustainable Concrete Materials and Practices / Bahan dan Amalan Konkrit Lestari
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAS357 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Sustainable Transport / Pengangkutan Lestari
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAL339 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Sustainable Transport / Pengangkutan Lestari
Scenarist |
EAL339 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Tatabahasa Pedagogi Untuk TESOL (Pedagogical Grammar For TESOL)
School of Educational Studies, Main Campus |
PET226 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan (Pendidikan TESOL) |
Techniques in Geography
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JMG 213E/4 |
Bachelor Of Arts (Hons) Geography |
Technology and Application of Engineering Polymers / Teknologi dan Aplikasi Polimer Kejuruteraan
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBB347 |
Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours |
Technology and Innovation Management
School of Management, Main Campus |
APP378/4 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) |
Technology and Society
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SBU220/3 |
Technology Management and Intellectual Property
Institut Penyelidikan Perubatan Molekul |
TFM 506 |
Master of Science (Molecular Medicine) |
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTA203 |
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTB204 |
Teknik Persembahan Reka Bentuk
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RDG 323 |
Rekabentuk Dalam |
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTA305 |
Teknologi Dalam Pendidikan Sains (Technology in Science Education)
School of Educational Studies, Main Campus |
PMC513 |
Teknologi Geomatik/Geomatic Technology
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
REG 233 |
Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan |
Teknologi Infrastruktur/Infrastructure Technology
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
REG 265 |
Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan |
Teori & Falsafah Perancangan
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RPK 331 |
Perancangan Bandar |
Teori Antropologi dan Sosiologi Lanjutan
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKA 420/3 |
Bachelor of Political Science (Hons) Anthropology and Sociology |
Teori Antropologi dan Sosiologi Lanjutan
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SAW301 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan |
Teori Dan Isu Pembangunan
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SBW205 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan |
Teori dan Kaedah Terjemahan 1
School of Humanities, Main Campus |
HBT 201 |
Bachelor of Arts in Translation and Interpretation |
Teori dan Kaedah Terjemahan 2
School of Humanities, Main Campus |
HBT 208 |
Bachelor of Arts in Translation and Interpretation |
Teori dan Praktik Interpretasi
School of Humanities, Main Campus |
HBT 310 |
Bachelor of Arts in Translation and Interpretation |
Teori Pemujukan
School of Communication, Main Campus |
YBP203 |
Bachelor of Communication (Hons) |
Teori Pemujukan
Compiler |
YBP203 |
Bachelor of Communication (Hons) |
Teori Psikometrik (Psychometric Theory)
School of Educational Studies, Main Campus |
PMC532 |
Sarjana Sastera Pendidikan |
Terapi Antimikrob
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Main Campus |
FAR 241 |
Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Farmasi |
Terapi Antimikrob
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Main Campus |
FAR 241 |
Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Farmasi |
Terapi Keluarga
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SSE 463 |
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Kerja Sosial |
The Selected Literary Works Of Modern African Literature / Karya Terpilih Kesusasteraan Afrika Moden
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JMK315E |
iIjazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Keusahawanan / Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Entrepreneurship |
The Strategies and Skills of Conflict Resolution
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SPU 327/3 |
Theory and Practice of Conflict Resolution
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SPU 322/3 |
Theory and Practice of Conflict Resolution
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SPU 322/3 |
Theory of Structures / Teori Struktur
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAS253 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Theory of Structures / Teori Struktur
Scenarist |
EAS253 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Therapeutic Exercises
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTS407/3 |
Therapeutic Products and Practices
Oncological & Radiological Sciences Cluster, AMDI |
TMR 508 |
Master of Science (Medical Research) |
School of Physics, Main Campus |
JIF 314/2 |
Thermodynamics / Termodinamik
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIF314 |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Physics |
Thermodynamics / Termodinamik
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EMH211 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer / Termodinamik dan Pemindahan Haba
School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus |
ESA213 |
Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours |
Thermofluids / Termobendalir
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEM223 |
Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours |
Timber and Masonry Engineering / Kejuruteraan Kayu dan Batu-Bata
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAS451 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Timber and Masonry Engineering / Kejuruteraan Kayu dan Batu-Bata
Scenarist |
EAS451 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Time Series Analysis
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MSG467 |
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTB 319/3 |
Transfusion in Clinical Medicine, Transplantation in Clinical Medicine & Management of Blood Transfusion Service
Regenerative Medicine Cluster, AMDI |
TTS 503, TTS 505 & TTS 506 |
Master of Medicine (Transfusion Medicine) |
Transport Phenomena / Fenomena Pengangkutan
School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EKC314 |
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours |
Transport Planning Process and Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) / Proses Perancangan Pengangkutan dan Penilaian Impak Lalu Lintas
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAL434 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Transport Planning Process and Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) / Proses Perancangan Pengangkutan dan Penilaian Impak Lalu Lintas
Scenarist |
EAL434 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Transport Processes / Proses-proses Pengangkutan
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EBB433 |
Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours |
Transportation and Road Safety / Pengangkutan dan Keselamatan Jalan Raya
Scenarist |
EAL338 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Transportation and Road Safety / Pengangkutan dan Keselamatan Jalan Raya
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAL338 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Treatment and Management of Scheduled Wastes
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IEK219/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental) |
Treatment and Management of Solid Wastes
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IEK218/3 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental) |
Tribology / Tribologi
School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EME452 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
Undang-Undang dan Amalam Pengurusan Projek Binaan 1
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RMK 255 |
Pengurusan Projek Binaan |
Undang-Undang dan Amalan Pengurusan Projek Binaan 2
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RMK 455 |
Pengurusan Projek Binaan |
Undang-Undang Perancangan
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus |
RPK 359 |
Perancangan Bandar |
Undergraduate Project / Projek Prasiswazah
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE499 |
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours |
Unit Operation in Food Processing
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IMK225 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food) |
Unit Operations Laboratory
School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus |
IEA201/2 |
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental) |
Urban Development
School of Social Sciences, Main Campus |
SBU210/3 |
Urban Water Management / Pengurusan Air Bandar
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAH417 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Urban Water Management / Pengurusan Air Bandar
Scenarist |
EAH417 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Usul Penyelidikan Sains Politik
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKP 419/2 |
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) Political Science |
Vaccines and Novel Therapeutics
Institut Penyelidikan Perubatan Molekul |
TFM 503 |
Master of Science (Molecular Medicine) |
Vector Calculus
School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus |
MAT203 |
Bachelor of Science (Mathematics) |
Vector Calculus
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIM 319/4 |
Bachelor of Science (Hons) Mathematics |
VLSI System / Sistem VLSI
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EEE344 |
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours |
Voice and Resonance Disorders
School of Health Sciences, Health Campus |
GTP306/3 |
Wang dan Perbankan
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JKE 213/4 |
Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Economics |
Wastewater Engineering / Kejuruteraan Air Sisa
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAP582 |
Master of Science (Environmental Engineering) |
Wastewater Engineering / Kejuruteraan Air Sisa
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAP315 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Wastewater Engineering / Kejuruteraan Air Sisa
Scenarist |
EAP582 |
Master of Science (Environmental Engineering) |
Wastewater Engineering / Kejuruteraan Air Sisa
Scenarist |
EAP315 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Wastewater Treatment Engineering / Kejuruteraan Rawatan Air Sisa
School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EKC475 |
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours |
Water Supply and Treatment Engineering / Kejuruteraan Bekalan dan Olahan Air
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAP215 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Water Supply and Treatment Engineering / Kejuruteraan Bekalan dan Olahan Air
Scenarist |
EAP215 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours |
Water Supply Engineering / Kejuruteraan Bekalan Air
School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus |
EAP581 |
Master of Science (Environmental Engineering) |
Water Supply Engineering / Kejuruteraan Bekalan Air
Scenarist |
EAP581 |
Master of Science (Environmental Engineering) |
Waves and Vibrations
School of Physics, Main Campus |
JIF 213/2 |
Waves And Vibrations / Getaran Dan Gelombang
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JIF213 |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Physics |
Writing For Professional Purposes / Penulisan Untuk Keperluan Profesional
School of Distance Education, Main Campus |
JUE402 |
X-Ray Analysis / Analisis Sinar-X
School of Physics, Main Campus |
ZCE451 |