Course Name Schools & Centres Course Code Programmes
Introductory Functional Analysis & Topology School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MSS415 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (HONS) MATHEMATICS
Introductory Numerical Methods School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MAT382 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (HONS) MATHEMATICS
Mathematical Software Laboratory School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MSS381 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (HONS) MATHEMATICS
Pelaburan Sekuriti dan Pengurusan Portfolio School of Management, Main Campus AFW369E
Abnormal Psychology School of Social Sciences, Main Campus STU 244/4
Abnormal Psychology School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTP212/2
Abnormal Psychology School of Social Sciences, Main Campus STU 244/4
Abnormal Psychology School of Social Sciences, Main Campus STU 244 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan
Academic Exercise School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SAU498/6
Academic Exercise School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SBU498/6
Acoustics for Hearing and Speech School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTA 105/2
Acquisition and Measurement of Digital Data / Pemerolehan dan Pengukuran Data Digital School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBU301 Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours
Additive Manufacturing School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EPE451 Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours
Additives and Paper Properties School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IWK205/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings)
Advance Analogue Circuit Design School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEC510 Master of Science
Advanced Analog Integrated Circuit Design / Reka Bentuk Litar Bersepadu Analog Termaju School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE505 Master of Science
Advanced Antenna and Propagation / Antena dan Perambatan Termaju School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE534 Master of Science
Advanced Calculus School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIM 211/4 Bachelor of Science (Hons) Mathematics
Advanced Calculus School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MAT201 Bachelor of Science (Mathematics)
Advanced Control System for Industrial Processes / Sistem Kawalan Lanjutan untuk Proses Industri School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus EKC462 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours
Advanced Digital Signal and Image Processing / Pemprosesan Isyarat Digit dan Imej Lanjutan School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE512 Master of Science
Advanced Engineering Calculus / Kalkulus Kejuruteraan Lanjutan School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EUM114 Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours
Advanced Manufacturing Process / Proses Pembuatan Termaju School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EPP351 Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours
Advanced Manufacturing Technology / Teknologi Pembuatan Termaju School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EPP212 Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours
Advanced Materials and Composites / Bahan Termaju dan Komposit School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBB337 Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours
Advanced Paper Technology - Instrumental Analysis for Pulp and Paper School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IWK307/2 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings)
Advanced Pharmaceutical Analysis School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Main Campus FAR 411 Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Farmasi
Advanced Plant Pathology Laboratory School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus BGT403/2 Bachelor of Applied Science (Hons) Applied Biology
Advanced Polymer Composites / Komposit Polimer Termaju School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBP317 Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours
Advanced Power Electronics / Elektronik Kuasa Lanjutan School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEK373 Bachelor of Electrical Engineering with Honours
Advanced Process Safety Engineering / Kejuruteraan Keselamatan Proses Lanjutan School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus EKC463 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours
Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology / Teknologi Pembuatan Semikonduktor Termaju School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EPE442 Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours
Advanced Sociological and Anthropological Theory School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SAW301/3
Advanced Structural Analysis / Analisis Struktur Lanjutan School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAS456 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Advanced Structural Analysis / Analisis Struktur Lanjutan Scenarist EAS456 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Advanced Structural Mechanics / Mekanik Struktur Lanjutan School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAS661 Master of Science (Structural Engineering)
Advanced Structural Mechanics / Mekanik Struktur Lanjutan Scenarist EAS661 Master of Science (Structural Engineering)
Advanced Technology of Coatings School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IWK305/2 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings)
Aerocomposite Engineering / Kejuruteraan Aerokomposit School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus ESA304 Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours
Aerodynamics / Aerodinamik School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus ESA244 Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours
Aerospace Manufacturing Technology / Teknologi Pembuatan Aeroangkasa School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus ESA490 Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours
Aerospace Policy and Management / Pengurusan dan Polisi Aeroangkasa School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus ESA319 Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours
Aerospace Structural Design / Rekabentuk Struktur Aeroangkasa School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus ESA326 Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours
Aerospace Structure / Struktur Aeroangkasa School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus ESA321 Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours
Agama dan Hubungan Sosial School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKA 321/4 Bachelor Of Social Science (Hons) Anthropology And Sociology
Agama dan Hubungan Sosial School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SAU324 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan
Agriculture and Development School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SBU349/3
Agriculture, Forest and Stored Product School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus BGT400/3 Bachelor of Applied Science (Hons) Applied Biology
Air and Noise Pollution Control / Kawalan Pencemaran Udara dan Hingar Scenarist EAP583 Master of Science (Environmental Engineering)
Air and Noise Pollution Control / Kawalan Pencemaran Udara dan Hingar School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAP583 Master of Science (Environmental Engineering)
Air Pollution Control Technology School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IEK205/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental)
Air Pollution in Civil Engineering / Pencemaran Udara dalam Kejuruteraan Awam School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAP316 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Air Pollution in Civil Engineering / Pencemaran Udara dalam Kejuruteraan Awam Scenarist EAP316 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Aircraft Aerodynamics / Aerodinamik Pesawat School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus ESA343 Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours
Aircraft Design I / Rekabentuk Kapal Terbang I School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus ESA471 Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours
Aircraft Design II / Rekabentuk Kapal Terbang II School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus ESA402 Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours
Aircraft Subsystem Elements / Elemen Sub-sistem Kapal Terbang School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus ESA272 Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours
Algebra for Science Students School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MAA111 Bachelor of Science (Mathematics)
Amalam Profesional/Professional Practice School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RQG 358 Ukur Bahan
Amalam Termaju Dalam Pembinaan Pengurusan Projek Binaan School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RMK 358 Pengurusan Projek Binaan
Amalan Digital Dalam Pembinaan School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RMG 131 Pengurusan Projek Binaan
Amalan Matematik Di Dalam Bilik Darjah (Mathematics Classroom Practices) School of Educational Studies, Main Campus PMC563 Sarjana Sastera Pendidikan
Amalan Profesional Dalam Perancangan Bandar School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RPK 439 Perancangan Bandar
Amalan Profesional Seni Bina Dalaman School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RDG 336 Rekabentuk Dalam
Amalan Profesional untuk Teknologis Kejuruteraan/Professional Practice for Engineering Technologist School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus REG 462 Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan
Analisis Ekonomi Islam School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKE 413/4 Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Economics
Analisis Farmaseutik School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Main Campus FAR 313 Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian ) Farmasi
Analisis Politik Semasa School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKP421/2 Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) Political Science
Analisis Struktur/Structure Analysis School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus REG 266 Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan
Analog Electronic II / Elektronik Analog II School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE270 Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours
Analogue Electronics I / Elektronik Analog I School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE241 Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours
Analogue Electronics Laboratory / Makmal Elektronik Analog School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE243 Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours
Analysis School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MGM501
Analysis and Development of Accounting Information System School of Management, Main Campus ACW482/3 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perakaunan (Kepujian)
Analysis of Financial Statements School of Management, Main Campus AFW364/3 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian)
Analytical Chemistry / Kimia Analitis School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus EKC114 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours
Analytical Chemistry I School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTF 113
Analytical Chemistry I / Kimia Analitis I School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIK326 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Kimia / Bachelor of Science (Honours) Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry II School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTF212/4
Analytical Chemistry II / Kimia Analitis II School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIK421 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Kimia / Bachelor of Science (Honours) Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry Practical School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTF207/2
Anggaran Kos dan Kadar Harga Bangunan School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RMK 234 Pengurusan Projek Binaan
Animal Diversity School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIB 116/4 Bachelor of Science (Hons) Biology
Animal Physiology School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus BZT307/3 Bachelor of Science (Hons) Biology
Animal Physiology School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIB 225/4 Bachelor of Science (Hons) Biology
Antennas and Propagation / Antena dan Perambatan School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE432 Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours
Anthropology and Sociology Seminar 2 School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SAW402/3
Anthropology and the Environment School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SAU 323/4
Antropologi Perubatan School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SAU324 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan
Aplikasi Teori Dalam Amalan Kaunseling (Application of Theory in Counselling Practice) School of Educational Studies, Main Campus PLK555 Sarjana Kaunseling
Application of Environmental Science Centre for Global Sustainability Studies (CGSS) NDP 544 Master In Sustainable Development Practice
Applied Exercise Physiology Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI) TCE504 Master of Science (Clinical Exercise Science)
Applied Finite Element Analysis / Analisis Unsur Terhingga Gunaan School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EME412 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
Applied Finite Element Analysis / Analisis Unsur Terhingga Gunaan School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EME401 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
Applied Psychology Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI) TCE503 Master of Science (Clinical Exercise Science)
Applied Statistical Methods School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MSG162 Bachelor of Science (Mathematics)
Applied Thermodynamics / Termodinamik Gunaan School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EMH341 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
Appreciation Of Ethics And Civilisations / Penghayatan Etika Dan Peradaban School of Distance Education, Main Campus JUR102
Aquatic parasites School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus BET404/3 Bachelor of Applied Science (Hons) Applied Biology
Arabic Language I School of Languages, Literacies and Translation, Main Campus LAA100
Arkeologi Asia Tenggara Pusat Penyelidikan Arkeologi Global UAW 303/4 Master of Arts (MA)
Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining / Kecerdasan Buatan dan Pelombongan Data School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EPE472 Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours
Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing / Kecerdikan Rekaan dalam Pembuatan School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EPE401 Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours
ASAS KLINIKAL I / CLINICAL FOUNDATION I School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus GMT301
ASAS KLINIKAL II / CLINICAL FOUNDATION II School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus GMT302
Asas Pengajian Penterjemahan School of Humanities, Main Campus HBT106 Bachelor of Arts in Translation and Interpretation
Asas Perniagaan Pembinaan dan Perakaunan School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RMK 262 Pengurusan Projek Binaan
Asas Undang-Undang Binaan School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RMK 155 Pengurusan Projek Binaan
Asas-Asas Penyelidikan Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKA 217/3 Bachelor Of Social Science (Hons) Anthropology And Sociology
Asian Thought: Indian, Chinese and Japanese School of Humanities, Main Campus HFP 303E
Aspek Sosial Dalam Perancangan School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RPK 343 Perancangan Bandar
Atmospheric Science And Air Quality / Sains Atmosfera Dan Kualiti Udara School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IEA501/3 Master in Environmental Science
Atomic Physics / Ilmu Fizik Atom School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIF423 Bachelor of Science (Honours) Physics
Audiological Instrumentation School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTA 201/2
Audiology Clinic III School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTA 309/4
Audiology Seminar School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTA 409/2
Automatic Control / Kawalan Automatik School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EMC322 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
Autonomi Pelajar Dalam TESOL (Learner Autonomy in TESOL) School of Educational Studies, Main Campus PET423 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan (Pendidikan TESOL)
Avionic Systems / Sistem Avionik School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus ESA302 Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours
Bahan Binaan/Construction Materials School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus REG 161 Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan
Bahasa dan Berbahasa School of Humanities, Main Campus HBT 113 Bachelor of Arts in Translation and Interpretation
Bahasa Malaysia III / Bahasa Malaysia III School of Distance Education, Main Campus JUL301
Bahasa, Undang-undang dan Penterjemahan School of Humanities, Main Campus HBT 230 Bachelor of Arts in Translation and Interpretation
Basic Bioresource Science and Technology School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IWK102/4 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings)
Basic Chemistry School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTF 101/3
Basic Circuit Laboratory / Makmal Asas Litar School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE125 Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours
Basic Coatings Technology School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IWK101/4 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings)
Basic Educational Measurement and Evaluation (Asas Pengukuran & Penilaian Pendidikan) School of Educational Studies, Main Campus PGT202E Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan
Basic Haematology School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTB221/3
Basic Linguistics School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTP100/3
Basic Mathematics School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIM 105/4 Bachelor of Science (Hons) Mathematics
Basic of Psychology School of Social Sciences, Main Campus STU 231/4
Basic Physiology School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Main Campus FAR 131 Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Farmasi
Basic Programming and Engineering Design / Pengaturcaraan Asas dan Rekabentuk Kejuruteraan School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBB251 Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours
Basics Mechanical Behaviour of Materials / Asas-Asas Kelakuan Mekanik Bahan School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBB123 Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours
Basics of Psychology School of Social Sciences, Main Campus STU 231 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan
Bengkel Reka Bentuk School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RDG 313 Rekabentuk Dalam
Bioanalisis School of Chemical Sciences, Main Campus KAE 448
Bioanalysis I School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IBG112/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess)
Bioanalysis II School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IBG211/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess)
Biochemical Engineering / Kejuruteraan Biokimia School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus EKC351 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours
Biochemistry School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IMK105/2 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food)
Biochemistry / Biokimia School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIB321
Biochemistry and Basic Genetics School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTU106/3
Bioinformatics Institut Penyelidikan Perubatan Molekul TFM 504 Master of Science (Molecular Medicine)
Biological Evidence School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTF315/3
Biological Safety School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIB 438/3
Biology for Technologists School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IBG102/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess)
Biomechanics / Biomekanik School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EME442 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
Biometerials / Bahan Bio School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBB334 Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours
Bioprocess Instrumentation and Control School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IBK313/2 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess)
Bioprocess Optimization and Simulation School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IBG307/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess)
Bioprocess Technology Research Project School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IBA404/8 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess)
Bioproduct Development School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IBK402/4 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess)
Bioreactor Operation School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IBG213/4 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess)
Biorefinery Engineering / Kejuruteraan Biopenapisan School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus EKC464 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours
Bioresource as Industrial Raw Materials School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IWK100/2 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings)
Bioresource Based Products School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IWK105/4 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings)
Bioresource Technology Laboratory I School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IWA282/2 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings)
Bioresource Technology Laboratory II School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IWA382/2 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings)
Bioresource, Paper and Coatings Product Development School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IWK204/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings)
Biosistematik dan Taxonomi School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIB451
Biostatistics School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIB 323/4 Bachelor Of Science (Hons) Biology
Biostatistik School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIB323
Biosystematics School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIB 431/4
Biotechnology For Engineers / Bioteknologi Untuk Jurutera School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus EKC271 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours
Bioteknologi School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIB439
Brand Marketing School of Management, Main Campus AMP353/4 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian)
Bridge Engineering / Kejuruteraan Jambatan School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAS665 Master of Science (Structural Engineering)
Bridge Engineering / Kejuruteraan Jambatan Scenarist EAS665 Master of Science (Structural Engineering)
Budaya dan Komuniti Ruang Siber School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKA 519/3 Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Anthropology and Sociology
Building and Construction Technology / Pembinaan Bangunan dan Teknologi School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAA484 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Building and Construction Technology / Pembinaan Bangunan dan Teknologi Scenarist EAA484 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Business Communication School of Distance Education, Main Campus JTW 105E/2 Bachelor of Management (Hons)
Business Communication School of Distance Education, Main Campus JTW 106E/4 Bachelor of Management (Hons)
Business Communication School of Distance Education, Main Campus JTW106E Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian)
Business Communication / Komunikasi Perniagaan School of Distance Education, Main Campus JUW106E
Business Communication I School of Management, Main Campus AEW112E/2 & ATW112E/2 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) & Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perakaunan (Kepujian)
Business Ethics School of Management, Main Campus ATW394/3 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) & Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perakaunan (Kepujian)
Business Statistics School of Management, Main Campus AEW125/4 & ATW123/3 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) & Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perakaunan (Kepujian)
Calculus School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MAT101 Bachelor of Science (Mathematics)
Calculus School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIM 101/4 Bachelor of Science (Hons) Mathematics
Calculus for Science Students I School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MAA101 Bachelor of Science (Mathematics)
Calculus for Science Students II School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MAA102 Bachelor of Science (Mathematics)
Categorical Data Analysis School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MST567
Cell, Tissue And Basic Pharmacology School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNT 103
Ceramic Materials and Processing / Bahan Seramik dan Pemprosesan School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBB222 Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours
Characterization of Engineering Materials / Pencirian Bahan Kejuruteraan School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBB343 Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours
Chemical Engineering Drawing / Lukisan Kejuruteraan Kimia School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus EKC157 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics / Termodinamik Kejuruteraan Kimia School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus EKC222 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours
Chemical Food Analysis School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IMG203/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food)
Chemical Process Calculations School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IEK101/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental)
Chemical Reaction Engineering / Kejuruteraan Tindak Balas Kimia School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus EKC336 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours
Chemical Spectroscopy / Spektroskopi Kimia School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIK327 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Kimia / Bachelor of Science (Honours) Chemistry
Chemistry And Environmental Pollution / Kimia Dan Pencemaran Alam Sekitar School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIK414 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Kimia / Bachelor of Science (Honours) Chemistry
Chemistry for Technologist School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IUK107/4 General Course
Chemodynamics School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IEK409/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental)
Children And Adolescent Literature / Kesusasteraan Kanak-Kanak Dan Remaja School of Distance Education, Main Campus JMK422 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Keusahawanan / Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Entrepreneurship
Cinical and Laboratory Haematology School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTB 317/3
Circuit Theory I / Teori Litar I School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE105 Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours
Circuit Theory II / Teori Litar II School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE208 Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours
Civil Engineering Drawing / Lukisan Kejuruteraan Awam Scenarist EAA110 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Civil Engineering Drawing / Lukisan Kejuruteraan Awam School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAA110 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Civil Engineering Materials / Bahan Kejuruteraan Awam School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAS153 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Civil Engineering Materials / Bahan Kejuruteraan Awam Scenarist EAS153 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Civil Engineering Practice / Amalan Kejuruteraan Awam School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAA273 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Civil Engineering Practice / Amalan Kejuruteraan Awam Scenarist EAA273 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Clearkship (Clinical Toxicology) Integrative Medicine Cluster, AMDI TMT 511 Master of Science
Clerkship (Poison Control) Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI) TMT510 Master of Science (Health Toxicology)
Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Management School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTB 321/3
Clinical Exercise Physiology Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI) TCE507 Master of Science (Clinical Exercise Science)
Clinical Linguistics School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTP210/2
Clinical Pharmacokinetics School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Main Campus FCP 560 Ijazah Sarjana Farmasi (Farmasi Klinikal)
Clinical Pharmacology School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNT 209
Clinical Tools in Medical Research Oncological & Radiological Sciences Cluster, AMDI TMR 505 Master of Science (Medical Research)
Clinical Toxicology Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI) TMT505 Master of Science (Health Toxicology)
Coatings Process and Equipment School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IWK301/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings)
Coatings Technology Laboratory I School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IWA281/2 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings)
Coatings Technology Laboratory II School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IWA381/2 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings)
Coding Theory School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MSS417 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (HONS) MATHEMATICS
Combinatorics School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MGM503
Communication and Presentation Skills School of Humanities, Main Campus HXE 111
Communications / Perhubungan School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE332 Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours
Community & Family Case Study I School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNT 204
Community & Family Case Study II School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNT 304
Community & Family Case Study III School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNT 504
Community Development and Organisation School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SSE 375/3
Community Nutrition and Dietetics Services Practicum School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTN315/4
Community Pharmacy Practice School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Main Campus FAR 462 Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Farmasi
Complex Analysis School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MSS401
Complex Analysis / Analisis Kompleks School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE232 Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours
Complex Variables School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIM 419/3 Bachelor of Science (Hons) Mathematics
Computational Engineering / Kejuruteraan Pengkomputeran School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EMT212 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
Computational Fluid Dynamics / Pengkomputeran Dinamik Bendalir School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EME451 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
Computational Linear Algebra School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MAT517
Computational Mathematics School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MAT515
Computational Physics / Fizik Pengkomputeran School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIF319 Bachelor of Science (Honours) Physics
Computer Aided Conceptual Design / Reka Bentuk Konseptual Berbantukan Komputer School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EPD112 Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours
Computer and Data Communications Networks / Rangkaian Komputer dan Perhubungan Data School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE521 Master of Science
Computer Applications in Industry School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IEA216/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental)
Computer Integrated Manufacturing / Pembuatan Bersepadu Komputer School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EPM352 Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours
Computer Integrated Manufacturing / Pembuatan Tersepadu Komputer School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EPM451 Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours
Computer Networks / Rangkaian Komputer School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE449 Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours
Computer Programming and Applications / Pengaturcaraan dan Aplikasi Komputer School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus EKC246 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours
Computer Programming for Engineers / Pengaturcaraan Komputer untuk Jurutera School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE123 Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours
Computer System and Multimedia / Sistem Komputer dan Multimedia School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE379 Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours
Computer-Aided Engineering Design / Rekabentuk Kejuruteraan Berbantukan Komputer School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus ESA112 Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours
Computer-aided Translation School of Humanities, Main Campus HBT 412E
Concepts in the Management of Hazmat Incidences Integrative Medicine Cluster, AMDI TMT 506 Master of Science
Conceptual Design and CAD School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EMD112 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
Conflict Transformation and Peace Building School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SPU 324/3
Conservative Dentistry I School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNT 305
Conservative Dentistry II School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNT 405
Conservative Dentistry III School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNT 505
Construction Management / Pengurusan Bahan School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAA483 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Construction Management / Pengurusan Bahan Scenarist EAA483 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Contemporary English Grammar School of Humanities, Main Campus HEK 215
Contemporary Issues in Sports Science Practices School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTS410/3
Control System Design / Reka Bentuk Sistem Kawalan School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE453 Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours
Control System Theory / Teori Sistem Kawalan School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus ESA256 Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours
Control Systems / Sistem Kawalan School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE350 Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours
Core Entrepreneurship / Teras Keusahawanan School of Distance Education, Main Campus JUS101
Corporate Finance School of Management, Main Campus AFW360/3 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) & Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perakaunan (Kepujian)
Corpus-based Language Studies School of Humanities, Main Campus HET 429
Corrosion Engineering / Kejuruteraan Kakisan School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBB366 Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours
Counseling for Communication Disorders School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTP311/3
Counselling School of Social Sciences, Main Campus STU 338/4
Craniofacial Biology I School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNT111
Craniofacial Biology II School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNT 106
Critical Thinking / Pemikiran Kritis School of Distance Education, Main Campus JUH102
Crystallography and Bonding in Solids / Kristalografi dan Ikatan dalam Pepejal School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBB202 Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours
Cultural Environment of International Business School of Management, Main Campus AIW311/4 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian)
Current Literary Theory: Comparative Perspective / Teori Kesusasteraan Mutakhir: Perspektif Perbandingan School of Distance Education, Main Campus JMK312 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Keusahawanan / Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Entrepreneurship
Current Trends in Molecular Medicine Research I Institut Penyelidikan Perubatan Molekul TFM 509 Master of Science (Molecular Medicine)
Dasar Awam School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKP412E / JKP512E Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan dengan Kepujian (Sains Politik)
Demografi Dan Perancangan Tenaga Manusia School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SBU230 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan
Demography and Human Resources Planning School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SBU230/3
Dental Materials School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNT 207
Dental Public Health I School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNT 203
Dental Public Health II School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNT 303
Dental Public Health III School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNT 403
Derivatif Kewangan School of Distance Education, Main Campus JFW 470/4 Bachelor of Management (Hons)
Design and Analysis of Experiments School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MSG265 Bachelor Of Applied Science (Mathematics And Economics)
Design for Manufacturing / Rekabentuk untuk Pembuatan School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EPD321 Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours
Design for Manufacturing and Tooling / Reka Bentuk untuk Pembuatan dan Perkakasan School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EPD342 Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours
Design of Experiments / Reka Bentuk Uji kaji School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEM424 Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours
Design of Integrated Analogue Circuits / Reka Bentuk Litar Analog Bersepadu School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE445 Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours
Design of Machine Elements / Reka Bentuk Elemen Mesin School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EMD231 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
Development in Islam School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SBU350/3
Development Management School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SBW209/4
Development Psychology School of Social Sciences, Main Campus STU 243/4
Development Theories and Issues School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SBW205/3
Diagnostic Radiology Imaging School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTX324/4
Diagnostic Technologies and Biological Markers Discovery Institut Penyelidikan Perubatan Molekul TFM 502 Master of Science (Molecular Medicine)
Differential Equations I School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MAT223 Bachelor of Science (Mathematics)
Differential Equations I School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIM 213/4 Bachelor of Science (Hons) Mathematics
Differential Equations II School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MAT323 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (HONS)
Digital Communications / Perhubungan Digit School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE377 Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours
Digital Control Systems / Sistem Kawalan Digit School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE354 Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours
Digital Electronic I / Elektronik Digit I School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE130 Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours
Digital Electronics II / Elektronik Digit II School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE378 Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours
Digital Electronics Laboratory / Makmal Elektronik Digit School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE231 Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours
Digital Signal Processing / Pemprosesan Isyarat Digit School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE443 Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours
Disaster Management / Pengurusan Bencana School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAA485 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Disaster Management / Pengurusan Bencana Scenarist EAA485 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Discrete Mathematics School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MSS418
Disertasi Sains Politik School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKP 516/4 Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) Political Science
Disertation / Disertasi School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAF555 Master of Science (Fire Safety Engineering)
Disertation / Disertasi Scenarist EAF555 Master of Science (Fire Safety Engineering)
Dissertation Pusat Kajian Pengurusan Pembangunan Islam SVW500/28 Master of Islamic Development Management
DNA and Metabolite Technology School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IBG205/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess)
Downstream Process Technology School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IBK314/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess)
Downstream Processing for Bioproducts / Proses Hiliran untuk Bioproduk School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus EKC379 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours
Dynamics / Dinamik School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EMM242 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
Dynamics and Mechanism School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus ESA226 Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours
Dynamics and Stability of Structures / Dinamik dan Kestabilan Struktur School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAS663 Master of Science (Structural Engineering)
Dynamics and Stability of Structures / Dinamik dan Kestabilan Struktur Scenarist EAS663 Master of Science (Structural Engineering)
Ecology School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIB 222/4 Bachelor of Science (Hons) Biology
Economic and Development Policies of Malaysia School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SBW206/3
Economic for Development School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SBW207/3
Economy and Management / Ekonomi dan Pengurusan Sistem Kuasaof Power System School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEK475 Bachelor of Electrical Engineering with Honours
Education, Training & Human Resource School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SBU233E Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan
Ekologi School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIB222
Ekonomi Bandar & Wilayah School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RPK 351 Perancangan Bandar
Ekonomi Binaan School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RMK 363 Pengurusan Projek Binaan
Ekonomi Kewangan School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKE 415/4 Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Economics
Ekonomi Politik Malaysia School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKP 514/4 Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) Political Science
Ekonomi untuk Pengurusan I School of Distance Education, Main Campus JTW 109/3 Bachelor of Management (Hons)
Ekonomi untuk Pengurusan I School of Distance Education, Main Campus JTW109 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian)
Ekskavasi Arkeologi Pusat Penyelidikan Arkeologi Global UAW 304/4 Master of Arts (MA)
Elastomeric Materials / Bahan Elastomer School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBP204 Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours
Elective Research Project School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNE 410
Electric Power Distribution System / Sistem Pengagihan Kuasa Elektrik School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEK470 Bachelor of Electrical Engineering with Honours
Electrical Engineering Design / Reka Bentuk Kejuruteraan Elektrik School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEK425 Bachelor of Electrical Engineering with Honours
Electrical Instrumentations and Measurement / Instrumentasi Elektrik dan Pengukuran School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEK374 Bachelor of Electrical Engineering with Honours
Electrical Laboratory / Makmal Kuasa School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEK360 Bachelor of Electrical Engineering with Honours
Electrical Machine / Mesin Elektrik School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEK260 Bachelor of Electrical Engineering with Honours
Electrical Machine Design / Reka Bentuk Mesin Elektrik School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEK474 Bachelor of Electrical Engineering with Honours
Electrical Machines and Drives / Mesin dan Pacuan Elektrik School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEK468 Bachelor of Electrical Engineering with Honours
Electrical Power Technology / Teknologi Kuasa Elektrik School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEK241 Bachelor of Electrical Engineering with Honours
Electrical Technology / Teknologi Elektrik School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEU104 Bachelor of Electrical Engineering with Honours
Electricity and Magnetism School of Physics, Main Campus JIF 320/4 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (HONS) PHYSICS
Electricity And Magnetism / Keelektrikan Dan Kemagnetan School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIF320 Bachelor of Science (Honours) Physics
Electromagnetic Theory / Teori Elektromagnet School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE276 Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours
Electronic Devices and Circuits / Peranti dan Litar Elektronik School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE133 Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours
Electronic Engineering Design / Reka Bentuk Kejuruteraan Elektronik School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE424 Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours
Electronic Packaging / Pembungkusan Elektronik School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBB324 Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours
Electronics I / Elektronik I School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIF216 Bachelor of Science (Honours) Physics
Electronics II School of Physics, Main Campus JIF 316/3 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (HONS) PHYSICS
Electronics II / Elektronik II School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIF316 Bachelor of Science (Honours) Physics
Elementary Statistics School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MAT161 Bachelor of Science (Mathematics)
Elementary Statistics School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIM 106/4 Bachelor of Science (Hons) Mathematics
Embedded System Architecture and Design / Seni Bina dan Reka Bentuk Sistem Terbenam School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE524 Master of Science
Endocrine System & Metabolism School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Main Campus FAR 242 Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Farmasi
Energy Conversion System / Sistem Penukaran Tenaga School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EME422 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
Engineer in Society / Jurutera dalam Masyarakat School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EUP222 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Engineer in Society / Jurutera dalam Masyarakat Scenarist EUP222 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Engineering Calculus / Kalkulus Kejuruteraan School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EUM113 Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours
Engineering Drawing School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EMD101 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
Engineering Drawing / Lukisan Kejuruteraan School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBS110 Bachelor of Mineral Resources with Honours
Engineering Drawing and Computer Aided Design / Lukisan Kejuruteraan dan Reka Bentuk Berbantukan Komputer School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EMD111 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
Engineering Dynamics / Dinamik Kejuruteraan School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EMM252 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
Engineering Economics / Ekonomi Kejuruteraan School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus EKC457 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours
Engineering Economy / Ekonomi Kejuruteraan School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EPM201 Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours
Engineering Economy / Ekonomi Kejuruteraan School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EPM102 Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours
Engineering Economy and Management / Ekonomi dan Pengurusan Kejuruteraan School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBB201 Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours
Engineering Geophysics / Geofizik Kejuruteraan School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBS329 Bachelor of Mineral Resources with Honours
Engineering Hydrology / Hidrologi Kejuruteraan School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAH325 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Engineering Hydrology / Hidrologi Kejuruteraan Scenarist EAH325 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Engineering Laboratory I / Makmal Kejuruteraan I School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EML351 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
Engineering Laboratory II / Makmal Kejuruteraan II School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EML352 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
Engineering Management / Pengurusan Kejuruteraan School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EUP501 Master of Science (Structural Engineering)
Engineering Management / Pengurusan Kejuruteraan Scenarist EUP501 Master of Science (Structural Engineering)
Engineering Materials / Bahan Kejuruteraan School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBB113 Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours
Engineering Materials Introduction Laboratory / Makmal Pengenalan Bahan Kejuruteraan School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBB155 Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours
Engineering Mathematics for Civil Engineers / Matematik Kejuruteraan untuk Jurutera Awam Scenarist EAA211 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Engineering Mathematics for Civil Engineers / Matematik Kejuruteraan untuk Jurutera Awam School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAA211 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Engineering Polymers / Polimer Kejuruteraan School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBB220 Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours
Engineering Practice / Amalan Kejuruteraan School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEL102 Bachelor of Electrical Engineering with Honours
Engineering Practice / Amalan Kejuruteraan School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EML101 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
Engineering Probability and Statistics / Kebarangkalian dan Statistik Kejuruteraan School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EMT211 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
Engineering Statistics / Statistik Kejuruteraan School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBB300 Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours
English II / Bahasa Inggeris II School of Distance Education, Main Campus JUE300
Entrepreneurial Finance and Venture Capital School of Management, Main Campus AFP312/4 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian)
Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) / Penilaian Kesan Alam Sekitar (PKAS) School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAP584 Master of Science (Environmental Engineering)
Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) / Penilaian Kesan Alam Sekitar (PKAS) Scenarist EAP584 Master of Science (Environmental Engineering)
Environmental & Conservation Biology / Biologi Persekitaran & Pemuliharaan School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIB432 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Biologi / Bachelor of Science (Honours) Biology
Environmental And Occupational Health From Engineering Perspective School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTK302/3
Environmental and Occupational Toxicology Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI) TMT501 Master of Science (Health Toxicology)
Environmental Bioindicators School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IEA202/2 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental)
Environmental Bioprocess Technology School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IBK412/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess)
Environmental Chemistry for Engineering Practice / Kimia Alam Sekitar untuk Amalan Kejuruteraan School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBS432 Bachelor of Mineral Resources with Honours
Environmental Engineering and Management / Kejuruteraan Persekitaran dan Pengurusan School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus EKC278 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours
Environmental Forensics School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IEG301/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental)
Environmental Management School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IEK217/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental)
Environmental Modelling School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MSG427
Environmental Technology Laboratory School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IEA300/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental)
Environmental, Safety and Health Legislations School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IEK115/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental)
Enzyme Technology School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IBG214/4 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess)
Equipment Design for Water Treatment School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IEK211/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental)
Ergonomics and Industrial Safety / Ergonomik dan Keselamatan Industri School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EPE421 Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours
Ergonomik School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RDG 235 Rekabentuk Dalam
Ethnic Relations and Racism School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SAU325/3
Ethnobotany School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus BBT307/3 Bachelor of Science (Hons) Biology
Ethnography School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SAU404/3
Etika dan Masyarakat Lestari School of Humanities, Main Campus HPA 104
Etika Perniagaan School of Distance Education, Main Campus JTP 501/3 Bachelor of Management (Hons)
Euclidean Geometry School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MGM531
Exercise Physiology School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTS201/3
Exercise Programming for Special Population Module Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI) TCE508 Master of Science (Clinical Exercise Science)
Experimental Design with Computer Applications School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IUK208/3 General Course
Failure Analysis and Non-Destructive Testing / Analisis Kegagalan dan Ujian Tidak Musnah School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBB307 Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours
Falsafah Penyiasatan Sosial School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKA 317/4 Bachelor Of Political Science (Hons) Anthropology and Sociology
Falsafah Politik School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKP 213/4 Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) Political Science
Falsafah Sains Sosial School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKJ 203/4 Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) Political Science
Falsafah Sains Sosial School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKJ 203/4 Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Economics
Falsafah Sains Sosial School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKJ 203/4 Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Anthropology and Sociology
Falsafah, Nilai Dan Etika Kerja Sosial School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SSW111 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Kerja Sosial
Family Therapy School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SSE 463/3
Family Therapy School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SSE 463/3
Farmakoepidemiologi dan Farmakoekonomi dalam Negara Membangun School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Main Campus FAR 391 Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Farmasi
Farmakogenomik School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Main Campus FAR 459 Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Farmasi
Farmakognosi Asas dan Fitokimia School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Main Campus FAR 244 Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Farmasi
Farmakoinformatik School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Main Campus FAR 251 Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Farmasi
Farmasi Industri School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Main Campus FAR 424 Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Farmasi
Fibre and Lignocellulosic Composite School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IWK306/2 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings)
Final Year Project / Projek Ilmiah Tahun Akhir School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBS430 Bachelor of Mineral Resources with Honours
Final Year Research Project / Projek Ilmiah Tahun Akhir School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBB407 Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours
Final Year Research Project / Projek Ilmiah Tahun Akhir School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBP401 Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours
Financial Accounting and Reporting I School of Management, Main Campus ACW163/3 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perakaunan (Kepujian)
Financial Derivatives School of Management, Main Campus AFW368/4 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) & Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perakaunan (Kepujian)
Finite Element Methods School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MSG485
Fiqh Muamalat School of Management, Main Campus ASW380/3 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian)
Fire Behaviour / Kelakuan Api School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAF526 Master of Science (Fire Safety Engineering)
Fire Behaviour / Kelakuan Api Scenarist EAF526 Master of Science (Fire Safety Engineering)
Fire Disaster Management / Pengurusan Bencana Kebakaran School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAF524 Master of Science (Fire Safety Engineering)
Fire Disaster Management / Pengurusan Bencana Kebakaran Scenarist EAF524 Master of Science (Fire Safety Engineering)
Fire Investigation School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTF306/3
Fire Protection Technology / Teknologi Perlindungan Kebakaran Scenarist EAF523 Master of Science (Fire Safety Engineering)
Fire Protection Technology / Teknologi Perlindungan Kebakaran School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAF523 Master of Science (Fire Safety Engineering)
First Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTS202/2
First Aid and Medical Ethics School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus GMT103
Fisiologi Haiwan School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIB225
Fitness Testing and Exercise Prescription School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTS401/3
Flight Performance / Prestasi Penerbangan School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus ESA355 Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours
Flight Stability and Control / Kestabilan dan Kawalan Penerbangan School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus ESA374 Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours
Fluency Disorders School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTP408/2
Fluid Mechanics School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MSG422 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (HONS) MATHEMATICS
Fluid Dynamics and Transport Phenomena in Polymer / Dinamik Bendalir dan Fenomena Pengangkutan dalam Polimer School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBP207 Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours
Fluid Flow for Chemical Engineering / Aliran Bendalir Kejuruteraan Kimia School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus EKC218 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours
Fluid Mechanics / Mekanik Bendalir School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EMH102 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
Fluid Mechanics / Mekanik Bendalir School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBS238 Bachelor of Mineral Resources with Honours
Fluid Mechanics for Civil Engineers / Mekanik Bendalir untuk Jurutera Awam School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAH221 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Fluid Mechanics for Civil Engineers / Mekanik Bendalir untuk Jurutera Awam Scenarist EAH221 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Fluids Dynamics / Dinamik Bendalir School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EMH222 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
Folk Literature : Theory, Methodology And Analysis / Sastera Rakyat : Teori, Metodologi Dan Analisis School of Distance Education, Main Campus JMK316 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Keusahawanan / Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Entrepreneurship
Food and Nutritional Toxicology School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTN316/3
Food Bioprocess Technology School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IBK316/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess)
Food Borne Pathogens School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IMK410/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food)
Food Chemistry School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IMG103/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food)
Food Chemistry School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTF313/3
Food Ingredients School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IMK221/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food)
Food Microbiology I School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IMG111/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food)
Food Microbiology II School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IMG222/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food)
Food Product Development School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IMK404/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food)
Food Quality Management and Food Regulations School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IMK316/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food)
Food Safety School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IMK407/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food)
Food Science School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTN102/4
Food Sensory Evaluation School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IMG322/2 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food)
Forensic Digital Evidence School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTF410
Forensic Medicine School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTF400
Forensic Psychology School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTF204/3
Forensic Social Work School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SSE 396/3
Functional Foods School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IMK320/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food)
Fundamentals of Bioprocess Technology School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IBK104/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess)
Fundamentals of Dynamics and Mechanisms / Asas Dinamik dan Mekanisma School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEM222 Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours
Fundamentals of Health Informatics School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTU103/3
Fundamentals of Public Policy School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SPU 208E/3
Fundamentals of Public Policy School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SPU 208E/3
Fundamentals of Stem Cell Technology School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IBG215/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess)
Furniture Manufacturing School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IWK304/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings)
Further Linear Algebra School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MSS212 Bachelor of Science (Mathematics)
Game Theory School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MSG455
Gaya dan Tatabahasa Perbandingan School of Humanities, Main Campus HBT 220 Bachelor of Arts in Translation and Interpretation
Gender Dan Pembangunan School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SBU307 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan
Gender, Ideology and Power School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SAU220E/3
General Chemistry I / Kimia Am I School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIK101 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Kimia / Bachelor of Science (Honours) Chemistry
General Chemistry II / Kimia Am II School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIK102 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Kimia / Bachelor of Science (Honours) Chemistry
General Dental Practice School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNT 503
Genetics School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIB 226/4 Bachelor Of Science (Hons) Biology
Genetik School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIB226
Geografi Fizikal School of Distance Education, Main Campus JMG 212/4 Bachelor Of Arts (Hons) Geography
Geographic Information System / Sistem Maklumat Geografi School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAK382 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Geographic Information System / Sistem Maklumat Geografi Scenarist EAK382 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Geology for Civil Engineers / Geologi untuk Jurutera Awam School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAG141 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Geology for Civil Engineers / Geologi untuk Jurutera Awam Scenarist EAG141 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Geomatic Engineering / Kejuruteraan Geomatik School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAK163 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Geomatic Engineering / Kejuruteraan Geomatik Scenarist EAK163 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Geomechanics / Geomekanik School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBS417 Bachelor of Mineral Resources with Honours
Geometry School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MSS419 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (HONS) MATHEMATICS
Geomorfologi School of Distance Education, Main Campus JMG 314/4 Bachelor Of Arts (Hons) Geography
Geotechnical Analysis / Analisis Geoteknik School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAG345 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Geotechnical Analysis / Analisis Geoteknik Scenarist EAG345 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Geotechnical Design / Reka Bentuk Geoteknik School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAG346 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Geotechnical Design / Reka Bentuk Geoteknik Scenarist EAG346 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Geotechnical, Highway and Traffic Engineering Laboratory / Makmal Kejuruteraan Geoteknik, Lebuh Raya dan Lulu Lintas School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAA304 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Geotechnical, Highway and Traffic Engineering Laboratory / Makmal Kejuruteraan Geoteknik, Lebuh Raya dan Lulu Lintas Scenarist EAA304 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Global Classroom: Integrated Approaches To Sustainable Development Centre for Global Sustainability Studies (CGSS) NDP 501 Master In Sustainable Development Practice
Global Supply Chain Management School of Management, Main Campus APW382/3 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian)
Government and Politics in Malaysia School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SPU 205/3
Graphing Technology in Mathematics and Science School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MSS482 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (HONS) MATHEMATICS
Health Management System School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SBU346/3
Health Psychology School of Social Sciences, Main Campus STU 241/4
Health Psychology Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI) TCE509 Master of Science (Clinical Exercise Science)
Health Psychology School of Social Sciences, Main Campus STU 241/4
Heat Transfer / Pemindahan Haba School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EMH342 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
Heat Transfer / Pemindahan Haba School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EMH441 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
High Speed Aerodynamics / Aerodinamik Berkelajuan Tinggi School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus ESA303 Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours
High Voltage System / Sistem Voltan Tinggi School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEK369 Bachelor of Electrical Engineering with Honours
Highway and Traffic Engineering / Kejuruteraan Lebuh Raya dan Lalu Lintas School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAL235 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Highway and Traffic Engineering / Kejuruteraan Lebuh Raya dan Lalu Lintas Scenarist EAL235 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Highway Design / Reka Bentuk Lebuh Raya School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAL431 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Highway Design / Reka Bentuk Lebuh Raya Scenarist EAL431 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
History of the United States of America School of Distance Education, Main Campus JMS 415E/4 (JMS 515E/4)
Hubungan Antarabangsa School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKP 212/4 Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) Political Science
Hubungan Etnik dan Rasisme School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKA 512/4 Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Anthropology and Sociology
Hubungan Etnik dan Rasisme School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SAU325 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan
Human Behavior and Social Environment School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SSW 113/3
Human Biology School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNT112
Human Biology II School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNT 202
Human Development Pusat Kajian Pengurusan Pembangunan Islam SVW502/3 Master of Islamic Development Management
Human Service Organisation and Administration School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SSW 411E/3
Human Sexuality and Social Work Intervention School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SSE 394/3
Hydraulic Structure / Struktur Hidraulik School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAH316 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Hydraulic Structure / Struktur Hidraulik Scenarist EAH316 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Hydraulics / Hidraulik School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAH225 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Hydraulics / Hidraulik Scenarist EAH225 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Hydraulics, Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering Laboratory / Makmal Kejuruteraan Hidraulik, Geoteknik dan Persekitaran School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAA305 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Hydraulics, Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering Laboratory / Makmal Kejuruteraan Hidraulik, Geoteknik dan Persekitaran Scenarist EAA305 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Hydrometallurgy / Hidrometalurgi School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBS315 Bachelor of Mineral Resources with Honours
Ideologi Dunia Ketiga School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKP 317/4 Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) Political Science
Ideologi, Sosiobudaya dan Penterjemahan School of Humanities, Main Campus HBT 320 Bachelor of Arts in Translation and Interpretation
Indigenous Ethnography of Malaysia School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKA 414E/4 Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Anthropology and Sociology
Indoor Environment School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IEK315/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental)
Industrial Ceramics / Seramik Perindustrian School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBB444 Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours
Industrial Engineering / Kejuruteraan Industri School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EPM322 Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours
Industrial Ergonomics / Ergonomik Industri School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EPE481 Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours
Industrial Machine Vision / Penglihatan Mesin Industri School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EPE462 Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours
Industrial Machine Vision / Penglihatan Mesin Industri School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EPE461 Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours
Industrial Microbiology School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IBG111/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess)
Industrial Minerals / Mineral Perindustrian School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBS425 Bachelor of Mineral Resources with Honours
Industrial Power Electronics / Elektronik Kuasa Industri School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE542 Master of Science
Industrial Quality Management School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IUK304/3 General Course
Industrial Relations School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SAU217/4
Industrial Relations School of Management, Main Campus AOW355/3 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian)
Industrial Training / Latihan Industri School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAA371 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Industrial Training / Latihan Industri Scenarist EAA371 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Industrial Waste Management School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IUK303/3 General Course
Industrial Waste Management / Pengurusan Sisa Industri Scenarist EAP414 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Industrial Waste Management / Pengurusan Sisa Industri School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAP414 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant Design School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IEK308/3
Industrialisasi dan Perubahan Sosial School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKA 513/4 Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Anthropology and Sociology
Industrialization and International Development School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SBU326E/3
Injuries and Rehabilitation Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI) TCE510 Master of Science (Clinical Exercise Science)
Inorganic Chemistry I / Kimia Takorganik I School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIK225 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Kimia / Bachelor of Science (Honours) Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry II / Kimia Takorganik II School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIK423 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Kimia / Bachelor of Science (Honours) Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry III / Kimia Takorganik III School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIK510 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Kimia / Bachelor of Science (Honours) Chemistry
Insect Ecology School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus BET306/3 Bachelor of Applied Science (Hons) Applied Biology
Insects and Sistematic Biology School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus BET305/4 Bachelor of Applied Science (Hons) Applied Biology
Institusi Demokratik School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKP 319/4 Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) Political Science
Instrumental Food Analysis School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IMG204/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food)
Instrumentation and Control Laboratory / Makmal Peralatan dan Kawalan School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEM441 Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours
Instrumentation and Measurement Systems / Sistem Peralatan dan Pengukuran School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEM323 Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours
Integrated Pest Management School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus BET406/3 Bachelor of Applied Science (Hons) Applied Biology
Intelligent Systems / Sistem-Sistem Pintar School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE551 Master of Science
Internal Combustion Engine / Enjin Pembakaran Dalam School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EME432 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
International and Cross Cultural Social Work School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SSW 410/4
International Business School of Distance Education, Main Campus JTP 393E/3 Bachelor of Management (Hons)
International Business Strategy School of Management, Main Campus AIP359/4 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian)
International Finance School of Management, Main Campus AFW365E/3 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian)
International Management School of Distance Education, Main Campus JOW 465E/3 Bachelor of Management (Hons)
International Organizations School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKP 511E/4 Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) Political Science
International Politics and Regional Coorperation School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SPU 314E/4
International Politics and Regional Coorperation School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SPU 314E/4
International Relations School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SPW 202/4
International Trade Law School of Management, Main Campus AIW303/3 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian)
Internet of Things Technology / Teknologi Internet Benda School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE525 Master of Science
Introduction to Aerospace Engineering School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus ESA227 Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours
Introduction to Analysis School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MAT202 Bachelor of Science (Mathematics)
Introduction To Anthropology/Sociology / Pengantar Antropologi/Sosiologi School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKA101
Introduction to Environmental and Occupational Health School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTK101/3
Introduction to Environmental Engineering / Pengenalan kepada Kejuruteraan Alam Sekitar School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAP216 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Introduction to Environmental Engineering / Pengenalan kepada Kejuruteraan Alam Sekitar Scenarist EAP216 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Introduction to Environmental Science School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IEG101/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental)
Introduction to Environmental Technology School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IEG104/4 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental)
Introduction to Exercise and Sports Science School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTS101/2
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics / Pengenalan Mekanik Bendalir School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus ESA122 Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours
Introduction to Food Engineering School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IMK106/2 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food)
Introduction to Food Science and Technology School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IMK103/2 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food)
Introduction to Geometric Modelling School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MSG384
Introduction to Integrated Circuit Design / Pengantar Reka Bentuk Litar Bersepadu School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE348 Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours
Introduction To Literature / Pengantar Kesusasteraan School of Distance Education, Main Campus JMK101 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Keusahawanan / Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Entrepreneurship
Introduction to Management School of Management, Main Campus ATW104/4 & ATW101/3 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) & Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perakaunan (Kepujian)
Introduction to Medical Radiation School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTX104/4
Introduction to Modelling School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MSG328
Introduction to Operations Research School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MAT251 BACHELOR OF APPLIED SCIENCE (HONS) MATHEMATICS
Introduction to Parasitology School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus BET304/4 Bachelor of Applied Science (Hons) Applied Biology
Introduction to Radiation Dosimetry School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTX323/3
Introduction to Speech and Language Disorders School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTP202/3
Introduction to Statics and Dynamics / Pengenalan kepada Statistik dan Dinamik School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBP105 Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours
Inventory Control School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MSG355
Islamic Accounting School of Management, Main Campus ACE464/3 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perakaunan (Kepujian)
Islamic Banking School of Management, Main Campus ASW384/3 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian)
Islamic Epistemology and Worldview Pusat Kajian Pengurusan Pembangunan Islam SIW505/3 Master of Islamic Development Management
Islamic Finance School of Management, Main Campus AFP367/4 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian)
Islamic Malay Classic Literature / Sastera Melayu Klasik Bercorak Islam School of Distance Education, Main Campus JMK423 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Keusahawanan / Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Entrepreneurship
Islamic Research Methodology Pusat Kajian Pengurusan Pembangunan Islam SIW506/3 Master of Islamic Development Management
Issues and Theories of Accounting School of Management, Main Campus ACW367/3 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perakaunan (Kepujian)
Issues in Bioprocess Technology School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IBK312/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess)
Issues of Urbanisation School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SBU211E/3
Issues Of Urbanisation School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SBU211E Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan
Isu-isu Perbandaran di Negara Membangun School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKA 315/4 Bachelor Of Social Science (Hons) Anthropology And Sociology
Isu-Isu Terpilih Pentadbiran Awam School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKP320 Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan dengan Kepujian (Sains Politik)
Jalan & Pengangkutan / Road & Transportation School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus REG 468 Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan
Kaedah Analisis Perancangan School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RPK 233 Perancangan Bandar
Kaedah Analisis Perancangan School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RPK 133 Perancangan Bandar
Kaedah Binaan/Methods of Construction School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus REG 361 Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan
Kaedah Kerja Komuniti School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SSW312 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Kerja Sosial
Kaedah Kerja Komuniti School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SSE375 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Kerja Sosial
Kaedah Mengajar Bahasa Inggeris II (English Language Teaching Methods II) School of Educational Studies, Main Campus PPG315 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan (Pendidikan TESOL)
Kaedah Mengajar Bahasa Malaysia II (Malay Language Teaching Methods II) School of Educational Studies, Main Campus PPG314 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sastera Dengan Pendidikan
Kaedah Mengajar Geografi I (Geography Teaching Methods I) School of Educational Studies, Main Campus PGT223 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sastera Dengan Pendidikan
Kaedah Penyelidikan School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKJ 104/3 Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Economics
Kaedah Penyelidikan Ekonomi School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKE 217/3 Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Economics
Kaedah Penyelidikan Komunikasi School of Communication, Main Campus YKT306 Bachelor of Communication (Hons)
Kaedah Penyelidikan Komunikasi Compiler YKT306 Bachelor of Communication (Hons)
Kaedah Penyelidikan Pembangunan School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SBW208 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan
Kaedah Penyelidikan Sains Politik School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKP 204/3 Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) Political Science
Kajian kes dalam sektor awam School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SPA 512
Kajian Perumahan School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RAK 345 Senibina
Kajian Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan 2 / Building Engineering Technology Studies 2 School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus REL 471 Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan
Kajian Topikal Seni Bina Dalaman School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RDL 470 Rekabentuk Dalam
Kaunseling Perkahwinan & Kekeluargaan (Marriage & Family Counselling) School of Educational Studies, Main Campus PLK565 Sarjana Kaunseling
KEBISINGAN DAN PENDENGARAN / NOISE AND HEARING School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTA406
Kemahiran Kepemimpinan Guru (Teachers’ Leadership Skills) School of Educational Studies, Main Campus PGT342 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan
Kemahiran Komunikasi Dan Interpersonal Untuk Guru (Communication and Interpersonal Skills for Teachers) School of Educational Studies, Main Campus PGT203 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan
Kemiskinan Dan Pembangunan School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SBU310 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan
Kepelbagaian Haiwan School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIB116
Kepelbagaian Tumbuhan School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIB115
Kependudukan, Pembangunan Dan Sumber School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SBU305 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan
Kerajaan Tempatan Dan Undang-Undang Perbandaran School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SBU313 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan
Keselamatan Biologi School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIB438
Kesihatan Awam School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIB447
Kesihatan dan Penyakit School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIB347
Ketaksamaan Sosial School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKA 219/4 Bachelor Of Social Science (Hons) Anthropology And Sociology
Keusahawanan School of Distance Education, Main Campus JOW 457/3 Bachelor of Management (Hons)
Kewangan Antarabangsa School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKE 518/3 Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Economics
Kewangan Keusahawanan dan Modal Teroka School of Distance Education, Main Campus JFP 312/4 Bachelor of Management (Hons)
Kewangan Korporat School of Distance Education, Main Campus JFW 460/3 Bachelor of Management (Hons)
Kimia Fizik 11 School of Chemical Sciences, Main Campus KFT 332
Kimia Organik School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Main Campus FAR 113 Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Farmasi
KLINIK AUDIOLOGI II / AUDIOLOGY CLINIC II School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTA307
KLINIK AUDIOLOGI IV / AUDIOLOGY CLINIC IV School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTA407
Komunikasi Antarabangsa School of Communication, Main Campus YWP402 Bachelor of Communication (Hons)
Komunikasi Antarabangsa Compiler YWP402 Bachelor of Communication (Hons)
Komunikasi dan Masyarakat School of Communication, Main Campus YKT216 Bachelor of Communication (Hons)
Komunikasi dan Masyarakat Compiler YKT216 Bachelor of Communication (Hons)
Komunikasi Pemasaran Bersepadu School of Distance Education, Main Campus JRP 445/4 Bachelor of Management (Hons)
Komunikasi Pemasaran Bersepadu School of Communication, Main Campus YBP300 Bachelor of Communication (Hons)
Komunikasi Pemasaran Bersepadu Compiler YBP300 Bachelor of Communication (Hons)
Land Development and Administration School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SBU347/3
Language Development School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTP107/3
Language Learning Theories School of Humanities, Main Campus HXE 229
Latex Processing / Pemprosesan Lateks School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBP212 Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours
Law for Social Workers School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SSW 223/3
Lean Six Sigma Manufacturing and Management / Pembuatan dan Pengurusan Kejat Enam Sigma School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EPE432 Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours
Linear Algebra School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MGM511
Linear Algebra School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MAT111 Bachelor of Science (Mathematics)
Linear Algebra School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIM 201/4 Bachelor of Science (Hons) Mathematics
Linear and Integer Programming School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MSG352
Linear Models School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MST565
Literature Research Methods / Kaedah Kajian Kesusasteraan School of Distance Education, Main Campus JMK319 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Keusahawanan / Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Entrepreneurship
Local Goverment and Municipal Laws School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SBU313/4
Lukisan Kerja dan Dokumentasi Seni Bina School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RAG 232 Senibina
Lukisan Terukur School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RAL 371 Senibina
Machine Component Design School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus ESA228 Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours
Machine Component Design / Rekabentuk Komponen Mesin School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EMD223 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
Machine Design / Reka Bentuk Mesin School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EMD342 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
Machine Design / Rekabentuk Mesin School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EMD332 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
Machine Vision / Penglihatan Mesin School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEM422 Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours
Macroeconomics School of Management, Main Campus ATW108/3 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) & Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perakaunan (Kepujian)
Makna dan Penterjemahan School of Humanities, Main Campus HBT 223 Bachelor of Arts in Translation and Interpretation
Makroekonomi School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKE 216/4 Bachelor Of Social Science (Hons) Economics
Makroekonomi Pertengahan School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKE 320/4 Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Economics
Makroekonomi (Major Students) School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SEW103 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Ekonomi
Management Accounting School of Management, Main Campus ATW211/3 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian)
Management in Engineering / Pengurusan dalam Kejuruteraan School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EPM331 Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours
Management of Halal Food School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IMK213 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food)
Management of Islamic Asset Development Pusat Kajian Pengurusan Pembangunan Islam SZW501/3 Master of Islamic Development Management
Management of Tropical Diseases School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus BGT402/4 Bachelor of Applied Science (Hons) Applied Biology
Managing A Biomedical-Based Business Institut Penyelidikan Perubatan Molekul TFM 505 Master of Science (Molecular Medicine)
Manufacturing Engineering Integrated Design / Rekabentuk Bersepadu Kejuruteraan Pembuatan School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EPD442 Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours
Manufacturing Laboratory I / Makmal Pembuatan I School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EPL322 Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours
Manufacturing Laboratory I / Makmal Pembuatan I School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EPL212 Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours
Manufacturing Laboratory II / Makmal Pembuatan II School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EPL431 Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours
Manufacturing Laboratory II / Makmal Pembuatan II School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EPL331 Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours
Manufacturing Management and Technology / Pengurusan dan Teknologi Pembuatan School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEM354 Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours
Manufacturing System / Sistem Pembuatan School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EPM321 Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours
Manufacturing Technology I / Teknologi Pembuatan I School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EPP201 Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours
Manufacturing Technology II / Teknologi Pembuatan II School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EPP331 Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours
Manusia dan Persekitaran School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKA 214/4 Bachelor Of Social Science (Hons) Anthropology And Sociology
Marketing Research School of Management, Main Campus AMW345/4 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian)
Mass and Energy Balance / Imbangan Jisim dan Tenaga School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus EKC122 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours
Mass Transfer / Pemindahan Jisim School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus EKC217 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours
Mass Transfer and Separation Processes School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IEK213/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental)
Masyarakat Maklumat School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SAU326 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan
Matematik Perniagaan School of Distance Education, Main Campus JTW 201/4 Bachelor of Management (Hons)
Matematik untuk Teknologi Kejuruteraan/Mathematic for Engineering Technology School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus REG 131 Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan
Material Science / Sains Bahan School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIF517 Bachelor of Science (Honours) Physics
Material Science for Chemical Engineering / Sains Bahan untuk Kejuruteraan Kimia School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus EKC124 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours
Materials Behaviour in Fire / Kelakuan Bahan dalam Kebakaran School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAF522 Master of Science (Fire Safety Engineering)
Materials Behaviour in Fire / Kelakuan Bahan dalam Kebakaran Scenarist EAF522 Master of Science (Fire Safety Engineering)
Materials Processing Laboratory / Makmal Pemprosesan Bahan School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBB317 Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours
Materials Product Design / Rekabentuk Produk Bahan School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBB410 Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours
Materials Properties Laboratory / Makmal Sifat-Sifat Bahan School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBB204 Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours
Materials Selection and Design Analysis / Analisa Reka Bentuk dan Pemilihan Bahan School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBB308 Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours
Materials Thermodynamic / Termodinamik Bahan School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBB236 Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours
Materials Transport Engineering / Kejuruteraan Pengangkutan Bahan School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBS308 Bachelor of Mineral Resources with Honours
Mathematical Algorithms for Computer Graphics School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MSG488
Mathematical Methods School of Physics, Main Campus JIF 315/3 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (HONS) PHYSICS
Mathematical Methods / Kaedah Matematik School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIF315 Bachelor of Science (Honours) Physics
Mathematical Methods For Chemical Engineering / Kaedah Matematik Kejuruteraan Kimia School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus EKC245 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours
Mathematical Modelling School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MAT514
Mathematical Modelling in Engineering / Pemodelan Matematik di dalam Kejuruteraan School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EMT302 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
Mathematical Programming School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MSG456
Mathematics and Technology School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MGM581
Mathematics I School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IUK191/4 General Course
Mathematics II School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IUK291/4 General Course
Mathematics of Finance School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MSG370
Measurement and Instrumentation / Pengukuran dan Peralatan School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EMC201 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
Measurement and Instrumentation / Pengukuran dan Peralatan School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EMC301 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
Measurement and Monitoring of Contaminants School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTK310/4
Mechanical Behaviour of Materials / Kelakuan Mekanik Bahan School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBB346 Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours
Mechanical Engineering Design / Reka Bentuk Kejuruteraan Mekanik School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEM353 Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours
Mechanical Engineering Integrated Design / Rekabentuk Bersepadu Kejuruteraan Mekanik School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EMD431 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
Mechanical Product Design / Reka Bentuk Produk Mekanikal School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EME462 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
Mechanics School of Physics, Main Campus JIF 211/4 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (HONS) PHYSICS
Mechanics / Mekanik School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIF211
Mechanics of Solids / Mekanik Pepejal School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EMM331 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
Mechanics of Structural Materials School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IWK308/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings)
Mechatronic / Mekatronik School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EMC311 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
Mechatronic Design I / Reka Bentuk Mekatronik I School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEM253 Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours
Mechatronic Engineering Practice / Amalan Kejuruteraan Mekatronik School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEM102 Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours
Mechatronic Laboratory I / Makmal Mekatronik I School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEM242 Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours
Mechatronic System Design / Reka Bentuk Sistem Mekatronik School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEM425 Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours
Mechatronic Systems / Sistem Mekatronik School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEM355 Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours
Mechatronics School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus ESA313 Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours
Mechatronics Lab II / Makmal Mekatronik II School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEM344 Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours
Media dan Penterjemahan School of Humanities, Main Campus HBT 321
Medical and urban entomology School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus BET402/4 Bachelor of Applied Science (Hons) Applied Biology
Medical and Veterinary Helminthology School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus BET405/3 Bachelor of Applied Science (Hons) Applied Biology
Medical and Veterinary Protozoology School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus BET403/3 Bachelor of Applied Science (Hons) Applied Biology
Medical Anthropology School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SAU322/3
Medical Bacteriology School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTB 322/3
Medical Nursing Practicum School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTJ405/5
Medical Posting School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNT 302
Medical Social Work School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SSE 373/3
Medical-Surgical Nursing III (Endocrine and Musculoskeletal) School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTJ320/3
Medical-Surgical Nursing IV (Neurology, Otorhinolaryngology and Opthalmology) School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTJ321/3
Mekanik Struktur/Structural Mechanics School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus REG 132 Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan
Membrane Science and Technology / Sains dan Teknologi Membran School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus EKC461 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours
Mendengar dan Bertutur School of Humanities, Main Campus HBT 111 Bachelor of Arts in Translation and Interpretation
Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTJ322/3
Metal Processing and Surface Engineering / Pemprosesan Logam dan Kejuruteraan Permukaan School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBB440 Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours
Methods in Community Work School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SSW 312/4
Methods in Group Work School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SSW 221/4
Metodologi & Teknik Penyelidikan School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RPK 333 Perancangan Bandar
Metrology and Quality Control / Metrologi dan Kawalan Kualiti School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EPM212 Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours
Micro and Nano-Manufacturing Engineering / Kejuruteraan Pembuatan Mikro dan Nano School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EPE441 Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours
Microbiology School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIB 221/4 Bachelor Of Science (Hons) Biology
Microbiology School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIB 221/4 Bachelor of Science (Hons) Biology
Microprocessor I / Mikropemproses I School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE226 Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours
Microprocessor II / Mikropemproses II School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE320 Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours
Microscopy Laboratory / Makmal Mikroskopi School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBB325 Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours
Microwave Circuit Design / Reka Bentuk Litar Mikrogelombang School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE532 Master of Science
Mikrobiologi School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIB221
Mine and Plant Design / Rekabentuk Lombong dan Loji School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBS423 Bachelor of Mineral Resources with Honours
Mineral Chemistry Laboratory / Makmal Kimia Mineral School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBS325 Bachelor of Mineral Resources with Honours
Mineral Deposits / Mendapan Mineral School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBS201 Bachelor of Mineral Resources with Honours
Mineral Processing Laboratory / Makmal Kejuruteraan Pemprosesan Mineral School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBS341 Bachelor of Mineral Resources with Honours
Mineralogy / Mineralogi School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBS209 Bachelor of Mineral Resources with Honours
Mining Engineering Laboratory / Makmal Kejuruteraan Perlombongan School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBS210 Bachelor of Mineral Resources with Honours
Modelling Laboratory I School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MSG381
Modelling Laboratory II School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MSG382
Modern Algebra School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MSS311 Bachelor of Science (Mathematics)
Modern Algebra School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIM 421/3 Bachelor of Science (Hons) Mathematics
Modern Algebra School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIM 503/4 Bachelor of Science (Hons) Mathematics
Modern Communication Systems / Sistem Perhubungan Moden School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE440 Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours
Modern Control for Autopilot / Kawalan Moden untuk Autopilot School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus ESA305 Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours
Modern Indonesian Fiction / Fiksyen Indonesia Moden School of Distance Education, Main Campus JMK222 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Keusahawanan / Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Entrepreneurship
Modern Malay Fiction / Fiksyen Melayu Moden School of Distance Education, Main Campus JMK221 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Keusahawanan / Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Entrepreneurship
Molecular Basis of Diseases Institut Penyelidikan Perubatan Molekul TFM 501 Master of Science (Molecular Medicine)
Molecular Biology / Biologi Molekul School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIB322
Molecular Spectroscopy Pusat Penyelidikan Biokimia Analisis KAA503/4
Morphology and Syntax School of Humanities, Main Campus HET 227
Mould and Die Design / Rekabentuk Acuan dan Dai School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBP302 Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours
Multivariate Analysis School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MSG466
Nanomaterials / Bahan Nano School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBB339 Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours
Nanomaterials in Chemical Engineering / Bahan-Nano dalam Kejuruteraan Kimia School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus EKC354 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours
Network Flows School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MSG354
Neuropsychology School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTP303/2
New Literatures In English From The Asia Pacific / Kesusasteraan Baru Bahasa Inggeris Dari Asia Pasifik School of Distance Education, Main Campus JMK517E/JMK418E Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Keusahawanan / Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Entrepreneurship
Noise and Vibration / Hingar dan Getaran School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EMM352 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
Noise and Vibration Control Technology School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IEK307/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental)
Noise and Vibrations / Hingar dan Getaran School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EMM342 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
Noise Pollution Control / Kawalan Pencemaran Bunyi School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAP318 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Noise Pollution Control / Kawalan Pencemaran Bunyi Scenarist EAP318 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Non-parametric Statistics School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MAT264 Bachelor of Applied Science (Mathematics)
Nuclear And Radiation Physics / Ilmu Fizik Nuklear Dan Sinaran School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIF460 Bachelor of Science (Honours) Physics
Nuclear Medicine Oncological & Radiological Sciences Cluster, AMDI NM Master of Medicine (Nuclear Medicine)
Nuclear Medicine Imaging School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTX325/4
Nuclear Medicine Imaging Techniques School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTX412/3
Number Theory School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MGM502
Numerical Computing / Pengkomputeran Berangka School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EMT101 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
Numerical Methods For Differential Equation School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MAT518
Numerical Methods for Differential Equations School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MSG489 Bachelor of Science (Hons) Mathematics
Numerical Methods for Engineers / Kaedah Berangka untuk Jurutera School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EME411 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
Nursing Foundation 1 School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTJ101/4
Nursing Foundation III School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTJ205/4
Nursing Foundation Practicum I School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTJ213/3
Nursing Foundation Practicum II School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTJ319/3
Nursing Foundation Practicum III School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTJ409/3
Nusantara Poetry / Puisi Nusantara School of Distance Education, Main Campus JMK323 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Keusahawanan / Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Entrepreneurship
Nutrition School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IMK319/2 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food)
Nutrition and Diseases School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTN309/3
Nutrition for Health and Fitness School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTN215/3
Nutrition in a Life Cycle School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTN214/4
Nutrition in Health and Diseases Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI) TCE502 Master of Science (Clinical Exercise Science)
Nutritional Biochemistry School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTN208/3
Occupational Health And Safety In Industry / Keselamatan Dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Dalam Industri School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIK503 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Kimia / Bachelor of Science (Honours) Chemistry
Occupational Safety School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTK201/3
Occupational Safety and Health / Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBB348 Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours
Oceanography School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus BAT306/3 Bachelor of Applied Science (Hons) Applied Biology
OFTALMOLOGI / OPHTHALMOLOGY School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus GMT411
Oleochemical Processing / Pemprosesan Oleokimia School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus EKC358 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours
Operasi Unit School of Chemical Sciences, Main Campus KIT 258
Operations Research School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MGM551
Operations Research Laboratory School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MSG386
Optical and Surface Metrology / Metrologi Optik dan Permukaan School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EPE482 Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours
Oral & Maxillofacial Radiology School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNT 208
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNT 206
Oral Biology School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNT 104
Oral Maxillofacial Surgery & Radiology I School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNT 308
Oral Maxillofacial Surgery And Oral Radiology II School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNT 408
Oral Maxillofacial Surgery And Oral Radiology III School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNT 508
Oral Medicine And Oral Pathology (OM/OP) II School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNT 509
Oral Medicine And Oral Pathology I School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNT 409
Orbital Mechanics / Mekanik Orbit School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus ESA389 Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours
Organic Chemistry / Kimia Organik School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus EKC107 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours
Organic Chemistry I / Kimia Organik I School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIK224 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Kimia / Bachelor of Science (Honours) Chemistry
Organic Chemistry II School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTF217
Organic Chemistry II / Kimia Organik II School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIK322 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Kimia / Bachelor of Science (Honours) Chemistry
Organic Chemistry III School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTF312/3
Organic Chemistry III / Kimia Organik III School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIK422 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Kimia / Bachelor of Science (Honours) Chemistry
Organisational Behaviour School of Management, Main Campus ATW251/3 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) & Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perakaunan (Kepujian)
Orthodontics I School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNT 402
Orthodontics II School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNT 502
ORTOPEDIK I / ORTHOPAEDICS I School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus GMT408
ORTOPEDIK II / ORTHOPAEDICS II School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus GMT508
Outpatient Dietetic Practicum II School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTD406/3
Paediatric Dentistry I School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNT 201
Paediatric Dentistry II School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNT 301
Paediatric Dentistry III School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNT 401
Paediatric Dentistry IV School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNT 501
Paper Technology Laboratory I School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IWA283/2 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings)
Paper Technology Laboratory II School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IWA383/2 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings)
Paradigma dan Teori Sosial School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKA 320/4 Bachelor Of Social Science (Hons) Anthropology And Sociology
Patalogi Bangunan 2 School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RBG 332 Ukur Bangunan
Patalogi Bangunan I School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RBG 231 Ukur Bangunan
Pathophysiology of Non-communicable Diseases Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI) TCE501 Master of Science (Clinical Exercise Science)
Pavement Engineering / Kejuruteraan Turapan School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAL337 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Pavement Engineering / Kejuruteraan Turapan Scenarist EAL337 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Pediatrics for Hearing and Speech School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTP211/3
PEDIATRIK I / PAEDIATRICS I School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus GMT303
PEDIATRIK II / PAEDIATRICS II School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus GMT503
Pemasaran Perkhidmatan School of Distance Education, Main Campus JRW 441/4 Bachelor of Management (Hons)
Pembangunan Bandar School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SBU210 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan
Pembangunan dan Pentadbiran Tanah School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SBU347 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan
Pembangunan Politik Malaysia School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKP 413/4 Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) Political Science
Pembinaan Bangunan 1 School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RAG 161 Senibina
Pembinaan Bangunan 2 School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RAG 265 Senibina
Pembungkusan Makanan School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IMG405
Pemerincian Dan Kemasan Seni Bina Dalaman School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RDB 263 Rekabentuk Dalam
Pemikiran dan Tamadun Melayu School of Humanities, Main Campus HFM 203
Pemikiran Geografi School of Distance Education, Main Campus JMG 215/2 Bachelor Of Arts (Hons) Geography
Pemikiran Kritis School of Humanities, Main Campus HPW 102
Pencahayaan Seni Bina Dalaman School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RDG 262 Rekabentuk Dalam
Pendidikan Literasi Bahasa Malaysia (Literacy Education in Bahasa Malaysia) School of Educational Studies, Main Campus PMC571 Sarjana Sastera Pendidikan
Penerbitan Video Digital School of Communication, Main Campus YKT217 Bachelor of Communication (Hons)
Penerbitan Video Digital Compiler YKT217 Bachelor of Communication (Hons)
Pengantar Alam Bina School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RAS 132 Senibina
Pengantar Arkeologi Pusat Penyelidikan Arkeologi Global UAW 101/4 Master of Arts (MA)
Pengantar Ekonomi School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKE 101/4 Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Economics
Pengantar Geografi School of Distance Education, Main Campus JMG 101/4 Bachelor Of Arts (Hons) Geography
Pengantar Pengajian Islam School of Humanities, Main Campus HIA 101
Pengantar Pengurusan School of Distance Education, Main Campus JTW 101/3 Bachelor of Management (Hons)
Pengantar Pengurusan School of Distance Education, Main Campus JTW 104/4 Bachelor of Management (Hons)
Pengantar Perancangan Dan Pengurusan Pembangunan School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SKW101 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan
Pengantar Sains Politik School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKP 101/4 Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) Political Science
Pengenalan Kepada Psikologi Pengurusan School of Social Sciences, Main Campus JTW224 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian)
Penghantar Pengurusan Projek School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RMK 252 Pengurusan Projek Binaan
Pengiklanan School of Distance Education, Main Campus JRW 344/4 Bachelor of Management (Hons)
Pengukuran 1/Measurement 1 School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RQG 236 Ukur Bahan
Pengukuran 2/Measurement 2 School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RQG 237 Ukur Bahan
Pengukuran Kerja-Kerja Bangunan School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RMK 233 Pengurusan Projek Binaan
Pengukuran Kuantiti/Computerised Quantity Measurement Berkomputer School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RQB 261 Ukur Bahan
Pengukuran Pendidikan (Educational Measurement) School of Educational Studies, Main Campus PMC531 Sarjana Sastera Pendidikan
Pengurusan Binaan dan Kewangan School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RMK 264 Pengurusan Projek Binaan
Pengurusan Institusi Kewangan & Pasaran School of Distance Education, Main Campus JFW 462/3 Bachelor of Management (Hons)
Pengurusan Kesihatan, Keselamatan dan Alam Sekitar School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RMK 156 Pengurusan Projek Binaan
Pengurusan Kos/Cost Management School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RQG 356 Ukur Bahan
Pengurusan Operasi School of Distance Education, Main Campus JTW 223/3 Bachelor of Management (Hons)
Pengurusan Reka Bentuk School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RDB 314 Rekabentuk Dalam
Pengurusan Sumber Manusia School of Distance Education, Main Campus JOP 452/4 Bachelor of Management (Hons)
Pengurusan, Kelestarian & Pengantarabangsaan/Management, Sustainability & Internationalisation School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RQG 355 Ukur Bahan
Penilaian School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RMK 336 Pengurusan Projek Binaan
Penilaian Individu (Individual Appraisal) School of Educational Studies, Main Campus PLK562 Sarjana Kaunseling
Pensejarahan Barat dan Timur School of Distance Education, Main Campus JMS 417/4
Pentadbiran Tanah School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RMK 357 Pengurusan Projek Binaan
Penulisan dan TESOL : Teori, Penyelidikan dan Amalan (Writing and TESOL: Theory, Research and Practice) School of Educational Studies, Main Campus PLG746 EDD dan M.A. (Pendidikan TESOL)
Penulisan Saintific dan Topik Khas Dalam Biologi School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIB380
PENYAKIT BERJANGKIT / INFECTIOUS DISEASE School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus GMT205
Penyuntingan dan Penilaian Terjemahan School of Humanities, Main Campus HBT 410 Bachelor of Arts in Translation and Interpretation
Perakaunan Pengurusan School of Distance Education, Main Campus JTW 212/4 Bachelor of Management (Hons)
Perancangan & Pembangunan Pelancongan School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RPK 323 Perancangan Bandar
Perancangan & Pembangunan Pelancongan School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RPK 223 Perancangan Bandar
Perancangan & Pemuliharaan Alam Sekitar School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RPK 123 Perancangan Bandar
Perancangan dan Penilaian Kempen Komunikasi School of Communication, Main Campus YBP221E Bachelor of Communication (Hons)
Perancangan dan Penilaian Kempen Komunikasi Compiler YBP221E Bachelor of Communication (Hons)
Perancangan Lalu Lintas School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RPK 334 Perancangan Bandar
Perancangan Landskap School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RPK 321 Perancangan Bandar
Perancangan Landskap School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RPK 221 Perancangan Bandar
Perancangan Wilayah & Luar Bandar School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RPK 435 Perancangan Bandar
Periodontics I School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNT 307
Periodontics II School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNT 407
Periodontics III School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNT 507
Perkamusan School of Humanities, Main Campus HBT 222
Perkembangan Manusia Dan Tamadun Pusat Penyelidikan Arkeologi Global UAW 201/4 Master of Arts (MA)
Perkembangan Organisasi School of Distance Education, Main Campus JOW 459/4 Bachelor of Management (Hons)
Perkhidmatan Bangunan/Building Services School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus REG 261 Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan
Perlakuan Organisasi School of Distance Education, Main Campus JTW253 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian)
Perlakuan Pengguna School of Distance Education, Main Campus JRP 443/4 Bachelor of Management (Hons)
Persediaan Interpretasi School of Humanities, Main Campus HBT 303 Bachelor of Arts in Translation and Interpretation
Personal Finance School of Management, Main Campus AFP313/4 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian)
Perspectives and Practice in Health Promotion Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI) TCE506 Master of Science (Clinical Exercise Science)
PERUBATAN KECEMASAN / EMERGENCY MEDICINE School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus GMT517
PERUBATAN KELUARGA / FAMILY MEDICINE School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus GMT410
PERUBATAN PENYAKIT DALAM I / INTERNAL MEDICINE I School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus GMT305
PERUBATAN PREVENTIF / PREVENTIVE MEDICINE School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus GMT414
Peruncitan School of Distance Education, Main Campus JRW 348/4 Bachelor of Management (Hons)
Pesticide Science School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus BEE305/3 Bachelor of Applied Science (Hons) Applied Biology
Petrography and Ore Microscopy / Petrografi dan Mikroskopi Bijih School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBS242 Bachelor of Mineral Resources with Honours
Petroleum and Gas Processing Engineering / Kejuruteraan Pemprosesan Petroleum dan Gas School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus EKC483 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours
Petroleum Engineering / Kejuruteraan Petroleum School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBS418 Bachelor of Mineral Resources with Honours
Pharmaceutical Chemistry School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Main Campus FAR 114 Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Farmasi
Pharmacology II School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTB 318/3
Pharmacometrics School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Main Campus FAR 412 Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Farmasi
Philosophy And Current Issues / Falsafah Dan Isu Semasa School of Distance Education, Main Campus JUF101
Phonetics and Phonology School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTP209/2
Physical Chemistry School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTF 110/4
Physical Chemistry / Kimia Fizik School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus EKC113 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours
Physical Chemistry I / Kimia Fizik I School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIK223 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Kimia / Bachelor of Science (Honours) Chemistry
Physical Chemistry II / Kimia Fizik II School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIK310 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Kimia / Bachelor of Science (Honours) Chemistry
Physical Chemistry III / Kimia Fizikal III School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIK520 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Kimia / Bachelor of Science (Honours) Chemistry
Physical Chemistry of Engineering Materials / Kimia Fizikal Bahan Kejuruteraan School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBB160 Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours
Physical Evidence School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTF301/3
Physical Metallurgy and Heat Treatment / Metalurgi Fizikal dan Rawatan Haba School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBB226 Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours
Physical Mineral Processing / Pemprosesan Fizikal Mineral School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBS322 Bachelor of Mineral Resources with Honours
Physical Properties of Food School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IMK209 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food)
Physics I/Practical 1a School of Physics, Main Campus JIF 103/4 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (HONS) PHYSICS
Physics I/Practical Ia / Fizik I/Amali Ia School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIF103
Physics II/Practical 1b School of Physics, Main Campus JIF 104/4
Physics II/Practical Ib / Fizik II/Amali Ib School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIF104
Physiology and Insect Biochemistry School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus BET307/3 Bachelor of Applied Science (Hons) Applied Biology
Plant Design and Operations / Rekabentuk Loji dan Operasi School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus EKC455 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours
Plant Development Biology School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIB 324/4
Plant Diversity School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus JIB 115/4 Bachelor of Science (HONS) Biology
Plant Diversity School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIB 115/4 Bachelor of Science (Hons) Biology
Plant Molecular Biology School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus BBT403/3 Bachelor of Science (Hons) Biology
Plant Patalogy School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus BGT301/3 Bachelor of Applied Science (Hons) Applied Biology
Plant Physiology and Development School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus BBT305/4 Bachelor of Science (HONS) Biology
Plant Physiology And Development / Fisiologi Dan Perkembangan Tumbuhan School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIB326
Plant Safety / Keselamatan Loji School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus EKC367 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours
Plastic Laboratory / Makmal Plastik School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBP318 Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours
Plastics Compounding and Processing / Penyebatian dan Pemprosesan Plastik School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBP210 Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours
Political Sociology School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SAU327/3
Politik Masyarakat Majmuk School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKP 315/4 Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) Political Science
Politik Perbandingan School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKP 318/4 Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) Political Science
Pollution And Health School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTK202/3
Polymer Degradation and Environment / Degradasi Polimer dan Alam Sekitar School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBP324 Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours
Polymer Engineering Laboratory / Makmal Kejuruteraan Polimer School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBP116 Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours
Polymer in Electronics / Polimer dalam Elektronik School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBP215 Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours
Polymer Organic Chemistry / Kimia Organik Polimer School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBP103 Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours
Polymer Product Design and Development / Rekabentuk dan Pembangunan Produk Polimer School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBP400 Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours
Polymer Rheology / Reologi Polimer School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBP307 Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours
Polymer Structure / Struktur Polimer School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBP202 Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours
Polymer Synthesis and Reaction Engineering / Sintesis Polimer dan Kejuruteraan Tindakbalas School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBP201 Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours
Population, Development and Natural Resources School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SBU305/3
Positive Psychology School of Social Sciences, Main Campus STU 245/4
Positive Psychology School of Social Sciences, Main Campus STU 245/4
Post-Harvest Technology of Fruits and Vegetables School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IMK226 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food)
Poverty and Development School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SBU310/3
Power Electronics / Elektronik Kuasa School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEK361 Bachelor of Electrical Engineering with Honours
Power System Analysis / Analisis Sistem Kuasa School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEK372 Bachelor of Electrical Engineering with Honours
Practical in Bioreactor System School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IBA417/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess)
Practical in Cell and Tissue Culture Technology School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IBA206/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess)
Practical in Downstream Processing Practical in Downstream Processing School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IBA405/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess)
Practical Pathology of Basic Plants School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus BGT302/2 Bachelor of Applied Science (Hons) Applied Biology
Practicum III School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SSW 412/6
Praktikum (Practicum) School of Educational Studies, Main Campus PLK564 Sarjana Kaunseling
Praktikum II School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SSW313/6
Pre-Stressed Concrete Design / Reka Bentuk Konrit Pra-Tegasan School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAS458 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Pre-Stressed Concrete Design / Reka Bentuk Konrit Pra-Tegasan Scenarist EAS458 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Preparatory English / Bahasa Inggeris Persediaan School of Distance Education, Main Campus JUE100
Primary Health Care, Family and Community School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTJ210/3
Primary Products Technology School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IMK421/2 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food)
Principle of Structural Design / Prinsip Reka Bentuk Struktur School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAS664 Master of Science (Structural Engineering)
Principle of Structural Design / Prinsip Reka Bentuk Struktur Scenarist EAS664 Master of Science (Structural Engineering)
Principle of Transfusion and Transplantation Science Regenerative Medicine Cluster, AMDI TTS 502 Master of Medicine (Transfusion Medicine)
Principles and Mechanics of Materials . Prinsip dan Mekanik Bahan School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEM101 Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours
Principles of Exercise Testing and Prescription Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI) TCE505 Master of Science (Clinical Exercise Science)
Principles of Food Preparation School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTN202/3
Principles of Intelligent Systems / Prinsip Sistem Pintar School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEM348 Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours
Principles of Marketing School of Management, Main Campus ATW241/3 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian) & Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perakaunan (Kepujian)
Principles of Medical Nutrition Therapy I School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTD311/3
Prinsip Kewangan School of Distance Education, Main Campus JTW 302/4 Bachelor of Management (Hons)
Prinsip Kewangan School of Distance Education, Main Campus JTW302 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian)
Prinsip Pemasaran School of Distance Education, Main Campus JTW 241/3 Bachelor of Management (Hons)
Prinsip Perakaunan Kewangan School of Distance Education, Main Campus JTW 114/4 Bachelor of Management (Hons)
Prinsip-Prinsip Ekonomi Binaan School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RMK 153 Pengurusan Projek Binaan
Prinsip-Prinsip Perancangan School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RPK 231 Perancangan Bandar
Prinsip-Prinsip Perancangan School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RPK 131 Perancangan Bandar
Prinsip-Prinsip Rekaan Senibina School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RAK 232 Senibina
Prinsip-Prinsip Ukur Bahan/Principles of Quality Surveying School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RQG 131 Ukur Bahan
Probability and Engineering Statistic / Kebarangkalian dan Statistik Kejuruteraan School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE382 Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours
Probability Theory School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MGM562
Probability Theory School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MAT263 Bachelor of Science (Mathematics)
Process Control / Kawalan Proses School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBB438 Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours
Process Design and Analysis / Rekabentuk Proses dan Analisis School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus EKC451 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours
Process Dynamics and Control / Kawalan Proses dan Dinamik School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus EKC361 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours
Process Fluid Mechanics School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IEK108/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental)
Process Heat Transfer School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IEK212/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental)
Process Heat Transfer / Proses Pemindahan Haba School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus EKC216 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours
Process Intensification in Chemical Processes / Intensifikasi Proses dalam Proses-proses Kimia School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus EKC352 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours
Processing Technology of Animal Based-Food Products School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IMG223/4 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food)
Processing Technology of Plant Based-Food Products School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IMG224 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food)
Product Design and Development / Rekabentuk dan Pembangunan Produk School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EPD212 Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours
Production Management / Pengurusan Pengeluaran School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EPM342 Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours
Professional and Research Skills Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI) TMR504 Master of Science (Health Toxicology)
Professional Development School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNT 105
Professional Ethics / Etika Profesional School of Distance Education, Main Campus JUR101
Professional Training School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTX416/4
Programming for Civil Engineering / Pengaturcaraan untuk Kejuruteraan Awam School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAA111 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Programming for Civil Engineering / Pengaturcaraan untuk Kejuruteraan Awam Scenarist EAA111 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Programming for Scientific Applications School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MAT100 Bachelor of Applied Science (Mathematics and Economics)
Programming for Scientific Applications School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MAT181 Bachelor of Science (Mathematics)
Project Management / Pengurusan Projek School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EPM432 Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours
Project Management / Pengurusan Projek School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAA486 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Project Management / Pengurusan Projek Scenarist EAA486 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Project Management / Pengurusan Projek School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EPE431 Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours
Project Management / Pengurusan Projek School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus EKC309 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours
Project Management in Research Institut Penyelidikan Perubatan Molekul TFM 508 Master of Science (Molecular Medicine)
Project Planning and Management School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SBW300/3
Project: Selected Social Issues School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKA 515E/4 Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Anthropology and Sociology
Projek (Project) School of Educational Studies, Main Campus PLK599 Sarjana Kaunseling
Projek Pengurusan School of Distance Education, Main Campus JTW580 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian)
PROJEK PENYELIDIKAN / RESEARCH PROJECT School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTA401
Projek Penyelidikan Pengurusan Projek Binaan School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RML 470 Pengurusan Projek Binaan
Projek Penyelidikan Perancangan Bandar & Wilayah School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RPK 472 Perancangan Bandar
Projek Tahun Akhir Ukur Bahan/Quantity Surveying Final Year Project School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RQL 371 Ukur Bahan
Projek Tahun Akhir Ukur Bangunan School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RBL 370 Ukur Bangunan
Projek Tahun Akhir Ukur Bangunan 2 School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RBL 372 Ukur Bangunan
Projek Terjemahan 1 School of Humanities, Main Campus HBT 305 Bachelor of Arts in Translation and Interpretation
Projek Terjemahan 2 School of Humanities, Main Campus HBT 411 Bachelor of Arts in Translation and Interpretation
Properties of Polymer Materials Engineering / Sifat-sifat Kejuruteraan Bahan Polimer School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBP306 Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours
Propulsion System / Sistem Dorongan School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus ESA344 Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours
Proses, Strategi & Teknik Kaunseling Individu (Individual Counselling, Processes, Strategies & Techniques) School of Educational Studies, Main Campus PLK556 Sarjana Kaunseling
Prospecting Geochemistry / Geokimia Carigali School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBS328 Bachelor of Mineral Resources with Honours
Prosthodontics I School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNT 306
Prosthodontics II School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNT 406
Prosthodontics III School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNT 506
PSIKIATRI I / PSYCHIATRY I School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus GMT409
PSIKIATRI II / PSYCHIATRY II School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus GMT509
Psikologi Grief (Psychology of Grief) School of Educational Studies, Main Campus PLK569 Sarjana Kaunseling
Psikologi Pengurusan School of Distance Education, Main Campus JOW 460/3 Bachelor of Management (Hons)
Psychology and Behavioural Science School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTU105/3
Psychology and Sociology of Language School of Humanities, Main Campus HET 524
Public Sector Economics School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKE 512E/4 Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Economics
Public Sector Management School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SPU 323E/3
Pulp Production and Paper Recycling School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IWK103/4 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings)
Pyrometallurgy / Pirometalurgi School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBS323 Bachelor of Mineral Resources with Honours
Quality Assurance and Safety of Bioprocess Products School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IBK411/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess)
Quality Assurance in Medical Radiation I School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTX414/3
Quality Control School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MSG362
Quality Control and Management / Kawalan dan Pengurusan Mutu School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBB442 Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours
Quality Management System School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EPE411 Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours
Quality Techniques / Kaedah-Kaedah Kualiti School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEM421 Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours
Quantitative Economics School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKE 316E/4 Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Economics
Quantum Mechanics / Mekanik Kuantum School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIF424 Bachelor of Science (Honours) Physics
Queueing System and Simulation School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MSG453
Radiation Protection and Safety I School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTX322/3
Raw Materials and Coatings Chemistry School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IWK201/4 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings)
Raw Materials and Structural Ceramics / Bahan Mentah dan Seramik Struktur School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBB212 Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours
Reactor Design and Analysis / Rekabentuk dan Analisis Reaktor School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus EKC338 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours
Real Analysis School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MSS402 Bachelor of Science (HONS) Mathematics
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning / Penyejukan dan Penyamanan Udara School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EME431 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
Regression Analysis School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MSG469
Regulations and Quality Management Systems for the Biomedical Industry Institut Penyelidikan Perubatan Molekul TFM 507 Master of Science (Molecular Medicine)
Reinforced Concrete Structural Design I / Reka Bentuk Struktur Konkrit Bertetulang I School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAS353 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Reinforced Concrete Structural Design I / Reka Bentuk Struktur Konkrit Bertetulang I Scenarist EAS353 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Reinforced Concrete Structural Design II / Reka Bentuk Struktur Konkrit Bertetulang II School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAS356 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Reinforced Concrete Structural Design II / Reka Bentuk Struktur Konkrit Bertetulang II Scenarist EAS356 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Reka Bentuk Bantuan Komputer untuk Seni Bina School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RAG 234 Senibina
Reka Bentuk Perabot School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RDG 366 Rekabentuk Dalam
Rekabentuk Struktur Konkrit/Design of Concrete Structure School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus REG 371 Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan
Reliability Engineering / Kejuruteraan Kebolehpercayaan School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEM423 Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours
Religion and Social Relations School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SAU324/3
Renewable and Alternative Energies / Tenaga-tenaga Alternatif dan Boleh Diperbaharui School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus EKC377 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours
Renewable Biomass School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IBK212/2 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess)
Renewable Energy / Tenaga Diperbaharui School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEK477 Bachelor of Electrical Engineering with Honours
Research Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI) TMT520 Master of Science (Health Toxicology)
Research Method For Sustainable Development Centre for Global Sustainability Studies (CGSS) NDP 502 Master In Sustainable Development Practice
Research Methods for Development School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SBW208/3
Research Methods In Chemistry And Seminar / Kaedah Penyelidikan Kimia Dan Seminar School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIK401 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Kimia / Bachelor of Science (Honours) Chemistry
Research Project School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTS409/10
Research Project School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTB 411/8
Research Project School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTP402/6
Research Project School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTK402/8
Research Project in Nutrition School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTN409/12
Research Projects in Dietetics School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTD410/6
Research Proposal and Report Planning Methods School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKA 421E/2 Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Anthropology and Sociology
Resin Manufacturing / Penghasilan Resin School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBP314 Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours
Restorative School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus GNT 205
Revolusi Industri Pengalaman Britain School of Distance Education, Main Campus JMS 517/4
RF and Microwave Engineering / Kejuruteraan Gelombang Mikro and RF School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE322 Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours
Rings and Fields School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MSS416 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (HONS) MATHEMATICS
River Conservation and Rehabilitation / Pengekalan dan Pemulihan Sungai School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAH416 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
River Conservation and Rehabilitation / Pengekalan dan Pemulihan Sungai Scenarist EAH416 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Robotic and Automation / Robotik dan Automasi School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EPC431 Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours
Robotic and Automation / Robotik dan Pengautomatan School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE355 Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours
Robotic and Smart Factory / Robotik dan Kilang Pintar School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EPC451 Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering with Management with Honours
Robotics / Robotik School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEM343 Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours
Robotik Termaju School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE526 Master of Science
Rock Engineering and Tunneling Technology / Kejuruteraan Batuan dan Teknologi Terowongan School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAG443 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Rock Engineering and Tunneling Technology / Kejuruteraan Batuan dan Teknologi Terowongan Scenarist EAG443 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Rubber Engineering / Kejuruteraan Getah School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBP420 Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours
Rubber Laboratory / Makmal Getah School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBP220 Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours
Rubber: Processing and Products / Getah: Pemprosesan dan Produk School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBP308 Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours
Rural and Regional Development School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SBU201/3
Sains Dalam Arkeologi Pusat Penyelidikan Arkeologi Global UAW 302/4 Master of Arts (MA)
SAINS MAKMAL / LABORATORY SCIENCE School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTB106
Sains Persekitaran 1 School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RAG 121 Senibina
Sains Persekitaran 2 School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RAG 322 Senibina
Sains, Teknologi, Masyarakat dan Pembangunan Lestari (Science, Technology, Society and Sustainable Development) School of Educational Studies, Main Campus PMC512
Sample Survey and Sampling Technique School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MSG368
Satellite Communications Systems / Sistem Komunikasi Satelit School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus ESA401 Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours
Sejarah Asia Timur School of Humanities, Main Campus HSC 324
Sejarah China Moden School of Distance Education, Main Campus JMS 319/3 (JMS 414/3)
Sejarah dan Teori Seni Bina 1 School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RAK 344 Senibina
Sejarah dan Teori Seni Bina 2 School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RAK 346 Senibina
Sejarah dan Teori Seni Reka School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RDG 334 Rekabentuk Dalam
Sejarah India Moden School of Distance Education, Main Campus JMS 320/3 (JMS 413/3)
Sejarah Kajian Tempatan School of Distance Education, Main Campus JMS 418/4
Sejarah Sosio-Politik Malaysia: Gerakan protes School of Distance Education, Main Campus JMS 416/4 Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Literature
SEL DAN TISU / CELL AND TISSUE School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus GMT101
Selected Studies Of Malay Classical Texts / Kajian Teks Melayu Klasik Terpilih School of Distance Education, Main Campus JMK214 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Keusahawanan / Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Entrepreneurship
Semiconductor And Devices / Semikonduktor Dan Peranti School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIF418 Bachelor of Science (Honours) Physics
Semiconductor Device Test and Measurement / Ujian dan Pengukuran Peranti Semikonduktor School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE301 Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours
Semiconductor Devices and Optoelectronics / Peranti Semikonduktor dan Optoelektronik School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBB424 Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours
Semiconductor Fabrication Technology / Teknologi Fabrikasi Semikonduktor School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBB323 Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours
Semiconductor Materials / Bahan Semikonduktor School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBB215 Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours
Seminar of Public Administration School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SPU 406/3
Seminar Pengurusan School of Distance Education, Main Campus JTW501 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian)
Senggaraan Bangunan School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RBG 351 Ukur Bangunan
Separation Process / Proses Pemisahan School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus EKC316 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours
Service Operations Management School of Management, Main Campus APP381/4 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian)
Signal and System / Isyarat dan Sistem School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE228 Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours
Signal Integrity for High-Speed Digital Design / Integriti Isyarat bagi Reka Bentuk Digital Hala Laju Tinggi School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE552 Master of Science
Sistem Bangunan Berindustri (IBS) / Industrialised Building Sustem (IBS) School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus REG 460 Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan
SISTEM ENDOKRIN / ENDOCRINE SYSTEM School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus GMT202
SISTEM GASTROUSUS / GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus GMT108
SISTEM GENITOURINARI / GENITOURINARY SYSTEM School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus GMT109
Sistem Kawalan Termaju School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE550 Master of Science
Sistem Maklumat Geografi (GIS) & Rekabentuk Bantuan Komputer (CAD) Untuk Perancangan School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RPG 235 Perancangan Bandar
SISTEM OTOT RANGKA / MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus GMT204
SISTEM REPRODUKTIF / REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus GMT203
SISTEM RESPIRATORI / RESPIRATORY SYSTEM School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus GMT105
Social and Environmental Accounting School of Management, Main Campus ACE465/3 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perakaunan (Kepujian)
Social and Environmental Impact Assessment School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SBU348/4
Social Planning and Policy School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SSW 322E/3
Social Psychology School of Social Sciences, Main Campus STU 242/4
Social Work Philosophy, Values and Ethics School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SSW 111/3
Social Work Philosophy, Values and Ethics School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SSW 111/3
Social Work Practice in Schools School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SSW 310/3
Social Work Research School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SSW 352/4
Social Work Seminar School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SSW 413E/4
Society and Environment Project School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IEA112/4 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental)
Sociolinguistics School of Humanities, Main Campus HET 325
Sociology of Everyday Life School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SAU407/3
Software Engineering / Kejuruteraan Perisian School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE430 Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours
Soil Mechanics / Mekanik Tanah School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAG245 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Soil Mechanics / Mekanik Tanah Scenarist EAG245 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Soil Stabilization and Ground Improvement / Penstabilan Tanah dan Pembaikan Tapak / School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAG444 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Soil Stabilization and Ground Improvement / Penstabilan Tanah dan Pembaikan Tapak / Scenarist EAG444 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Solid and Hazardous Waste Management / Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal dan Berbahaya School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAP585 Master of Science (Environmental Engineering)
Solid and Hazardous Waste Management / Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal dan Berbahaya Scenarist EAP585 Master of Science (Environmental Engineering)
Solid State Physics / Fizik Keadaan Pepejal School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIF516 Bachelor of Science (Honours) Physics
Solid Waste Management / Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAP415 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Solid Waste Management / Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal Scenarist EAP415 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Sosiologi Keluarga School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SAU200 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan
South East Asian Politics School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKP 417E/4 Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) Political Science
Southeast Asian Politics School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SPU 325/3
Space Environment / Persekitaran Angkasa School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus ESA404 Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours
Spacecraft Sub-system Design / Rekabentuk Subsistem Kapal Angkasa School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus ESA382 Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours
Spacecraft System Design / Rekabentuk Sistem Kapal Angkasa School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus ESA481 Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours
Special Topics In Organic And Inorganic Chemistry / Tajuk Khas Dalam Kimia Organik Dan Kimia Takorganik School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIK502 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Kimia / Bachelor of Science (Honours) Chemistry
Special Topics In Physical And Analytical Chemistry / Tajuk-Tajuk Khas Dalam Kimia Fizik Dan Kimia Analitis School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIK501 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Kimia / Bachelor of Science (Honours) Chemistry
Specialty Engineering Polymer / Polimer Kejuruteraan Khusus School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBP412 Bachelor of Polymer Engineering with Honours
Speech Pathology Clinic I School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTP203/2
Speech Pathology Clinic III School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTP304/3
Speech Pathology Clinic V School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTP403/6
Speech Pathology Clinic VI School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTP406/6
Speech Pathology Clinical Placement School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTP409/6
Sports Biomechanics and Kinesiology School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTS313/3
Sports Injuries and Rehabilitation School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTS312/3
Sports Nutrition School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTS311/3
Sports Psychology School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTS205/3
Statics / Statik School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EMM102 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
Statics and Dynamics / Statik dan Dinamik School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAS151 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Statics and Dynamics / Statik dan Dinamik Scenarist EAS151 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Statistical Inference School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MAT363 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (HONS) MATHEMATICS
Statistical Inference School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MST561
Statistical Inference School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MGM563
Statistical Laboratory School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MSG287 Bachelor Of Applied Science (Mathematics And Economics)
Statistical Mechanics / Mekanik Statistik School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIF415 Bachelor of Science (Honours) Physics
Statistical Methods School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIM 212/4 Bachelor of Science (Hons) Mathematics
Statistical Methods for Research School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MGM561
Statistical Reliability School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MST564
Statistics for Forensic Science School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTF409
Statistics for Science Students School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MAA161 Bachelor of Science (Mathematics)
Statistics with Computer Applications School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IUK108/4 General Course
Statistik Perniagaan School of Distance Education, Main Campus JTW 125/4 Bachelor of Management (Hons)
Stochastic Processes School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MST562
Stock Preparation and Paper Making School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IWK203/4 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) ( Bioresource, Paper and Coatings)
Strategi Interpretasi School of Humanities, Main Campus HBT 432 Bachelor of Arts in Translation and Interpretation
Strategic Management School of Distance Education, Main Campus JTW503E Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian)
Strategic Marketing School of Distance Education, Main Campus JRP 447E/4 Bachelor of Management (Hons)
Strength of Materials / Kekuatan Bahan School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAS152 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Strength of Materials / Kekuatan Bahan Scenarist EAS152 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Strength of Materials / Kekuatan Bahan School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus ESA225 Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours
Strength of Materials / Kekuatan Bahan School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EMM213 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
Structural Analysis / Analisis Struktur Scenarist EAS254 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Structural Analysis / Analisis Struktur School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAS254 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Structural Design for Fire Safety / Reka Bentuk untuk Keselamatan Kebakaran School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAF525 Master of Science (Fire Safety Engineering)
Structural Design for Fire Safety / Reka Bentuk untuk Keselamatan Kebakaran Scenarist EAF525 Master of Science (Fire Safety Engineering)
Structural Dynamics / Dinamik Struktur School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus ESA322 Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours
Structural Retrofitting Technology / Teknologi Pemulihan Struktur School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAS662 Master of Science (Structural Engineering)
Structural Retrofitting Technology / Teknologi Pemulihan Struktur Scenarist EAS662 Master of Science (Structural Engineering)
Structural Steel Design / Reka Bentuk Struktur Keluli Scenarist EAS457 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Structural Steel Design / Reka Bentuk Struktur Keluli School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAS457 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Structure and Evolution Plants School of Biological Sciences, Main Campus BBT309/4 Bachelor of Science (HONS) Biology
Structure and Function of Humans I School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTU101/3
Structures and Strength of Materials Laboratory / Makmal Struktur dan Kekuatan Bahan School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAA204 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Structures and Strength of Materials Laboratory / Makmal Struktur dan Kekuatan Bahan Scenarist EAA204 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Structures, Concrete and Fluid Mechanics Laboratory / Makmal Struktur, Konkrit dan Mekanik Bendalir School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAA206 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Structures, Concrete and Fluid Mechanics Laboratory / Makmal Struktur, Konkrit dan Mekanik Bendalir Scenarist EAA206 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Studio Asas Pengurusan Projek Binaan School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RMS 101 Pengurusan Projek Binaan
Studio Asas Ukur Bangunan School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RBS 101 Ukur Bangunan
Studio Audit Bangunan dan Keselamatan School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RBS 205 Ukur Bangunan
Studio Bahan & Sistem Struktur / Material & Structural System Studio School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RES 203 Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan
Studio Bersepadu (Perancangan) School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RPS 104 Perancangan Bandar
Studio Infrastruktur, Tenaga & Pengangkutan / Infrastructure, Energy & Transportation Studio School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus REG 301 Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan
Studio Isu Kontemporari Dalam Pengurusan Projek Binaan School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RMS 306 Pengurusan Projek Binaan
Studio Kawalan Bangunan School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RBS 102 Ukur Bangunan
Studio Kejuruteraan Perkhidmatan & Teknologi Alam Sekitar / Engineering Services & Environmental Technology Studio School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RES 204 Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan
Studio Kompetensi Pengurusan Projek Binaan School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RMS 102 Pengurusan Projek Binaan
Studio Operasi Fasiliti dan Pengurusan Senggaraan School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RMS 305 Pengurusan Projek Binaan
Studio Pembinaan School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RMS 204 Pengurusan Projek Binaan
Studio Pengurusan Fasiliti dan Aset Menyeluruh School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RBS 307 Ukur Bangunan
Studio Pengurusan Penyenggaraan Bangunan School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RBS 304 Ukur Bangunan
Studio Perancangan 1 School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RPS 205 Perancangan Bandar
Studio Perancangan 2 School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RPS 206 Perancangan Bandar
Studio Perancangan 3 School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RPS 307 Perancangan Bandar
Studio Perancangan 4 School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RPS 308 Perancangan Bandar
Studio Perancangan 5 School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RPS 409 Perancangan Bandar
Studio Perancangan Bandar & Wilayah 3 School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RPS 303 Perancangan Bandar
Studio Perancangan Bandar & Wilayah 4 School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RPS 304 Perancangan Bandar
Studio Pra-Pembinaan School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RMS 203 Pengurusan Projek Binaan
Studio Reka Bentuk (Perancangan) School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RPS 106 Perancangan Bandar
Studio Rekabentuk 1 School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RAS 101 Senibina
Studio Rekabentuk Berbantuan Komputer & Pemodelan Informasi / Computer Aided Design & Information Modelling Studio School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RES 401 Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan
Studio Seni Bina 1 School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RAS 203 Senibina
Studio Seni Bina 3 School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RAS 305 Senibina
Studio Seni Bina 4 School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RAS 306 Senibina
Studio Seni Bina Dalaman School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RDS 201 Rekabentuk Dalam
Studio Seni Bina Dalaman 2 School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RDS 202 Rekabentuk Dalam
Studio Seni Bina Dalaman 3 School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RDS 301 Rekabentuk Dalam
Studio Seni Bina Dalaman 4 School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RDS 302 Rekabentuk Dalam
Studio Seni Bina Dalaman 5 School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RDS 401 Rekabentuk Dalam
Studio Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan 2 / Building Engineering Technology Studio 2 School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RES 104 Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan
Studio Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunann 1 / Building Engineering Technology 1 School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RES 103 Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan
Studio Teknologi Konservasi Bangunan School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RBS 206 Ukur Bangunan
Studio Ukur Bahan 1/Quantity Surveying Studio 1 School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RQS 201 Ukur Bahan
Studio Ukur Bahan 1/Quantity Surveying Studio 1 School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RQS 101 Ukur Bahan
Studio Ukur Bahan 2/Quantity Surveying Studio 2 School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RQS 102 Ukur Bahan
Studio Ukur Bahan 2/Quantity Surveying Studio 2 School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RQS 202 Ukur Bahan
Studio Ukur Bahan 3/Quantity Surveying Studio 3 School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RQS 303 Ukur Bahan
Studio Ukur Bahan 4/Quantity Surveying Studio 4 School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RQS 304 Ukur Bahan
SURGERI I / SURGERY I School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus GMT304
SURGERI UMUM II / SURGERY II School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus GMT504
Surgical Nursing Practicum School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTJ406/4
Survival Analysis School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MSG460
Sustainable Concrete Materials and Practices / Bahan dan Amalan Konkrit Lestari Scenarist EAS357 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Sustainable Concrete Materials and Practices / Bahan dan Amalan Konkrit Lestari School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAS357 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Sustainable Transport / Pengangkutan Lestari School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAL339 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Sustainable Transport / Pengangkutan Lestari Scenarist EAL339 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Tatabahasa Pedagogi Untuk TESOL (Pedagogical Grammar For TESOL) School of Educational Studies, Main Campus PET226 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan (Pendidikan TESOL)
Techniques in Geography School of Distance Education, Main Campus JMG 213E/4 Bachelor Of Arts (Hons) Geography
Technology and Application of Engineering Polymers / Teknologi dan Aplikasi Polimer Kejuruteraan School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBB347 Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours
Technology and Innovation Management School of Management, Main Campus APP378/4 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan (Kepujian)
Technology and Society School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SBU220/3
Technology Management and Intellectual Property Institut Penyelidikan Perubatan Molekul TFM 506 Master of Science (Molecular Medicine)
Teknik Persembahan Reka Bentuk School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RDG 323 Rekabentuk Dalam
Teknologi Dalam Pendidikan Sains (Technology in Science Education) School of Educational Studies, Main Campus PMC513
Teknologi Geomatik/Geomatic Technology School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus REG 233 Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan
Teknologi Infrastruktur/Infrastructure Technology School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus REG 265 Teknologi Kejuruteraan Bangunan
Teori & Falsafah Perancangan School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RPK 331 Perancangan Bandar
Teori Antropologi dan Sosiologi Lanjutan School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKA 420/3 Bachelor of Political Science (Hons) Anthropology and Sociology
Teori Antropologi dan Sosiologi Lanjutan School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SAW301 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan
Teori Dan Isu Pembangunan School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SBW205 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Kemasyarakatan
Teori dan Kaedah Terjemahan 1 School of Humanities, Main Campus HBT 201 Bachelor of Arts in Translation and Interpretation
Teori dan Kaedah Terjemahan 2 School of Humanities, Main Campus HBT 208 Bachelor of Arts in Translation and Interpretation
Teori dan Praktik Interpretasi School of Humanities, Main Campus HBT 310 Bachelor of Arts in Translation and Interpretation
Teori Pemujukan School of Communication, Main Campus YBP203 Bachelor of Communication (Hons)
Teori Pemujukan Compiler YBP203 Bachelor of Communication (Hons)
Teori Psikometrik (Psychometric Theory) School of Educational Studies, Main Campus PMC532 Sarjana Sastera Pendidikan
Terapi Antimikrob School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Main Campus FAR 241 Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Farmasi
Terapi Antimikrob School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Main Campus FAR 241 Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Farmasi
Terapi Keluarga School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SSE 463 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Kerja Sosial
The Selected Literary Works Of Modern African Literature / Karya Terpilih Kesusasteraan Afrika Moden School of Distance Education, Main Campus JMK315E iIjazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Keusahawanan / Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Entrepreneurship
The Strategies and Skills of Conflict Resolution School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SPU 327/3
Theory and Practice of Conflict Resolution School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SPU 322/3
Theory and Practice of Conflict Resolution School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SPU 322/3
Theory of Structures / Teori Struktur School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAS253 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Theory of Structures / Teori Struktur Scenarist EAS253 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Therapeutic Exercises School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTS407/3
Therapeutic Products and Practices Oncological & Radiological Sciences Cluster, AMDI TMR 508 Master of Science (Medical Research)
Thermodynamics School of Physics, Main Campus JIF 314/2 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (HONS) PHYSICS
Thermodynamics / Termodinamik School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIF314 Bachelor of Science (Honours) Physics
Thermodynamics / Termodinamik School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EMH211 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer / Termodinamik dan Pemindahan Haba School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus ESA213 Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours
Thermofluids / Termobendalir School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEM223 Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours
Timber and Masonry Engineering / Kejuruteraan Kayu dan Batu-Bata School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAS451 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Timber and Masonry Engineering / Kejuruteraan Kayu dan Batu-Bata Scenarist EAS451 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Time Series Analysis School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MSG467
Toxicology School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTB 319/3
Transfusion in Clinical Medicine, Transplantation in Clinical Medicine & Management of Blood Transfusion Service Regenerative Medicine Cluster, AMDI TTS 503, TTS 505 & TTS 506 Master of Medicine (Transfusion Medicine)
Transport Phenomena / Fenomena Pengangkutan School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus EKC314 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours
Transport Planning Process and Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) / Proses Perancangan Pengangkutan dan Penilaian Impak Lalu Lintas School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAL434 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Transport Planning Process and Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) / Proses Perancangan Pengangkutan dan Penilaian Impak Lalu Lintas Scenarist EAL434 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Transport Processes / Proses-proses Pengangkutan School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus EBB433 Bachelor of Materials Engineering with Honours
Transportation and Road Safety / Pengangkutan dan Keselamatan Jalan Raya Scenarist EAL338 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Transportation and Road Safety / Pengangkutan dan Keselamatan Jalan Raya School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAL338 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Treatment and Management of Scheduled Wastes School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IEK219/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental)
Treatment and Management of Solid Wastes School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IEK218/3 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental)
Tribology / Tribologi School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus EME452 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
Undang-Undang dan Amalam Pengurusan Projek Binaan 1 School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RMK 255 Pengurusan Projek Binaan
Undang-Undang dan Amalan Pengurusan Projek Binaan 2 School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RMK 455 Pengurusan Projek Binaan
Undang-Undang Perancangan School of Housing, Building and Planning, Main Campus RPK 359 Perancangan Bandar
Undergraduate Project / Projek Prasiswazah School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE499 Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours
Unit Operation in Food Processing School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IMK225 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food)
Unit Operations Laboratory School of Industrial Technology, Main Campus IEA201/2 Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental)
Urban Development School of Social Sciences, Main Campus SBU210/3
Urban Water Management / Pengurusan Air Bandar School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAH417 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Urban Water Management / Pengurusan Air Bandar Scenarist EAH417 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Usul Penyelidikan Sains Politik School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKP 419/2 Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) Political Science
Vaccines and Novel Therapeutics Institut Penyelidikan Perubatan Molekul TFM 503 Master of Science (Molecular Medicine)
Vector Calculus School of Mathematical Sciences, Main Campus MAT203 Bachelor of Science (Mathematics)
Vector Calculus School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIM 319/4 Bachelor of Science (Hons) Mathematics
VLSI System / Sistem VLSI School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus EEE344 Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours
Voice and Resonance Disorders School of Health Sciences, Health Campus GTP306/3
Wang dan Perbankan School of Distance Education, Main Campus JKE 213/4 Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Economics
Wastewater Engineering / Kejuruteraan Air Sisa School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAP582 Master of Science (Environmental Engineering)
Wastewater Engineering / Kejuruteraan Air Sisa School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAP315 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Wastewater Engineering / Kejuruteraan Air Sisa Scenarist EAP582 Master of Science (Environmental Engineering)
Wastewater Engineering / Kejuruteraan Air Sisa Scenarist EAP315 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Wastewater Treatment Engineering / Kejuruteraan Rawatan Air Sisa School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus EKC475 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours
Water Supply and Treatment Engineering / Kejuruteraan Bekalan dan Olahan Air School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAP215 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Water Supply and Treatment Engineering / Kejuruteraan Bekalan dan Olahan Air Scenarist EAP215 Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
Water Supply Engineering / Kejuruteraan Bekalan Air School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus EAP581 Master of Science (Environmental Engineering)
Water Supply Engineering / Kejuruteraan Bekalan Air Scenarist EAP581 Master of Science (Environmental Engineering)
Waves and Vibrations School of Physics, Main Campus JIF 213/2 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (HONS) PHYSICS
Waves And Vibrations / Getaran Dan Gelombang School of Distance Education, Main Campus JIF213 Bachelor of Science (Honours) Physics
Writing For Professional Purposes / Penulisan Untuk Keperluan Profesional School of Distance Education, Main Campus JUE402
X-Ray Analysis / Analisis Sinar-X School of Physics, Main Campus ZCE451